Saturday 5 June 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal spends his weekend with Mumford & Sons, the London premiere special (in all its parts) and a WDW Interlude

Jake Gyllenhaal is taking his duties as Mumford and Sons Mascot very seriously indeed. Yesterday Jake not only attended another M&S gig in LA, where at one point he was the only fan bopping in the balcony, he also took M&S singer Marcus Mumford out for breakfast. Either that or this is Jake's new Give LA Tourism a Boost initiative of giving visiting Brits a tour of his hometown. In which case, where do I sign up? On the schedule yesterday was Lamill Coffee Shop in Silver Lake and the tour may have finished up at Teddy's bar in the Roosevelt where Jake was tweeted. Many thanks to IHJ for the pics.

There is a pic of Jake watching the gig here (the girl looks like Laura Marling to me).

Mumford and Sons:

The Prince of Persia London Premiere - the whole lot

Today I got chance to finish editing the full half hour Sky special of the Prince of Persia London premiere with interviews (and Top Gun impressions). So here is a repost of the first two chunks followed by the final four. I implore you, please do not watch the beginning of part 4.

An exhausting WDW interlude

I'm exhausted this evening after a triathlon in Blenheim Palace, home to Winston Churchill, the Duke of Marlborough and the longest queues for ice cream in the West. It was, and is, a very hot and muggy day and I'm sure you can imagine how knackering it's been to see people upon people swimming, cycling and running, hour after hour, relentlessly. It was all I could do to sit on that picnic blanket and hold my pint of cold, refreshing lager. When I see Jake leave the gym, as we do so often, I will know his pain.


Anonymous said...

If that is Laura Marling (can't tell) then she wasn't this chick:

Watchin Jake Gyl put the moves on a girl during Mumford is making me a lil uncomfortable.
about 13 hours ago via txt

I don't think Jake would be putting the moves on Marcus' GF during his concert. Whoever the woman was , maybe he took her to Teddy's.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Anon - who knows and I don't really care to be honest. Looks like he's chatting away while enjoying the gig.

Evenin' all! I hope you're all having a good day/evening :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Premiere special, WDW! It was fun to go back to the excitement of the premiere. Gemma's gown was so beautiful, I love when she's walking up the stairs. She's a woman after my own heart; I'd love to go back to London in the 60s as well. :) Jake and Mike are a riot - I'm trying to picture Jake in leg warmers. :)

I loved Prince of Persia, I hope to see it for the second time this weekend. Gemm

Anonymous said...

Guess what part of the London premiere I watched first? :DDD You looked smashing in your cap, WDW!

I didn't get a chance to comment on the last post but I saw your comment about hockey. :p Rejoice, the hockey talk is almost over, the season ends next week. :D


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thanks so much Gemm - and welcome! - glad you liked it! I'm just sorry it tooks so long but now I know how to get things off TV and onto YouTube! So that's good. Admittedly, it's not in a very simple way... Jake in leggings - now there's a thought! Gemma was beautiful.

I still haven't posted all my stuff from the premiere so I'll do that in the next day or two.

I have got another video but when I posted the last one someone asked if I was having a seizure on the YouTube comments so I'm feeling a little reluctant now!

Hey Olympia! I can't believe they've captured that moment when I was on the phone to my mum telling her I was on telly! I look happy - chortle :DD All in all a smashing day.

Are you sure the hockey season is ending - I thought it lasted at least 51 and a half weeks a year?

It's hot! It's about time the UK discovered air conditioning.

Linda said...

hi :)
the premiere special is really great!
thanks for another amazing post :)
hope you are having a very good time!
nice weekend !

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thank so much, Linda! I'm glad you liked the special. I hope yu're having a good weekend too :D

Linda said...

:D Thank You !!

Monica said...

Oh, those words of Jake about the silence and his feelings about Heath. You know, I always thought that was how he felt about all those things that were said and still are said about his silence. Finally someone asked him about it.
Not that I think that was necessary or important, but it was good.
I like the words he used.
He talks about Heath with great affection and love.

Yesterday, the movie theather was full. Many people of all ages to see Prince of Persia.

I saw the movie and, despite major problems in production, was a great satisfaction to see Jake on the big screen after a long time.

Jake Fan said...

