As if that weren't enough, Disney in the Netherlands has given us one of my favourite scenes form the film. The bit where Dastan tells Garsiv he has his hand on his sword again. And Tus takes Dastan by the wrist. And you just know that Dastan will do what he wants and that means taking the city of Alamut almost single-handed.
To commemorate the release of Prince of Persia into our homes - something we have been waiting for for well over two years - another Q&A with Jake Gyllenhaal from London in May has been released (with AP). And again, there are some familiar answers but it never hurts to bring Jake into the procedings.

'AP: I’m presuming you’ve been offered loads of different action roles before, so what was it about Prince Dustan that really grabbed you? GYLLENHAAL: Well, to me the moment I read the first sequence of the movie, which is the siege on Alamut where he’s (Prince Dustan) jumping around and lighting things on fire and having a good time doing it, I think that was the moment when I thought, ’there’s a sense of humor here.’ Here’s one of those classic characters that’s in the vein of Errol Flynn or Indiana Jones and those are the movies I loved when I was a kid, and I loved watching.'

'AP: So you wanted to have a laugh? GYLLENHAAL: Yeah I wanted to have a good time, and I wanted to know that I was making a movie that an audience could have a good time in too. AP: And had you played the video game before? Are you any good? GYLLENHAAL: When I was eight or nine years old I played the original side-scroller game a lot. And then I took a 20 year hiatus (laughs) and only picked it up when I was doing research for the movie — which was very, very difficult research, it was hard. Three to four times a day I would have to be forced to go and play the video game. People don’t really know how hard it is to be an actor and I can tell you how hard it is; it’s working out every day and getting paid for it and also playing video games. So it’s really been tough, a really tough road (laughs).'

'AP: Did you enjoy the stunts? It’s very different doing them compared with playing the game. I’m actually quite disappointed you’re just sitting there and you haven’t swung through the window onto a horse. GYLLENHAAL: That would be an incredible entrance, I would have done that for you if I could have and we had more time. But no, Mike Newell, the director, had a wire attached to my back and he would just control me ... I would do whatever he wanted. Move to the left, move to the right, jump, fight this guy, win!'

'AP: I want to ask you about the Parkour (free-running) stunts. Are you quite good at that now? GYLLENHAAL: No, I have to say. I saw this thing on MTV called “The Ultimate Parkour Challenge” ... where they brought in some of the best Parkour athletes in the world. And I watched them do all these crazy things, which was actually semi-disturbing to see because they got injured quite a lot and I just thought ’I’ve got no idea what I’m doing, these guys are extraordinary.’ The fundamentals I do know and I can do things, but ultimately I cannot say I’m a card carrying Parkour athlete. I just try to mimic. I did jumps, I did my own jumps and different things but the dangerous stuff was done by the professionals.”'
'AP: Would you return to the role? GYLLENHAAL: Of course, I’d loved playing the role. I loved being a part of the movie. It’s an incredible world, so if that were an opportunity, I would definitely take it.' Source.

For me, Jake doesn't have to leap through the window onto a horse to make an impression - all he need do is open the door and walk into the room.
This video is a new one for me from that extraordinarily special Prince of Persia London red carpet. In this one, you'll be glad to hear, you're spared me jumping up and down in the background.
And finally
Thanks to IHJ, we have the hi-res poster for Love and Other Drugs plus the two other images that so far we had only seen in a small format. They are wonderful.

