As we touched on in yesterday's post, Jake is now chair of the New Eyes for the Needy foundation, taking his charity work to a new level. Aside from helping to raise funds and awareness for this excellent charity, Jake also shows that even the most beautiful eyes to look at may be not be the best to look through. I was that freckly kid in thick ugly specs held together by tape and maybe Jake knows a bit of what that's like - but without the freckles. We have some more pictures from Jake's visit to the charity on 24 May. You can see more here and learn more about the charity here.

'"Jake has been a great advocate for New Eyes for several years now," said Susan Dyckman, Executive Director of New Eyes for the Needy. "He has been instrumental to New Eyes’ fundraising through his help in gaining foundation grants - and with his celebrity, he has raised national awareness of New Eyes by promoting our cause in magazine profiles."' Excellent news - being a successful (and hot) actor can be fun, as Jake has said on many occasions through the PoP extravaganza, but it can also have huge benefits.

Talking of Jake's eyes, as is my wont to do on frequent occasions, their lack of vision has caused Jake a bit of trouble on occasion. Jake told Irish Examiner about his love of running: 'Any city or any place in the world that I have an opportunity to work, whenever I land, I always go out and run for a long time and eventually find my way back. I’ve never really encountered anything dangerous, but I have definitely gotten lost. I went out for a run in Morocco and decided to run straight into the desert, I rubbed my eye and my contact lenses fell out! I have really bad eyesight and so I can only see out of one eye. This was literally like a scene out of a movie – there I was lost in the middle of the desert until a little Berber kid found me and took me back home.’

If there should be a PoP 2, Jake neds to have a satnav fitted before he's let loose in that desert. Either that, or a team of volunteer escorts needs to be assembled.
Many thanks to Carol for the Irish Examiner and its article on Jake called 'Game boy'. Here is some more: ‘It’s a very weird thing for me, but I was starting to feel as I got older that I’ve done enough work. I thought I’m tired of taking myself so seriously. There’s a sense of like ‘let’s just have a good time’. If I were to go back to the eight year old in me, he would probably say to do the Prince of Persia. This movie was like awakening the kid in me and it feels more like me than ever.’

‘I really want to be in a musical and I definitely want to reinvent the idea of what a musical is and to bring a modernity to it, like what Once achieved. I would like to retell the story of Hans Christian Andersen. I’ve just finished two smaller movies – I don’t know how you can get much bigger than The Prince of Persia – but these are stories I want to tell. One is with Anne Hathaway that Ed Zwick directed and the other is with Duncan Jones who directed Moon.’

‘What we wanted to do was create a totally separate story and base most of the action from the video game in a sense of reality. One day on the set where I was jumping from pillar to pillar cutting the horses off their reins and at the very end the stunt guy did this incredible flip backwards and landed on his feet forwards. Jerry was on set and I remember him saying ‘that looks cool, but I don’t understand why he did that ornate flip’. ‘If you go back and look at Super Mario Brothers, the adaptation from the game to the movie, those performances and those stories I don’t think were too true to the game and they didn’t have enough courage to go their separate way.’
‘I now have perspective behind and in front of me. I have enough to regret and I also have stuff to look forward to. I consider there to be a huge separation between my work and my life and my family. These are things that I want to protect and that I care deeply about in my heart. Ultimately, although I love audiences and their responses to things, I know that those people love me and will be there for me, no matter what. My work I love, but I am beginning to get a sense of humour about it, because I don’t need to take any of it that seriously.’

