Parker the Monkey was a visitor to the Nailed set from Sam's Path Petting Zoo back in the spring of 2008. Catherine even shared her toothbrush with the cheeky monkey.

Catherine spoke about what it was like to play the older lover of toyboy Jake in Lovely & Amazing: 'I had a blast with him. People have asked was it weird because he was so much younger. I guess I was so in the mindset of Michelle and the story and she is so immature it seemed sort of an appropriate guy for her [laughter]. It wasn't freakish at all to me. And so therefore if it's going to be a guy who's only seventeen why not Jake Gyllenhaal ! It was fantastic! He's adorable, fun, enthusiastic. We were laughing all the time. It was three o'clock in the morning the first night we're working and we are kissing in the back of the car, freezing it was just silly. It wasn't like one of those standard uncomfortable love scenes were you feel weird enough. We had no time, no money and no time. He's so gifted and a really nice guy. Everybody was. This movie was really a great time everyone was unbelievable.'

When The Day After Tomorrow came out, Jake reflected on how much he had enjoyed Lovely & Amazing: 'I probably would say there are pieces of every performance that I like, not one performance that is great. But I do like the movie "Lovely & Amazing".' Because of... 'A comfort, a real sense of camaraderie on the set which made me feel comfortable. I was a young actor not having the experience that so many other actors have who have been in the business for a long time. Building up a defense and figuring out ways of bringing things up even when you're not supported, is something I don't have. Whenever I feel like I falter, it's because I don't feel like I'm completely supported. In that movie, I walked into rehearsals with Catherine Keener and she immediately made me feel sexy and I remember Nicole Holofcenter, the director was like, 'Do you want some coffee?' and I'm 'Yeah, I'll have some coffee.' She's like [Catherine] 'I'll have anything he has.' And I was like, 'Okay, cool!' You don't get that from other actors. Usually you walk on and you're like, 'Can I have a coffee?' And they're like 'oh, you want coffee.' And I'm like, 'what? What's wrong with coffee?' So I like that film because I just felt relaxed and myself, and honest, and happy.'

Nailed catch up
To find out more about Catherine's role in Nailed, do check out a set visit report from WDW reader Nicole who even got a part as an extra. Even more reason for us to want to see this film. You can read about Nicole's time on set here. Another reader, Lisa, also wrote for WDW about her experience on the set where her daughter also had a role as an extra. You can read Lisa's account of the nightime shoots here. Not to forget The Excellent Adventure of Ted and Lisa (a different Lisa - our very own BBMISWear) when they spent an incredible day with Jake. If you've not read the detailed and very funny account, you can find out how here and see some photos.
Another actor in Nailed, David Ramsey, reflects about the project at the end of this interview.
Includes pictures from IHJ, Nicole and a scan from WDW.
You can read what I thought of Cyrus over at MovieBrit.
I've never seen Lovely And Amazing.:(
I love Catherine Keener. She is a great actress.
One of the best.
@Monica I haven't either, but I've seen only the parts with Jake in it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyjIJAQaCyc includes all of his scenes except the making out in car one (darn) :)
Hi Monica! It's well worth watching - Catherine and Jake are so great in it.
Do watch it, Georgie!
Nice post, WDW. I've never seen Lovely and Amazing. now you have me curious. I wonder if it's in the same vein as the Graduate?
I wonder if Nailed will ever see the light of day?
Except for Jake's presence, I found L&A a rather depressing film. I think if you scour YouTube you may be able to find all of Jake's ten minutes. If you choose to watch it in its entirety, after Catherine gets arrested, you can safely push stop because that's it for Jake! But he is very adorable in it!
Hi Sweetpea :) I think it's quite different from The Graduate as the relationship with young Jake is only one part of the film. But it's worth a look. And yep, I'm hoping for Nailed :)
Hi there Gyllenhaalisgr8 :D I do disagree - I didn't find it depressing at all. I watched it the first time knowing Jake isn't in it too much and I was completely swept up in it. It's a wonderful story about these women. I do recommend it. But if you watch it only for Jake then it'll disappoint as he's in it so little. But it is another example of a fine movie choice for the very young Jake.