Includes pictures from IHJ, LA Times and Jordan Mechner.
Hello WDW and everyone
Oh, I love the lego sequences! I want to play with lego!:)
Enjoying the new clips emerging with the release of the POP video. Nice to hear from Gemma that Jake is a softie and down to earth.
I am still thinking about Brothers, having watched it for the first time a few days ago. Very good performances from the actors including the children. But a really intense movie!
Well it's the morning here and I'm looking at a pile of dishes. Have a good evening/day everybody!
Hi Tui! Or good morning :) It's so nice thinking of you on the other side of the world with the sun up and over here it's dark and yuck!
I love these lego videos so much. I've been a bit low this evening and so I was cheering myself up on them. It's one of the reasons why I love PoP. It's such a tonic.
Brothers does have that effect. And, I have to say, it's not my favourite of Jake's films, although I hope in the future I can come back to it. Jake's brilliant in it but I find the story very painful. I think I like a solution!
Ignore the dishes :D
Lego Dastan rules again! That first vid had me in stitches. *lol* Nizam is particularly evil as a Lego figure.
What a great timing, this post - right after I learned that I'll not have a couple of hours freetime till late Friday night. That means poor little me will have to endure the autumn rains without the comfort of coming home to Dastan's abs, eyes, smile, boots... And poor little Dastan will have to stay in his tiny dvd package house even longer. Boohoo. :(
Sweet dreams everybody, or have a good day. ;-)
Glad you like the vids, Lady Ekster (love the ostriches) but that's very bad about the lack of time. I hope your week's ok and you have Dastan at the end of it :)
Thanks. :) It's rewarding to have PoP at the end of this far too busy week - I'll count the hours towards it. Watching that brotherly Disney vid it strikes me how much I've missed Dastan and how much I'm looking forward to having him at the power of my remote control dagger of time. It will be a good weekend. ;)
I hope to get my POP this week and have a 24 hr marathon this weekend starting with Bubble Boy, BBM, Zodiac and then POP. Maybe I will get a couple of Jake's movies from Netflix if they are available online. Since I don't really care for popcorn, I think a snickers candy bar or two will have to. When someone asks me about my weekend, I can truthfully say I spent it with Jake Gyllenhaal.
Morning all!
Hi Lady Ekster - ooh loving that remote control dagger of time - 'this is no ordinary remote control'... :D
Morning Jake Fan! That sounds like a fantastic idea. And four great films to pick! I'll be thinking of you :)
My word is tonemini which sounds delicious. Have a good day everyone. I think Autumn has arrived here...
Morning all
Oh LadyEskter I love your remote control dagger of time! It made me laugh. My son has the lego ostrich set and its spread all over the lounge now...whilst he's at school he'll never know if they are moved...hehehe, I love lego too.(I have a lego Dastan keyring too which is cool)
I watched PoP DVD yesterday as well as the behind the scene extra thats on the standard DVD and really enjoyed it, did think they could have added a bit more for us people that cannot afford blu-ray but hehum they have to try and entice you somehow over to the blu side!
WDW, love the comment that he just has to walk into a room to make an impression! Sooo true. Hope you are feeling better - the thought of winter on its way and dark cold nights is enough to make anyone feel low. XX
My word is ructori - sounds like something yummy to eat!
Hello everyone!
I like "Brothers" a lot, except this one awful moment. Like you said Tui - very good performances. The girls were great as well. I'm ashamed a little bit, but I was waiting that something happens to Sam(Tobbey) and Grace (Nathalie) will stay with Tommy (Jake) and girls one day. Actually it could be many other ending to this movie. Like Sam leaving his family and going back to army, Sam killing himself. This true ending is not bad either - a kind of family ending. The best for everybody. Tommy was very close to his brother - Sam, they truly loved each other despite the wrong father's treatment. So if Sam would die, Tommy would have been very unhappy. I'm glad that Sam confessed the truth to his wife. It set him free and gave him a chance to recover. And to family happiness.
This weekend with Jake and his movies sounds fantastic! That's good idea.
That interview with Jake is nice, but of course we know the questions and answers. :)
I admire Jake and other movie stars for their patience. I would say " Come on, I've said it hundred times already, just check my old interviews!"
I wish Jake (and us) to have an opportunity to play Dastan again.
Hey WDW! I have a bit to catch up on :)
Very annoyed my PoP Blu-Ray hasn't arrived :( I ordered this and Kick-Ass about a month ago and neither have come! Kick Ass was released two weeks ago!?! And by the sounds of it most people already have theirs. I've emailed and they told me to wait till the 16th for Kick Ass and the 1st of Oct for PoP! (I ordered them from amazon)
On a side note, PoP is on box office, the main BO channel ;) and previews are being shown on repeat with a little interview from Jake included, nothing we havn't seen before, but nice to see him on the telly :) oh and Rendition is on Film4 tomorrow!! YAY I can finally watch it! Makes up for my Blu-rays not arriving.
