Aside from shops, Jake also took Naomi to eat at Olive et Gourmando. Apparently, Kirsten Dunst was also there and one likes to speculate that there was a catchup. After all, when you have both seen Jake dressed like this, there is a bond that cannot be broken.

And with extra special thanks to IHJ, we also have some more pictures from the Mysterious Photoshoot. I don't have too much to say about these because I'm too busy trying to decide which should be my new desktop wallpaper. Maybe the top one... or the one beneath it.

Many thanks to IHJ! There are plenty more there.
Hello! You must all be down the pub :D Catch up with you later!
I'm always happy when I see Jake and Naomi together. thanks.
I think Jake and his Mom look so happy together. Naomi has the most beautiful skin, look at her neck. I remember seeing pics of her biking with Jake/Maggie/Peter in Italy. Her legs look so good. I think she's a very pretty lady.
OMG! They both look happy again. I haven't seen Jake look relaxed and happy for many moons. Seeing him around and about looking so down and out was quite depressing to me...so I quit for for a while so I could imagine him happy...and now he does look happy again and his mom has lost her worry face.
love this post.
TY :)
After a long day with no online fun at all it is so great to come here and see all this! It never ends, does it?! And we don't want it to, do we?! NO!!!
Thanks for this great update on what's going on out there WDW! I always love seeing Jake and his Mom out and about and Olive et Gourmando has very yummy things indeed - I ate very fattening things while I was there - LOL! The photo shoot people make me want this magazine more and more. Hurry up magazine people!!
I wonder what tomorrow will bring... :-)
Great post. It's lovely to see Jake chilling with his Mom:) I agree with Sass that Jake hasn't looked that happy in a good while no doubt relating to personal stuff. But it seems like he has turned a corner in recent weeks. This is definitely going to be his year I think.
Those new photoshoot pics are very very nice:) The problem is which one to choose for my desktop wallpaper!!!
WOW,WOW,WOW....I just don't have the words....that top picture from the mysterious photoshoot is stunning, the slightly open mouth and those lips! This man is insanely handsome, (or "pretty" as the girl at Wondercon said!)Lord almighty, that's one georgeous boy!
WDW, you've done it again. Thanks for the loveliness. You always bring the happy.
And...um, it seems like he has a bit of a crush on Rachel McA. Can't say I blame him. They need to do a movie together, at least. They have great chemistry.
And I still can't get over how much Maggie looks like her mom. Both are so gorgeous, too. Gyllenhaal/Foner genes are quite strong and amazing. Oh, to be a part of that gene pool.
thanks as always WDW for the lovely pics. I think the 2nd one should be your desktop icon.
I think it's great Jake and his mom are so close that they are hanging out.
Good morning everyone! Great to see you all :D
Me too, Monica!
Hi Gail :D I think Naomi looks great and I lie that she travels out to where Jake's filming, just like she flew out with Maggie to France.
Hey Sass! I understand but Jake looks better and happier than he has done in an age and I bet he's having the time of his life this year, what with PoP and also filming SC. Thank you :)
Hi BBMISwear :-) Oh, yes, never enough! I love thinking of you and Ted in O&Gs. I'm just wondering what these pictures are gonna be in as I don't think it's be GQ. Maybe they'll just stay mysterious!
Morning Carol :D Gorgeous pics, aren't they? It was quite a difficult choice for me too :) Went for the second.
Hi there Annie! 'Insanely handsome' rather sums him up!
Thanks Stace! I wouldn't mind at all a film with Jake and Rachel. She really is lovely. Good genes, indeed :D
Morning Sweetpea! That is the one I went for :)
Have a good day everyone!
Oh, sweet Jesus! Words fail me...
Morning Uli! Is that your shortest comment ever?? :D
Morning all. Another lovely sunny day:) Pity work gets in the way of enjoying it!!!
I went for the second one aswell WDW!!! They are fantastic pics. I think you're right that all of these won't be in GQ. Wonder where they are likely to pop up.
Hey WDW :)
It's lovely to see Jake out with his mum and looking so happy! Speaking of happy I think the new GQ pics really reflect his current mood/personality
:D:D oh! and i found this too but im not sure if its new!? i havn't seen it but its fantastic! I love the music.
Hi there Carol! Definitely a shame to be at work that's for sure - it's such a lovely day :)
Hi Silver - Yep, I saw those, they're in the next post. Fab pics :D
I tweeted you earlier and now i see you already knew about the pics at the GQ website.
Just make sure to include these in the new post
I haven't even seen them as big in IHJ. What if I'm becoming a source?? That'd be weird!
Thanks so much Alejandra! I was writing the post so missed your tweet - I've added the big pics to the post - they're FAB!
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