With many thanks to Carol for another article from Ireland, here are excerpts from 'The Persian Principle', in which Jake talks about his family and his best friend who - very handily - is a chef. First, Maggie: '‘We’ll call each other up,’ says Jake. ‘And try to figue out where we are. Maggie will be in London shooting Nanny McPhee and I’ll have been there last month. It’s crazy. My family can’t keep track of each other. But she’s amazing. I just love her so much. She’s an incredible sister and an incredible mom. It was amazing when she got the Academy Award nomination because I had seen her do all that incredible work and I knew how good she was.’

‘My best friends are all people I’ve grown up with,’ he says. ‘My best friend in the world is a chef and he lives in Martha’s Vineyard. He and I are pretty athletic so we travel together and go biking and that sort of thing. I’m not a clubbing person; I like to be outside in the daylight. I download music all the time and pay for it.’

‘I grew my hair for six months for the movie,’ he tells me. ‘ And then my trainer and I went through a rigorous shampooing and conditioning regime. Then I started feeling sexy in preparation for the role. Becuase I don’t really care about what kind of muscles I have. I feel sexy when I feel good inside. Or when my hair is long. Whatever.’

The contrast of Prince of Persia and Brokeback: '‘When I think back to working on something like Brokeback Mountain with Ang (Lee) and Heath (Ledger), it couldn’t be more different’, says Mr Gyllenhaal. ‘That’s an intimate set, in every way possible I guess. Working for Jerry Bruckheimer nothing is intimate but it has its unique energy. When you drive past miles of set in the middle of the desert and there are hundreds of cars that belong to crew members who’ve been working on this thing for hours already, it’s like being the star athlete arriving at the Olympics. It feeds you. It gets your adrenalin going. And it’s a huge responsibility; every move you make affects one hundred other people.’

‘Generally speaking,’ says Gyllenhaal. ‘It’s important for me to make choices that make people feel uncomfortable. I mean, I’m an actor, so I want to be liked. I don’t necessarily enjoy bothering people but I do think it’s important. If you are trying to please everybody you can only be miserable.’
‘I didn’t even make the connection between the game and the script at first,’ he admits. ‘But once I did I spent time playing it. I’d call the stunt guys and trainers in and show them something to see if we could do it. They’d be like ‘Well, we don’t think you can do it, but we’ll find a guy.’ How often do you get to do that at work?’

‘I’ve already made two more movies since we wrapped,’ he says. ‘One with Ed Zwick and another with Duncan Jones who has just blown me away. I think very soon everybody is going to realise that Duncan Jones is the next great director from his generation.’
'So he’s back to being a serious young man, then? ‘Yeah, but now I’m having fun on the inside.’'

And finally...
Follow the link to another (not embeddable - or at least not workingly embeddable) interview with Jake.