So now, it's about time to settle down with Jake and watch England vs USA. Fortunately, no lasting damage was done when I accidentally set fire to my match-snack tortilla chips this afternoon, proving true yet again that age-old adage: 'when the oven ring is turned on, don't put a bag of tortila chips on it'. So who do we want to win....?
Scans by WDW (thanks Carol!) and pictures from New Eyes for the Needy.
It's really quite exhausting watching this footie... :)
Half time break and OH MY GOD what a brilliant suprise!#!! I never win anything! :D
I can't believe the woman got my name wrong though :'( it would have been great to hear Jake say Erin!!
"Jake signed and personalized a PRINCE OF PERSIA poster to each of them!" - I hope this is true! I don't actually remember giving them my address :S but i entered so many, im not sure.
Thanks so much for finding this WDW! I probably wouldnt have seen it! Your amazing :D
Im gonna go watch it again! :P
Yeay! Silver! I'm so glad you saw - I left a meessage for you on Twitter but I know what a footie fan you are. This is AMAZING!!!! You should leave a message on their FB and ask about the poster? And when you get it do take a pic and send it to me so we can see it!!
I'm also gonna say that I'm really proud of Adrian Chiles hosting the World Cup on ITV (I know there were cockups on ITVHD - which I'm not watching) - we knew each other at college and he's a lovely chap!
Thsnks for the post WDW. I am so happy he is supporting this charity, and I had to laugh about him getting lost in the desert. I'm imagining him standing there with one eye closed scanning the desert for help. I'd be glad to help him through the desert (it's what we Jews do :D trapse through the desert)
Hi Sweetpea :) I gotta say I was alarmed at the thought of Jake lost in the desert and not being able to see... but it turned out all right in the end. Scary. Another of Jake's adventures :D
Well, I'm glad that match is over and no winner no losers after all that! Hope Jake enjoyed it :D
the beggining of the video is hilarious! Jake is so sweet!
congrats to erin! I'm Glad she got through
great post kate :)
I enjoyed the match as a neutral but I don't know if all are happy with the end result. It's early days so will be interesting to see how the tournament unfolds.
It was fun to think that Jake may have been watching it too:)
Thanks Linda! The start of the video is very funny :DD
Hi Carol! The England team rarely let us just sit back and enjoy their matches... But glad you enjoyed it - I hope Jake did too. And thanks again for the clippings!
I had to go and calm down and relax on the PS2!
I saw the game and I think Jake was happy with the result.
Congratulations, Erin!
I hope so, Monica! That's certainly better than I feel about it :D
Roll on Wimbledon...
My pleasure about the clippings WDW. Glad you liked them:)
Was just flicking around the channels and Jarhead is on ITV 4 now for anyone in the UK.
I did, Carol! Thank you - I'll post more tomorrow :D Jake always responds so well in irish interviews.
And thanks for the heads up - I'm too sleepy to watch Jarhead now but it's made me want to watch it. Maybe tomorrow. I'm hoping to fit in PoP tomorrow too :D
Yay Silver! That is so great Jake answered your question and this brings back memories of bopping around Toronto with Ted before we saw him at the ETalk studio as I wondered if he was doing these very questions at the other studio in the area that hosts Disney Canada. I'm still not sure if that is the exact timing but remember the announcement to send in your questions to Disney Canada around the same time as all this. So many Jake interviews, studios, little time! But loving it all!
BTW - WDW I just watched your video of you and Jake at the London premiere AGAIN! It is really blowing my mind...I can FEEL the excitement right through my computer screen!! I love it!
P.S. As you know I truly get my American sports but what is up with the World Cup?! I was deep into a house remodel project this afternoon and missed the USA vs. England game but now see on line only headlines about 1 to 1 - what does that mean? Was it a tie? *confused*
Thanks so much for the congrats everyone!!
but bad news WDW! I found the email that i sent and all i put was "liverpool" so they obviously don't have my address!
In the instructions it says "When submitting your questions, please provide your full name and the city you reside in as we want Jake to know who is asking him the question!!"
So i left a comment after that, i also put one after the video and i don't know what else to do :(
The exact words in the video description were - "As a special thank you to all of these fans, Jake signed and personalized a PRINCE OF PERSIA poster to each of them!"
Any idea on what i should do?
Hey BBMISwear :-) Glad you caught me, just off to bed to recoup from the evening...
There were so many places asking for questions, I can't remember half of them and I was so glad I found this one today, not least as Silver hadn't seen it. You'd have thought they would let people know....
