While we wait for the full interview, we have some excerpts from across the net, which range from the very moving (about Heath Ledger and his parents' divorce) to the typically hysterical - Jake likes to jump and he loves horns (musical horns that is). So here are some snippets.

The New York Post has this to say about Jake and this interview: 'But, if it's possible, this new interview in the May issue of GQ Magazine made me see him in a more extreme light. He's an even funnier, kinder, more thoughtful fella than I assumed before.'
And some quotes from there '"I just loved jumping whenever they said 'Jump!' I loved the idea that someone would say just go ahead and jump: 'Man, you know what? Just go ahead and f***ing jump!' 'Really?' And Van Halen was like, 'Yes, my friend.'"

'Kinder, via his family: "During conversation [about his parents divorce], Jake also says this: 'Family ... my family, you know ... I love them ... whatever they do, whatever they are ... I love them ... you're actually going to make me cry ...' And just a little, he does." Thoughtful, via his love of horns: "Horns are, to me, the most affirmative instrument to say there is something beyond where we are. In Mumford & Sons [music], whenever those horns come on, I feel like it's all going to be okay. Life's all good -- for the whole world. Maybe that's sophomoric, but I really feel that in my heart."'

'"Some relationships last a lifetime, and some relationships don’t,” he said. ”I think it takes a lot of courage for my parents to make the decision that they made, and I trust both of them and their outlook on life. They’re wonderful parents to me and my sister [Maggie].” “I think any successful marriage, even if it hasn’t lasted for a lifetime, will create a sense of an ideal,” he goes on. “But I don’t have a fantasy. There’s not a fantasy. I know it’s messy, is what I want to say.”' Source.

And from Just Jared. On working with Heath Ledger: “He was very sensitive. He didn’t always have a sense of performance in his everyday life. He knew who he was. I think actors very often, they know how to present something, and that’s part of their job. I think he was just really sensitive. We often used to do a lot of things together, because people were very interested in him and I think we felt safe together.”'

'On his experience filming Brokeback Mountain: “There was something magical in that time. We all slept in our trailers out by a trailer park in the first month of making that movie. I was sleeping next to Ang’s trailer; Ang’s trailer was next to Heath and Michelle’s trailer—they’d kind of moved in together. And Michael Hausman, the producer, brought his Airstream trailer down. And it was just us, by this river, for a month. And we would walk to set, and we would eat together, and we would make coffee in the morning, and I would wake up in the morning and there would be Ang Lee doing Tai Chi outside of my trailer, and it was just magical.”'

'On how Heath’s death affected him: “I don’t really like talking about it. That period of time was…it was difficult. He was very sensitive. He didn’t always have a sense of performance in his everyday life. He knew who he was. I think actors very often, they know how to present something, and that’s part of their job. I think he was just really sensitive. We often used to do a lot of things together, because people were very interested in him and I think we felt safe together. Even when we did Brokeback and stuff, it was like my work was the only thing that mattered to me. It was like I could only understand or define myself through doing that. Life, I didn’t totally understand. And I think I was afraid of life. And I had success in my work, enough success that you could keep going back there. But after that happened…I think I recognized that it was work. And I recognized that this is for real.”'

'On his life as a single man: “It’s…it’s okay.… It goes in either direction. I think it’s important for every man to find the right woman and every woman to find the right man.… Who am I to say what the most important thing in life is? The best answer I could give to any of those things is that I really don’t know. Particularly right now in my life.”'

'On his parents’ divorce: “I think it takes a lot of courage for my parents to make the decision that they made, and I trust both of them and their outlook on life. They’re wonderful parents to me and my sister.”'
'Brother-in-law Peter Sarsgaard on a fight he and Jake had, causing them not to speak for ten days: “The nice thing is, for Jake, he doesn’t see having any argument as something that ruins a relationship. He sees it as something that could potentially help one. That’s something I learned from him. I’m extremely close with him. He’s basically my brother.” Peter further points out, in extolling Jake’s virtues, how unusual he is: “It’s a very difficult thing—or it has been over the course of my life—for me to have respect for people like Jake, who are not self-destructive, who are positive. There are very few actors who have that quality. I go [sighs], ‘Ohhhh, motherf–ker just wants to live—f–k him.’ and my thesis with Jake is that it is genuine. He is not doing it to be more popular and more successful, it is actually who he is.”'

There is much to digest here and much to cherish and a huge amount to look forward to from this extraordinary, talented young man who makes my heart beat faster every day.
He can also swing round poles, walk up walls and leap over deadly chasms... Yes! We have another Prince of Persia featurette! This certainly bodes well for extras... The new featurette is on Parkour and stunts and we get to see much more of Jake impressing the stuntmen and the French trainers. Jake's enthusiasm and achievement for doing many of these stunts and daredevil feats himself should not be underestimated - this is full-on.
It's also good to see how much Gemma Arterton enjoyed the chance to be a stuntwoman and how proud she was that it's her you see.