I believe Lovely and Amazing is the only Jake movie I have only watched once. I enjoyed it. I think it's shame to only watch Jake's scenes, because you don't then get the whole context and that takes away something from his contribution to the story. It's a short film too, so no great hardship to watch it all.
I want to see Nailed. *stomps feet and pouts* I wonder what the chances are of that happening.
Hello everybody!
Wow! What a good post with so many hidden staff to read.
I've never seen Lovely And Amazing either. I was looking for it on the Web, but I couldn't find it.
I like what Catherine Keener said about working with Jake. And what Jake said about the atmosphere on the LaA set and how CK made him feel sexy and a coffee story.
Also - very funny thing in Jake's interview about working with Dennis Quaid - how he tried to make relationship with him as his movie' dad.
All this interview with young Jake it's very fine. I like the questions, they let Jake to say many things about his movies.
Somehow written interviews are better, deeper, with more diverse questions.
The pictures from Nailed - completely new hairdo for Jake. A bit funny for me. But nice.
Hi Rubes! I do agree - it's best to see the scenes in context. I really enjoy the other characters in L&A and I expect it's another of those projects where Jake learned a great deal.
Stamping feet and pouting with you on the Nailed thing - sigh...
Hey Mermon :D I hope you get to see it! These early interviews are wonderful, aren't they? I particularly like the ones for the publicity of The Day After Tomorrow because Jake was about to embark on Brokeback and he mentions it a few times. And also there are some very funny interviews. I love that Jake likes these big blockbusters - and now he's made his own. There's no reason why they can't complement the indie movie.
Been musing about Cyrus over at MovieBrit.
I've seen Lovely & Amazing only once, and I agree with gyllenhaalisgr8: I found it rather depressing. I still can't figure out whether it was Catherine's character or her acting that I didn't warm up to, maybe a bit of both. But Jake was undoubtedly smashing. He looked so grown-up for his 17 years and his eyes were bluer than blue thanks to the darker hair. ;-)
As for Nailed: that release is right near/at the top of our to-do-list when we get in charge of Hollywood. ;-)
Hi Lady Ekster! Sorry to hear you didn't warm to Catherine or the film but we can't all like the same films (look at me and Gwynnie and Proof :DD). Liking the plans for taking over Hollywood! Great idea.
Doing math here. Why do people say Jake was 17 in L&A? He was born in late 1980 and the movie came out in 2001. That would make Jake 20-21. I had no idea it took 3-4 years for the movie to be released!
...and Jake's first major film came out in 1999 (Jake was 19) and L&A was three films later. It's not nice to confuse an old woman, LOL!
@WDW: hahaha, the Proof versus L&A conversations we could have here! ;-) I like it that despite all of us being Jake fans we all have different fave Jake films. It's great that his work appeals to so many personalities.
@gyllenhaalisgr8: hmm, good point there. Sorry if I had it wrong. Maybe Jake played a 17 year old instead of being one at the time? Just guessing.
Well, off to Dreamland now, and hopefully, hooopefully there'll be an incredibly hot Persian prince in the mail tomorrow/tdat.
I've never seen Lovely and Amazing either!! It's the Holy Grail of Jake's films. But one day, I'm sure I'll find it. If it's online somewhere, let's promise we'll share the link. ;-)
And I love Catherine Keener too. I keep forgetting she's also in Nailed.
I only have a minute but couldn't not pop in to tell you I enjoyed the last few posts that I just caught up on! I'm so happy you are enjoying your PoP Blu-ray, WDW, and can't wait until Tuesday when I get my own!
