I'm sure many of you are far too busy watching Prince of Persia on the TV to be here, but I do want to give a shout out to Stephanie at IHJ who has spemt many hours doing at least 1850 screencaps for us all, enabling us to savour some favourite moments. I must admit to being intrigued by the hair in this picture from the Making of extra on the DVD. You can also see some clips from the Blu-ray here, including some of the exclusive extras.

To mark the release of the DVD, Sir Ben Kingsley has also been talking about his experience of Prince of Persia and how he approached it in a Shakespearean manner. This modest and generous actor also has this to say about his young co-stars and how he could learn from them: 'I recently read a book that I was asked to do the introduction for. It is a book aimed at the young actor. Over and over again, and I realize how right this is, it says you have to be relaxed in order to act. You cannot act, or paint, or write music if you bring tension to the task. Not that I am a tense person but I found that what I had to do with Jake Gyllenhaal was relax even more because Jake is a wonderful mixture of relaxed confidence. He knows that the best take will be when he is at his most relaxed. Sometimes you think that he is not doing anything but it is all happening. It is lovely to act with him because I have to be as relaxed and loose and free as he is.'

'There is a purity, a kind of religiosity to Gemma Arterton. I know she will hate me for saying this but there is something pure and almost saintly about her - which she kicks against ferociously. The thing about the cinema is that it forces you to be essential and Jake Gyllenhaal's essential quality is the relaxed work. Mine is the struggle between envy and regret and these ideas I have about my character. Gemma Arterton's is this saintly, religious adherence to telling the story. Her concentration is phenomenal; she is uninterruptible on the set. It's wonderful to watch.' There is plenty more here.

Less serious and certainly amusing if you take it with a big pinch of sand, is this 'rewriting' of Jake and Sir Ben by the Guardian. But 'coloured contact lenses'??? Shame on you, Guardian. 'Is that a mystical dagger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?'...

