Before I carry on with the rest of the post, I should point out that tonight my sinuses are like Alamut, under attack from the pollen that is the Persian army. Therefore, it's true to say that I am not that sweet at all this evening. But my cousin is directly descended from the brother in law of Henry VIII. That counts for something in Jake's princess criteria, I'm sure.

It seems only right to start off the German interview with some more washing and shampooing tips because Jake continues to take the story to new levels. In this version, Jake eats soap. Please don't try this at home. 'My diet consisted of shower water and sometimes, if I was really hungry, a small piece of soap. You see, anyone can in a short time get a "Prince of Persia" fit body. You don't even need a bath tub, you can just use also creeks, rivers, lakes, oceans...' Is it just me who can see the potential for a new Olympic sport here?

When asked if he had more fun fighting with swords or kissing princesses, Jake replied: 'The eight year old in me would probably say: "Fighting!" But the 29-year-old Jake preferred the kisses.' I think the princess probably did as well.

On being 30: 'That's quite a turning point in life. I realize that I already have some distance behind me. I don't take myself as seriously as before. And I feel like I'm going through a gate into a new era... When I was 20, I never thought that I'd have a 30th... I'll never be 40!' Jake is, in fact, right there. It's a proven fact that after 30 you can indeed turn back the sands of time and stay aged 29.

Gemma Arterton on Jake: 'I'm quite a mischievious person and I like to cause a lot of trouble on set," she says. "I was really hoping that Jake was the type of actor who would play along. And he was, thank goodness!" And: '‘Jake is so gorgeous,' she told reporters. ‘When they told me he was my co-star I had to pinch myself.''

'Jake was a very, very funny guy. He’s really nice. He’s quite serious when it comes to his work. He works hard and he is a perfectionist. But he likes to make jokes and he’s fun. He’s funny. And he is fit, of course.'

Mike Newell has also spoken some more on his leading man: 'I thought Jake was perfect for the main role from the very beginning because he is such a devastating emotional actor. He is so open and available, especially in movies like Brokeback Mountain. I’d actually known Jake since he was a little boy. I knew his parents very well and I had worked with his sister, so I kept my eye on him growing up. I knew he had a wonderful sense of humour and he’s got a zany laugh. I also thought he looked right for the role. He’s not a royal-looking guy, but a street kid in the wrong costume. I thought that would be a great thing to have in the film.'