I've watched that video over and over again today, wondering how my memories fitted in to those nano seconds - but very different from the Baftas when Jake worked down the line etc. But for this, he was engaging. But that video really captures it! How Jake walked on by as they were late but then I like to think my yelling did get Jake to come back!
At last! I know more about a sport!! It's not a tie, it's a draw - 1-1. The USA did very well and England should have done a bloody lot better as they were a good team tonight - they were let down by certain... errors. Whole month of this - it may do me in!
Silver! That's a pain cos they say they're sending posters without having made any attempt to contact anyone. Sounds like they may be making it up. If you left a message on the FB I don't know what else you can do for the time being. But let me know if you don't hear from them in the next day or two and we can work out a plan. A campaign at least. They should have let you know that you're question was asked by leaving you a message on FB. Hmmm. But the main thing is Jake got your question - and that is fabulous!
As an American may I say I've never thought one person could "lose a game"..the goal scored by the U.S. was early in the game...if this had happened with a minute to go then.. yes. There was a whole rest of the game for England to score a goal and win..
I've sent you an email WDW
Silver I said in my earlier comment I think I have an idea where Jake may have recorded the Disney Canada facebook video. According to an article in March Disney Canada was looking at the CBC studios in Toronto to house Disney Canada (this is the same studio where Jake filmed the Canadian Talk Show with George S.). Here is their contact page on their website: Maybe you can reach someone there and ask who you can get in touch with? Maybe he literally signed the posters while there and your poster is there. This is all I could come up with...good luck...and let us know how it goes.
so Jake is actually has a poor vision?? he always wearing contacts? Woah, i just knew that. did Jake ever wear glasses or he always use contacts?
Good morning! Up late again today - what an evening... And I ate too many dips
Hi 1:07 - indeed. But, to be accurate, noone won and noone lost as it was a draw.
Morning Silver! Thanks for the email - you were up late! Just answered it.
Hey BBMISwear :-)
Hi Gatling! Yes he does. If you look at some close up pics, the contact lenses are very clear. But Jake's talked about how he wore big thick glasses when he was at school (glasses that were given away to New Eyes for the Needy as he changed them). There was a pic of him with his own glasses recently. I think it was in InStyle. I must dig it out.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone! I may see a couple more matches today. But then there's the final at Queen's... and I have Jake stuff to do... So little time!
Thanks so much for the help BBMIswear! I'll give that a go :D
Morning Silver :D And good luck!
hi everyone,
it was a good game last night..a fair result. i enjoyed it more than i thought would.
wonder what jake thought?
where is he anyway?....i wonder if he did go to SA, its unusual that he hasnt been spotted out and about in LA now for almost a week.
loved his contact lens 'adventure'...its so refreshing to here him talk about stuff like that...and what a great cause...such an original and simple concept...
wdw, i would love to see that pic of him wearing his glasses...if you are able to post the link..would really appreciate it...
am now of to see the queens final too...although not to sure about the finalists.
Hi Sabina! I wonder. Jake has a real skill at staying under the radar for quite a while - anyone remember 2007? Jake vanished all summer except for one trip to the Chilmark store! So 4 days isn't such a long time. Jake's very good at avoiding the paps when he sets his mind to it, which has its good points and bad points!
It's a great charity and cause - the picture is in this post
some one posted a tweet i think on friday that they ran into jake in montreal at the grand prix over there dont know if thats true or a case of mistaken identidy
Jake could be anywhere but we've read him talking about being involved with the Namath project or talking about the HansC.A. musical and also how they're working on planning Damn Yankees. There are meetings and involvement with new movies that we never see or don't know about until later.
Besides when getting ready for a movie you have readings and fittings and rehearsal.
This is all in case he Is getting ready for a new movie. If not he will be sometime this year I bet.
thanks for the link wdw, oooohh cute picture...i wish he'd wear his glasses more in public.
Thanks for that, 16:48 :) I wonder. It's so hard to know from just one tweet. There's a ferocious pap in Montreal! If Jake's there, there'll be a piccie :D
Hi 18:11! It's true, who knows what Jake's doing. It's nice to think he may be preparing for another role. We'll probably get an announcement and then he'll be off...
So glad you liked it, Sabina!
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