Is this the first time Rendition has been on TV?
HI WDW, was having such a busy weekend here, now when I'm back online there's so many new post, have to catch up fast...
the video of the lego Dastan and Nizam fighting is so funny, and the second vid..oh, I want to have one of the ostrich race set..
Wish I could have Blu-ray player too... Does the blu ray got more interesting special feature???
Thanks for the new LAOD pic, love them so much, could hardly wait till November, hufh.. and it was the US release date..:'(
Thanks for the posts WDW!!
Hu there Claire! I love the DVD extra - it's so good.
Mermon, that's a wonderful comment, thanks :D And your feelings about Brothers are just what I felt.
Hi Silver, that's so bad! I never order DVDs from Amazon. They're great for some things but for DVDs it's best to stick to Play. That's not a good deal. Can you cancel it?
Ooh thanks for the info about Rendition and F4!!
Hi Serene Hill! The lego vids are great! The DVD extra is the best extra - the Blu-ray has a series of very short films (each about two minutes long) and we've seen some of them before.
I'm not very well at all tonight so I think I'll have to wait to do a post til tomorrow. Sorry about that. Have a good evening :)
Hello WDW
Oh I hope you're feeling better soon. Thoughts to you across the world from down here,
'this is no ordinary remote control'... :D
*rofl* I'll warn Dastan with that quote when he finally gets released from his plastic home. Beware beautiful, you'll be on play and rewind a lot this weekend. *grin*
So sorry to read you're not well. :( I hope you'll at least have a good night's sleep. Take care!
It's absolutely true that Jake can get your attention just by walking into a room. No need for an entrance on horseback.
"Brothers" had some extremely disturbing scenes. However, I began to understand why war becomes addictive for many soldiers. It is the most intense experience that they will ever have. It's like lifting up a corner of the universe to see what's behind it.
"Prince of Persia" is the highest-grossing video game adaptation ever made. I know it's a disappointment for some that it wasn't a billion-dollar blockbuster, but it took guts to pour resources and talent and money into a genre that hasn't had any really successful entries. Maybe someday we will look back at it as a visionary effort that was ahead of its time.
Morning everyone - thanks for the well wishes :) I'm taking it very slow today.
Thanks so much, Tui! All the way over there on the other side of the world :)
Hi there Lady Ekster! You're gonna have Dastan running around, and backwards, and forwards all over the place! Watch you don't wear him out :D And thanks!
He can, Paul :) I totally agree with what you say about Brothers and PoP. And we're enjoying the benefits of Jake's varied and interesting choices.
I miss him though. C'mon Jake, pop by and make me some soup :D
Hi everybody! I still didn't have time to catch up properly after my absence, but had to drop by to say, that I just noticed the tags you have on top of the page now!! Or am I incredibly dumb and they have been there for a long time already?? Anyway - they are great and I love that you are using Jake's character's names as tags!!
And look how many there are already!!!
And what a sweet poster for LAOD!!!!
Hope to catch up more in the next days!! Have a great day everybody - and I hope you will get better soon, WDW, sorry that you are not feeling well!!!!!
Hi Uli! I hope you had a good holiday :) Missed you. And yeay! Thanks for noticing - they are brand new. I've been working on them all afternoon while feeding myself soup. I thought it would help people find their way through some of the archived posts relating to the films. And I'm glad you like the name titles :D Of course, there's always more... I'll do one for the fun, hot posts about Jake, but that's gonna take more work.
The poster's fab, isn't it?! Thanks. I'm tired of not feeling well. I'm fighting it!
Hehe, tell you what, since all the names seem to be linking to the posts about his movies, I have been wondering about exactly that: How will we find the "fun, hot posts about Jake?"!!! I am sure you will think about an equally fun label for them!!
I guess I should go back to work now! And you keep up the good work, too! Sending more well-wishes your way!!
Oh cool! The name tags are fabulous! :-) I agree with Uli, lovely that you used the character's names. Looking at all those tabs it seems like he's been making films since birth, haha.
I wonder how you're gonna tag the hot, fun posts... 'cause that would have to be pretty much all of them. :-P
It's definitely a work in progress, Uli! Tagged up about a third of the posts now, so I'll keep going!
I'm so glad you like it, Lady Ekster! It's extremely difficult! I'm hoping that readers will take it as read that Jake's hot in all the posts!!!
Hi all!
WDW, get well soon!
I loved the tags. So convenient.
I already run out of Jake movies. I even watched City Slickers. He played Daniel(Billy Cristal's son).
I'm in standby now for LAOD. Or any other appearance.... No news since Jeremiah Johnson right?
Tagging on hotness....not sure if would be a good sorting criteria. Most posts will go there! Ha, ha,ha.
Take care!
Thanks so much, Eureka!
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