And finally...
It was great to get an email today from Dastan Jr himself! Perked me up no end, and so to say thank you to him for reading, and as a big bonus to all of us, here are Daniele Rizzo's two excellent interviews with Dad Dastan, Mum Tamina and Uncle Nizam and that scarey director. It's very good to out the two together and give them the prominence that the hoopla of May didn't allow. You might want to check out the channel.
Pictures from Disney, via IHJ.
hi!! :D I'm so glad that PoP is doing very well everywhere!
PoP is actually number 1 in Mexico :D
i like how gemma talks about Jake!
she's right :) smart girl haha
have a great monday!
That's great about Mexico, Linda! I like Gemma - she's feisty :)
Hey everyone! Nice post WDW :D
OMG you got an email from Dastan Jr!! That's so hilariously fantastic! :D
I saw you mentioned crazy heart in the last posts comments WDW, i saw that on the cinema and really enjoyed it :) I love Jeff Bridges and Maggie was great.
Sent you an email WDW! Good news :D
Here is an important factoid for the Anglophiles: there is absolutely no 3G reception in the entire county of Norfolk. (And I have yet to find a Starbucks for the Wifi!). This means I am bereft of any Jake YouTube moments.
I am however enjoying the coastline, the wildlife, the big country houses, the lavender and the local brews. I can catch up with the Gyllengoodies at the weekend.
Time for another strawberry.....
Thanks Silver! I know, I was dead chuffed to hear from Dastan Jr!
I want to get Crazy Heart but the prize is crazy in the shops so I'll order it. Can't wait to see it.
Thanks so much for the email - good news!
RUBES! I've missed you over there in non-3G Norfolk. And no Starbucks either? OMG. Glad to hear you're enjoying the beauties of the county and I'm looking forward to you getting back so we can enjoy the local brews here :D I'm glad you and Mr Ruby are having such a lovely holiday xxx
hi everyone, hope you all had a good monday. sorry to here about your sinuses wdw, hope you feel better soon.
another great jake interview....isnt there any limit to this guys sexiness???....the more i see him and here him talk, his sex appeal just goes of the chart....AND HE CAN COOK!!!...what more is there???
I have a zany laugh, and am devastatingly emotional. Some say expasperatingly emotional. Does that count? ;)
Thanks Sabina! I know, and that's why we love him :D
It does 21:43 :D But I think we'll have to form an orderly line (with me at the front :D)
I have to say how frustrating it is to have all of the elements of my posts retweeted with no link to WDW, day after day.
You can tell I'm grouchy today due to my head :) Jake is hot!
I haven't patience to watch all these epic films of Hollywoodand their ridicoulous special effects.
In Europa there are shows and theaters whose we can watch better things.
Look at Kaltenberg Ritterturnier near Munich. It is much better show!!!
So 22:22.... No one has to like PoP - they can indeed prefer Kaltenberg Ritterturnie if they want. Although a downside is they don't have Jake Gyllenhaal in them. But this is a JG fansite so I'm wondering why you'd take the time to post here. Incidentally, I lived near Munich for 2 years - love the place :D
Sorry I've been out of touch, having a lot of internet problems at home.
I love this post, especially the 'British so I'm royal' comment - LoL! Glad you had the opportunity to give Daniele his star moment on WDandW!
PS Just noticed the other post. I went to the Oktoberfest once and had an incredible time with the most wonderful memories of Munich. Particularly that you had to wait for the lights to be exact before you could cross the road. And that it was very clean. Even after the 'Fest ;D
Hi TD! Sorry about the net problems. Good to see you now and I'm glad you liked the post :D
The royal comments were inspired by two experiences I've had in the States. When I was 15 and in the line to go up the Washington Monument, someone asked me if Princess Diana was a nice lady and did I see her often? And then a few years later - in Busch Gardens in Florida - I was asked why the Queen wore a hat. I can't remember what I told her.
Daniele is incredible! What a talent and he gave Jake such a laugh (and Sir Ben too :D)
I enjoyed the Fest too, TD! I loved Munich and the whole area round there. I used to go down to Lake Constance and all over for weekend breaks. I have very fond memories of my friends from there as I had malaria and was so ill, but I had to work to earn my plane fare home. And everyone just looked after me like I was one of the family and got me better and then drove me to Munich and on to the plane home. I was fed lots of porridge and sweet tea and brandy!
I rewatched those interviews with Dastan JR and they are so funny. I bet Jake (after doing so many interviews) must have loved the comic relief. You have to give this interviewer props for coming up with an interesting way of breaking up the monotony that is doing press for movies
I wonder if Jake ever considered opening up his own restaurant (maybe having Chris as his partner) I think that would be awesome.
Hi Sweetpea :) Dastan JR deserves so many gold stars for making the interviews original and funny - and loved how he popped up at the press conference too.
There have been rumours of Jake wanting to open a restaurant and, I may be wrong, but I think he said something similar to Ted and Lisa. It'd be a GREAT restaurant!
You know what, I forget he was about 27 and Gemma what 20, 21 years old while filming POP. Is it funny how we forget movies aren't made overnight?
Hello out there! I want to comment on so much I have read and watched here in the last few posts but it would take such a long time and I think I'd rather spend it continuing the catch up!! Great stuff WDW...and I'm chipping away at some of the older posts that I missed too...I love having all this great Jake stuff right here in one place!
I said this to you privately but will say it again here - I adore Dastan Jr. and am so happy he wrote to you! He has lots of fans out here and is in the right place and should check out WDW more often - LOL!!
I smiled at this too - what a great memory you have: "There have been rumours of Jake wanting to open a restaurant and, I may be wrong, but I think he said something similar to Ted and Lisa." You are right...the timing of our meeting with him was right around the time those rumors were flying around a lot. I mentioned it to Jake and he made a bit of a funny look (not in a bad way - kind of in a I'm Not Ready To Divulge My Plans Yet way) so I kind of said it for him with "In some capacity?" and He said "In some capacity". Well it's been 2 years and no news yet but Chris is the obvious choice as Chef. I hope this happens one day!
Well it's late...that's what catching up on all things Jake will do to a girl. Until next time... :-)
Good morning!
Hi there Jake Fan! Normally I'd agree with you but with Jake's films, I feel like I can remember every last week of filming - we've been waiting for PoP so long. But it's something that I really like about doing WDW - following a project through from announcement to premiere :D
Morning BBMISwear :-) I'm glad I wasn't making it up - I thought you'd discussed it.I think it is a dream of Jake's and I can imagine Jake and Chris talking it over :)
Have a good day everyone!
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