Donnie Darko revisited
It was very good to see this video appraisal of Donnie Darko by New York Times Critic, A.O. Scott. It is well worth a watch - not least because it does help to explain the different levels for which this unique film can be appreciated and enjoyed, not to mention puzzled over.
Pictures thanks to IHJ. Sneezes and spluttering from WDW.
Ah, I don't have my Prince of Persia dvd yet. But I'm enjoying the comments from people who hadn't seen PoP until now. Lots of love for Dastan out there. :-)
Great words from Sir Ben. You know, I've never acted in a movie with Jake (thought I'd make that clear ;-) ), but I get that "relaxed confidence" by watching him in films. Particularly in Brothers, I remember I was pretty much blown away by the naturalness of Jake's performance. Everybody was great in Brothers, but Jake was simply amazing in a wonderfully subtle way.
And Gemma made such a fantastic Tamina, I'd love to see her play that role again. I'd love a Prince of Persia 2. But it seems like it's so much work to make a movie like that, I feel a bit guilty. Although the second time should be easier, right?
I'll try to check the Donnie Darko video. If my connection allows.
Thanks for the tweaking, WDW. I know what a torture html can be. And thanks to IHJ for the caps.
Hi Alejandra! I hope you can enjoy it soon :D
Y'know, coincidentally, I've never acted in a movie with Jake either but I get that too and I am so pleased to see words like these ffrom Sir Ben. And I think Gemma was great! I know she's been saying that women are eye candy in these movies but I think she was much more than that.
Thank you! It was quite a steep learning curve doing these pages as they're not exactly pages - Blogger controls those. But I'm really pleased with the result - although much more to do.
I hope you can see the Donnie vid :)
*cleans laptop keyboard after drooling over PoP caps before commenting* Thanks to Stephanie! Gosh the wait is driving me nuts. Spent some time today writing PoP reviews for Bol.com, our #1 media webshop. Good fun, and it did bring Friday evening a bit closer. As does this. ;-)
"Jake is a wonderful mixture of relaxed confidence." Spot on, sir Ben. Spot on. :-)
That Guardian thing was hilarious! I heard and saw them performing it before my mind's eye. 'Is that a mystical dagger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?' That could easily have been the ending of How Prince Of Persia Should Have Ended, should they have made such a vid. ;-)
Hi All
Just finished watching PoP for the 4th time and have to say that the cinema experience was better than my tv.(its only 26" so no contest really!)
I'm pretty upset as I have been waiting for a DVD of Bubble boy to arrive and have had to admit defeat and contact my rental company to say that its gone missing! I've been so looking forward to seeing it too after all the comments posted here. (Brothers is on my list too and will hopefully get to it soon)
I think the new icons listing all the films are brilliant - especially for us newbies that haven't been around that long. So thanks very much its much appreciated!!
Hope you get well soon WDW. XX
lookin' good!
Hope you feel better soon
What a great thing to do, Lady Ekster! And the caps are wonderful :) That line in the Guardian article made me almost choke on my cough medicine!
Hi Claire - that's terrible about the BBoy DVD - I do hope it turns up in the end and you can see it. I'm so glad you like the tagged pages :D I know that a lot of readers here are post-PoP and so I wanted to help them discover more about Jake's earlier movies. They're goodies! Thank you! *)
Thanks, TD!!
Hi all!
WDW, get well soon!
I loved the tags. So convenient.
I already run out of Jake movies. I even watched City Slickers. He played Daniel.
I'm in standby now waiting for LAOD. Or any other appearance.... No news since Jeremiah Johnson right?
Tagging on hotness....not sure if would be a good sorting criteria. Most posts will go there! Ha, ha,ha.
I really enjoyed Brothers, I liked Jake's black sheep performance. Liked the way he held the fork in the dinner table and the look of, hey that's what I am.... can't be my brother.
Take care!
Hi Eureka! Ooh, I like City Slickers, although I used to watch it with no idea it was this amazing actor I would follow! That scene in Brothers is incredible. It really is :)
YES! I got my hands on the DVD yesterday and I LOVED IT! it was my sister's first time watching it and I am SURE I have made a Gyllenhaalic out of her!
Love the new signage WDW! Thanks for all your efforts.
And enjoyed the clip of Donnie Darko. It reminded me of what a good movie it is. An ensemble of great actors, with a great soundtrack.
Nice to hear of all the enjoyable POPping going on in the Northern Hemisphere side of the world!
Hi there everyone! Back at work nd a series of meetings - blurgh... although one was in a pub :D
That's great Georgie! Love to know you're spreading the good word :D
Thanks, Tui :D I'm glad you enjoyed the video. I also hope the Southern Hemisphere resounds to the sound of PoPping very soon.
I hope everyone's having a good day!
Hi WDW, you are doing a very good job with the WDW TubeMap, making it easier to access the past archive, thanks a lot...
The screencaps is real beautiful, I love the pic where Dastan smile to Tus, and the pic with Anita in it..hahaha...
And get better soon WDW, don't push yourself too hard, though I'm looking forward for your next posts, always.
Haven't been able too watch the Donnie Darko vid, shame on my internet connection!!!
And hope that you all will get your PoP DVD as soon as possible..
Thanks for the signage and the post, WDW
Hi everybody!
WDW - thank you for making those signage. They are very helpful. You were sick and working so hard for us! :) I hope you are much better now.
Stephanie at IHJ' screencaps are great. I was not able to see them all, but quite a lot. They are lovely. I love the pics from the fight scenes, where we can see Jake's muscles. They are even better, more shapely than I thought!
The interview with sir Ben is interesting, and those words about Jake we all quote here are must to remember (Jake is a wonderful mixture of relaxed confidence - :))
Saint Gemma? For me she's very strong, confident, independent woman as for 24 years old person.
And another one golden line - "Is that a mystical dagger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?"... Hahahahaha.
About Donnie Darko I can read, watch and talk always. That's a movie of my life, number 2 after Brokeback Mountain. And it happens accidentally in both of them Jake is starring. :)
Alejandra - why do you feel guilty about POP2?
Eureka - I like the way Jake holds his fork in Brothers as well.
Thank you so much, Serene Hill! I hate it when I'm not well enough to do posts, but got one up this evening :) I love the pic with Tus!
Hi Mermon! I'm glad you like it! Thank you :D I like the action photos too, Jake's muscles look incredible in them. I think Gemma is an amazing and mature person for her age, although I'm a little out of step with some of her interviews at the moment. But I think she'll calm down when she realises what a fortunate position she's in. And the opportunities open to her! Incredible :)
Donnie Darko will always be such a special film in my life. I'm so glad Jake's part of it :)
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