Pictures from GQ. Thanks to Alejandra for bigger pics!
Oh you didn't have to thank me! I just found out those bigger pics are on Justjared.com as well -which is not a place I'd normally check for Jake info (should I?). So I actually first saw them at this other blog I follow. The post was published as early as the one on JJ and -the beauty disturbed me, I think. They're seriously gorgeous pics. Fun and sexy like in the old days. And the interview sounds so great too. I can't wait to read it!
This post is amazing. Thank you WDW. I really am stunned by how open and honest he's being. He really is present. I firmly believe that who you were yesterday, or even two, three ect., years ago is not the person you are today. You are shaped by your experiences and who you come into contact with. There's always impacts of contact whether they be positive or negative.
"There is much to digest here and much to cherish and a huge amount to look forward to from this extraordinary, talented young man who makes my heart beat faster every day."
I had not the words but you have put it so eloquently. So heartfelt thanks again WDW, I too am hearing the horns again.
Hey is there a birthday blog coming up soon?
Great pics, except I'm not 100% convinced by the cover one. Love the rest of them though.
Can't wait to read the full interview. I'm feeling happy sad hearing the comments about Heath.
Me too, Carol. Don't like the fact they made his blue eyes brown :(
Oh, but I like the picture where he's standing on the chair posing oh so casually underneath his sign :DD
That photoshoot looked like a lot of fun and the people around him acted cool, excited but hopefully respectful.
And, I love how he talks about his family, he made me teary eyed too. I love what he's about so much.
Wonderful pics & post WDW, love how relaxed and fun he seems in the pictures which seems in contrast to how he answers the questions, though i love how honest he is with his answers & the love & pride for his family comes through. After reading this interview you just want to give him a big old hug (well i always want to do that but more so after he talks about such a difficult time)
Great GQ article and pics!! Jake sounds great, hard to hear about Heath since you can tell it was hard for Jake to talk about. And I respect what he said about his parents divorce and his family. And he looks great in the pics....SQUEE!!! :D
I love that picture where he is standing on the chair too Sheba. The whole shoot looks like it was great fun!!
I love hearing him talk about the experience of making Brokeback and how it meant so much to them all.
Thanks WDW for summing it up so well - my heart is most definitely beating faster now;)
Hi Alejandra! I wanted to :) They are such wonderful pics and I love to marvel at them :D I can
t wait to have my own copy in my hands.
Thanks Sheba:) Yes I can hear the horns too. Following Jake for all these years - it's been a privilege to watch him grow through bad times and good. And there's lots of good!
Yes, my third birthday is most upon us! Can hardly believe it!
Hey Carol! I feel happy sad too - but mainly happy I think :) I have mixed feelings about the suit but overall I do like the cover. The rest of the pics are unequivocally fabulous!
He's an angel. He really is.
Ooh posting at the same time!
Hi Sheba! I love it when Jake talks about his family. He seems to be especially attached to them here - it's very nice to read :)
Thanks T! I love that mix too - confident, sexy and funny in the pics and open and funny in the interview. Yep, definitely worth a big hug!
He really does, Get Real! And it's obviously hard for Jake to talk about Heath like this but what he says is so well put. As for the pics - worth the squee, I think!
Carol, I love that pic standing on the chair too. You know he's going to jump!
Hi 21:45 - he is :)
Yay! GQ pics! I've been waiting for these for so long :P and i'm not dissapointed! Wow.
I find the third one down hilerious! Just rather random him reach over two small shopworkers to pass an unseen customer a 'mega marshmallow' hahahaha.
I do not, however, like the fact his eyes are brown on the cover :( Even if it is supposed to be a 'sand' theme..his eyes are his best feature ;) I can't wait to read the full interview :)
I read some interesting info on the Joe Namath biopic...possible director could be the guy who did walk the line and 3:10 Yuma - http://bit.ly/b0LrPk
Interesting :D
Hi Em! That is interesting - thanks for that :D
Yeah, I think they were trying to keep to a colour scheme when really Jake's beauty should be enough to sell a cover. The other pics are great. And that marshmallow was so random!
Gosh. Darnit. I'm laughing and almost crying atthesametime. I'm already an emotional person and just those tiny bits have me near tears. Just when I think there aren't anymore truly genuine people in this world that could affect millions of others, along comes Jake. Reminds me of that line from Daniel Deronda. We are all so much better for knowing him. Sorry to be such a cheeseball, ya'll.
I'll have to look at the pictures and video later. (But the picture of him standing on the table is awesome!) Oh and Sheba, absolutely love your first comment. So eloquently put.
Oh god, oh god. Finally! And there's so much of it! Gotta go and lie down and mull it all over - again! And the photos. Oh gawd. I'm not gonna get any work done tomorrow...
A thought I had while reading - such a lovely, positive person is totally worthy of such a lovely, positive blog like WDW!
BTW, I'm terrified I'm going to miss the opportunity to buy this GQ. I never find them in time...are you by any chance going to do your desk contortions once again for us soon?
Just me again to say that is the most fantastic featurette on the stunts. I wonder if all these behind the scenes treats will make it to the DVDs - or if not, are they downloadable at all?
He is an incredible man. I'm more in love with him.
During the interview you see how strong he is and that all these problems had left him more mature about life. This interview made me so proud of him.
My eyes were in tears when he remembered Heath and BBM. It's still so hard for him.
And for Michelle. Good to know that he and Michelle are friends, this means that he visits Matilda as I always believed.
I still don`t like the GQ cover but the pics in the candy store and in the restaurant are very cute. I`m curious to read the whole interview, I really like the way Jake described the BBM shoot with the trailers by the river and Ang doing his Tai Chi in the morning. It did sound magical. :)
The new featurette is awsome, it was great to see David Belle himself on set. He makes parkour look easy!
Hi Stace! This is the real beauty and grace of Jake - he makes us smile and cry at the same time. he has the power - it's incredible really. But that's why we follow him :)
TD! Thank you so, so much! Well, this blog certainly has some amazing readers, many of whom have kept me company here for a long, long time :) We have quite a community - I'm very proud of it.
Don't you worry! I'll be doing the contortions under the desk again :D
I imagine most of these will make it to the DVD but if not you can download all of them from YouTube (lots of ways to do that, Realplayer, Keepvid.com, a Firefox plugin etc).
Hi there Monica! I know, it's very emotional listening to Jake like this - he's ready now to talk about it. That's moving in itself.
Morning Olympia :D I love those pics :) Yeah, it's a great featurette this one. And how good to see david Belle in action?!
I've just put up a new emergency post!! But the full post will follow later as normal :)
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