Many thanks to IHJ for the pictures of Jake having fun. Scans from WDW. Thanks Carol!
hi WDW :)
aww such a good interview!
I love the way he talk about maggie
it's just so sweet :)
I hope you're having a nice sunday!
Hi! It warms my heart to hear him talk about his "best friend in the world"! *happy sigh* There had been such a long stretch where we didn't see them hanging out together these last years, so this puts a big smile on my face now!!!
Thank you so much for THAT VIDEO the other day, WDW and HeyUGuys!!! But, OMG, it's horrible, err, wonderful, err, shit, I can't watch it again... :D :D :D
And to all you people out there... Sometimes you might see people who don't look like they are actually enjoying themselves. They might stand in the front rows at a concert like they swallowed a stick or they might stand next to Jake Gyllenhaal and get an autograph from him and look like he was just some ordinary guy... But trust me, they are enjoying themselves... I know what I'm talking about... :D They might feel a bit out of place at times, but they are definitely happy - they just can't show it that well... :D :D :D
Watching/ reading interview after interview from PoP promotion I start to feel that giving those interviews is a really hard job... I mean, we know since the inevitable question "how was it kissing Heath Ledger" that interviewers are sometimes not very original, but with the amount of interviews Jake has done for PoP I think this has reached a new level... He tries to make those interview entertaining, so I really can't blame him for using the "shampooing/ conditioning - not two-in-one" answer more than once...
I won't complain if we get the same amount of interviews for LAOD and Source Code, though... But I will feel a bit sorry for Jake! :D
I hope you all have a good start into the new week! It's my last week at work before summer vacation!!!! Yay!
Hey :) Lovely interviews!
Is Jakes "best friend in the world" Chris? Or someone we don't know? (so cute by the way) :P
Jake really took a shine to Duncan, I wonder if they will work together again. I cant wait for Source Code! 2011 seems sooo far away.
I've definitely had a sport filled day today! Algeria v. Slovenia, Queens final, Montreal Grand Prix and now Germany v. the Aussies! Come on Australia :D (I should really go out and play some sort of sport myself)
Have a good week everyone :)
Hi Linda! Thanks and I am, a lovely day :) Hope you are too!
Uli! Good to see you - and only one week left, you lucky sod :D So good to know Jake and Chris are still best friends. Things are good!
But the video's great, Uli! And your eyes light up when Jake signs for you. You're so confident and sure and there's me jumping up and down :D But yeah, I know what it's like.
I totally agree about the interviews - and Jake does such a good job. Some interviewers (like in the Irish Examiner) have complained about Jake not taking the questions seriously, but the number Jake's done for this - incredible. And although there are some repeats of a successful formula, if the interviewer is good, he gives a little more. I'm already looking forward to the interviews from LAOD and SC :)
Hi Silver! Yes, that's Chris and great to hear he's still the best friend. I saw Chris in Toronto and I nearly passed out - he's so hot! BBMISwear visited his farm shop on MV and I have the t-shirt - BBMISwear got the tomato...
I am rather sported out! I'm watching Germany v Australia at the moment - I'm hoping Oz will get a goal... I enjoyed the Grand Prix and watched the tennis final but that was so dull. I think I've sat in front of the TV all day - who said sport is good for you?
Just put up a post on what I thought was the new one - but guess they ended up being on twice.
What i said was.
"Namath" is a go!
Hi 20:19! Really?! I've not seen anything yet :D
Oops sorry, Anon! Blogger put up my post twice! I deleted the last one - thanks for posting he comment again :D
"JAKE GYLLENHAAL has just signed on to play Hall of Fame quarterback JOE NAMATH for Universal Pictures, reports Variety. The film will tell the story of how the handsome Pennsylvania native with the golden arm became a cultural icon, ."
Hi Anon :) Sorry to say that's the original announement of the Namath project back in 2007 - someone has just reprinted it.
Here's the article
Good to keep our eyes and ears open tough :D
The source you're quoting got the original from ETOnline here if the link works this time...
...which it doesn't
O.k. then maybe we can hope for a Damn Yankees. But it Will be something before long.
Something'll be along soon enough :D
Box office mojo has updated the box office numbers. It's got $262,600,000 worldwide as of today. I really don't know if this is good, there's so much negativity from reports of numbers etc. many people saying a flop. I have no experience in following films and seeing how they do in box office till now, so i have no idea :P
I am admiring him for that how he loves his family, I am admiring him for sensitivity and for that how is talking about people which he loves. is unusual
Hi Silver! That is excellent! It means that PoP has recouped its production costs and shown that international audiences do matter! Thanks for that :D
Hi there mmk_83! Me too - I love how Jake wants to talk about how much his family and friends mean to him and that they are a big influence on his life :)
POP should get close to, if not, the 300 million mark. The fact it has gone over 250 million world wide is good.
Saw where The A Team opened a lot less than expected but funny how the reports aren't calling it "a flop". It's just not done as well as expected but kind of an "but that's o.k." feeling to it.
Also years back the people in the industry knew how movies were doing at the box office, but the general public just went to movies and unless completely involved with them had no idea what movie was #1 or #5.
I do rem. quite a while back there being a list of the top 10 songs of the week in the newspaper and there might of been a list of movies too. If so it still wasn't a "big deal".
Hi Anon:) we're attached to PoP so we're paying closer attention and it does seem that some films are getting a fairer deal with expectations and results. But PoP has proven itself a stayer across the world!
POP beat Lara Croft, the most successful video game adaption foreign box office ever. Its amazing how we here in the states think our money is the only money that counts. And it hasn't been a month yet.
Things are tough here in the States, Americans are only looking for a sure thing which so far have been sequels and if you notice aminated sequels with 3d effects. Next week Toy Story 3 will rule (of course 3d). Americans are more about complaining and blaming these days sad to say. I think everybody wants to forget about adults and just be a kid again which is why movies aimed at adults have not done well over here as of yet. Even Iron Man cooled off fast. It won't be a great year so its not Jake's fault. I believe it will come down to if Disney has faith in video game itself but its not Jake thats the issue. Only people who disliked Jake will blame Jake because they didn't want this movie to succeed in any way for their own selfish reasons but it did in my opinion.
He beat Angelie Jolie.
He's international.
The film made over $250 million(less than 30 days) without a built in movie fanbase.
And Jake is still smiling.
POP isn't going to disappear after this summer. It will have the DVD and then later on T.V. It's going to be around for quite a long time in some form.
Morning all - Monday - boo
Hi Jake Fan! There is indeed a lot to celebrate and I love to see all the comments on Twitter etc about Jake - he seems to swept a lot of people off their feet. I'm one of the few who loved the Tomb Raider movie - and I've never really understood why that got slammed so much considering that it did exactly what it said on the tin. But the international figures - and staying power - of PoP are really good. Jake will certainly be much better known worldwide now.
It will indeed Anon! Can't wait for the DVD already...
have a great day everyone. Mine is not shaping up well. But Crazy Heart is out on DVD in the UK today and I fncy getting that. I've still not seen it.
Thank you for the Box Office numbers, Silver! Glad to read PoP is doing so well. It is indeed nowhere near Pirates 1 at the moment, but who cares. Times are very different compared to the early 2000's. Torrent downloading has gone way up while the economy has gone way down - at least, that's how the situation in Holland is, I don't know about the whole world of course. ;-) People should take that into account and I think Box Office should show its professionalism by putting the numbers into that context.
On a side note: I take my hat off for Jake keeping on smiling and making people laugh even though the same questions get asked over and over and over again. What a professional he is. Chapeau!
And the news doesn't stop! :D
Glad that PoP is showing legs at the BO!!
When I saw it the theatre was full!
Jake was really great. He showed he has action chops to go along with the great acting. I was impressed! I do think the writing was hit or miss and that lagged the film a bit. Overall great job by Jake who got even better as the movie went along!
Great to see Jake be even more involved with charity. :)
And how funny and cute is Jake on Wossy in that contest with that lucky lady!
WDW, also meant to say how totally fantastic was the video of you meeting Jake...squee!!
And the pics and recap of seeing Prince Charles was great too.
Hi there Lady Ekster! Times have indeed changed since Pirates 1 came out. It is a little annoying though to read an article talking about how PoP has 'only' taken tens of millions of dollars, completely ignoring the fact that it's made $200 million overseas. It'd be good if they could do some research - just a little.
But yes, Jake is smiling and that's the main thing :D
Hi Get Real! Great to see you and glad to see you catching up. I agree about PoP but Jake was such a pleasure to watch and I just can't tire of this film. Glad you liked the video (OMG amazing!) and my interlude :DD
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