Hey sorry I had to come here and vent. Its been my observation that male film critics can be just as catty as women. I am convinced that most of the negative reviews about POP is because of Jake's looks. Male critics especially American are so threatened by good looking buff men, they obviously can't see beyond the pecs.

Why is it that the same box office blogs doom POP to be a failure based on critics but the paying viewing audience who have seen the movie have rated it really high have been ignored?

I believe the reason critics (male) love Johnny Depp is because he uglies himself up in films so as to bypass what male film critics will never admit to, they have a bias against good looking men playing action adventure roles.

Box office mojo is so ready to call POP a failure while in my opinion they never wanted to give it a chance. The movie has made over 150 million worldwide in two weeks, yes I know about the cost of the movie but thats not Jake's or any actors fault or even Jerry B's fault. Disney didn't know how to market the movie. Obviously the people who saw it like it alot.

I just don't want Jake to be labeled a box office flop, we're talking 150,000,000 and counting people. Jake's first time as an action hero is pretty good to me.

Jake next time play somebody ugly because apparently you're just too damn threatening otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I must agree with some of the ventings here... I read a good review of POP in The Wall Street Journal(a tough crowd),yet it's somehow being labelled a flop!!
It seems they aimed the ads at game fanboys,who(obviously)find Jake's flaming hotness pretty threatening. I never saw a trailer for it at any film aimed at a female audience...
I woulda thought Bruckheimer's team would be much more savvy.
Damn shame,really
Love your blog(you knew that!)

Anonymous said...

POP isn't a big blockbuster but it's not a flop either.
Think it will do really well on DVD. People who just didn't think they'd want to see it in the theater will then see it on the tv screen and then wish they'd seen it in a theater.
Audiences have seemed to like it.
So it hasn't been "a flop" to people who have enjoyed it.
Also the kids who have really liked it to Jake i bet he'd find that to mean it was a successful movie.
Maybe on a video game watching a guy with muscles and long hair was fun for that audience but to see that brought to life by a great looking guy possibly not so sure.
Tho as said a lot of the critics are men and you will notice the actors they really rave about are the men who are sort of an "everyman" type.
Tho as with the Wall st. Journal comment the critic was hoping Jake would do well in the movie and he was glad to say he did just fine.
Look what we've got heading our way in 5 months - an Oscar buzzed movie.
Of course we are paying close attention to the box office but the majority of the movie going public doesn't.

gyllenhaalisgr8 said...

I'm sure Jake will never know about this, but when I made this video to Mumford & Sons' "The Cave" on Valentine's Day, I was thinking about him!

Anonymous said...

that definitely wasn't Laura Marling, lol

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Morning all! Completely overslept again - I blame the heat...

Morning Monica - I like the words Jake used too. Great affection. I'm glad the theatre was full!

Couldn't agree more, Jake Fan, and rant away! It's extremely irritating that so many male reviewers have been so quick to jump down on a movie that is doing more than enough to please pretty much everyone who sees it! Audiences are loving it and Jake and women love it! And you're absolutely right, Jake is being treated as being too attractive and physical in this film. And there was I thinking those were good things...

Thanks JoJo! There have been some very good and well thought out reviews I'm very glad to say.

I agree 4:46! This film clearly wasn't aimed at some of these reviewers and hopefully the film has exactly hit the spot for some of these kids who have filled theatres. It's so great Jake has made a film for the family. I have to say, it has plenty of pleasing qualities for me too!

Waves to Gyllenhaalisgr8!

Hello anon :)

Have a great day everyone!What shall I do today.... I know, I'm going to see PoP!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Ooh Prince of Persia is trending on twitter again :D WoM is certainly working!

Anonymous said...

I'm in Boston part of a Brokie gathering. I am going to be seeing POP tonight.

I'm glad to see Jake is going out and about again giving us a view to look at.


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Enjoy PoP and that lovely city, Sweetpea :) You've not seen PoP yet this week then?

I've just got back from seeing it again, and can honestly say I love it and Dastan more and more each time :D

Anonymous said...

this was my second meeting with the prince. And I was looking at things I didn't take notice of the first time around.


Wet Dark and Wild said...

That's great, Sweetpea! I loved it the second time around - I missed so much the first. Hope you're enjoying Boston :)