And what a wonderful post today about Jake and Catherine Keener and Nailed!! You posted some of your favorite Nailed photos and you linked to an old post that brought me to some of MY FAVORITE Nailed photos (they're still in my camera in fact)...hee hee!! I can tell everyone first hand that Jake and Catherine have really great chemistry in real life. Of course Jake was talking and joking and being his animated self with everyone on the set of Nailed but he seemed especially comfortable with Catherine as they talked between takes and he would touch her as he leaned in while talking/listening. She is one lucky woman!!
Well back to the crazy project I'm working on that is taking me away from my on line fun but not too much longer. Oh...and not sure but Jake may be on the Vineyard with a motorcycle if a certain Facebook sighting is correct. Beautiful fall weekend here in New England so it's a good time to be here! :-)
Congrats to Carol!!
Until next time... :-)
Those pictures from "Nailed" are a hoot! I very very much want to see the movie, and as soon as possible.
I have a funny story to tell about the time I tried to see "Lovely and Amazing" on videocassette. My VCR broke down halfway through it, before any of Jake's scenes came up. :-(
BBMISwear - this is such a good story about Jake and Catherine on the Nailed set. Thank you for giving it to us. It's so lovely that they created relationship that lasted for so long. Despite the difference of their age.
Good morning everybody. Have a good day at work!
Good morning everyone! Monday... ugh.
Hi GyllenhaalisGr8! Jake wasn't 17 when he made Lovely & Amazing but that's the age of his character - just as it was the age of Sam in TDAT.
Morning Lady Ekster! It really is a good thing :D Yep, the character is 17, not Jake. I hope the Prince was waiting on your mat this morning!
Hi Alejandra! I think you can get it very cheaply on DVD. I think I got mine for very little.
Hey BBMISwear :-) So glad you could pop by! And thank you so so much for the details about Jake and Catherine on set. It's great to think their friendship has continued through the years. Thanks for the sighting :) Good luck with everything!
They really are Paul! Oh dear, that is very unfortunate and extremely irritating. I hate it when technology fails at crucial Jake moments...
Morning Mermon!
Have a good day everyone :D
I didn't know Catherine Keener was in Nailed, thanks for the info. I really want that movie to come out now. Thanks WDW.
There are some other notable people in "Nailed" as well: Kirstie Alley, Paul "Peewee Herman" Reubens, and even Jon Stewart. It should be good, nutty fun! :-)
Kate, I would gladly pay to get me Lovely and Amazing on DVD. But I don't have a credit card and can't buy things on the Internet. I've no idea when I'll join the modern world there but... crazy things happen all the time. ;-)
As soon as I can, I will go to the old record store to pick up my Prince of Persia DVD, though. :-)
Hi Gail! Me too :)
It's true, Paul, a really amazing cast list. And hopefully one of these days we'll get to see it all ourselves.
Hi Alejandra :) Round here it's so expensive you're robbed through the nose if you don't buy things online - there's little choice in the shops (only one shop round me sells DVDs). And fortunately you don't need a credit card just a bank card. I hope you enjoy the PoP DVD!
Been to see Inception again - amazing, even better the second time around :)
Trying to fit PoP DVD into budget. So far best price is KMart ($5 less than Walmart). Hate to pinch pennies where Jake is concerned, but so much has already gone into the Gyllen Haal of Fame that it evens out, ya know?!
I was in Nailed and it seemed like a good film during my portion..... But I am starting to believe that the final product may not be that great.... Reason... if it was a good film they would have found the funds to finish post production.... They have been cleared of financial audit for awhile now, so its do or die time now..
Hi there Luke! Thanks very much for commenting. It's great to hear from you as quite a few pwople here have a bit of a vested interest in Nailed appeared as extras or visited the set etc).
I do agree that it doesn't loo good for the film but I don't think any film would have had a hope in the circumstances. And the fact that an investor has now paid up to get it finished shows that there are people who realise it's more valuable out there than on a shelf. But it is quite an 'out there' concept for a movie. Although I loved the script.
I would really like to hear more about your experiences. I really would. If you can email me your story to wetdarkandwild@googlemail.com, I'd be so grateful.
Thanks again!
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