What a day - after 2am and I don't want to believe it's over. Toronto's Rendition day was an extraordinary, unforgettable experience and all due to Jake Gyllenhaal. In my last post, I showed Jake going into the press conference, well this is what happened when he came out. And this time he's not blurry - a first for me!
This time, the crowds at the side of the hotel were much less and so we were able to get to the front and have a very close encounter with the beautiful Jake. He came out of the nearest doorway and was ready to sign autographs for all, including me. I thanked him and wished him a wonderful night.
When Jake had got into his SUV and been driven off, Peter Sarsgaard came out and seemed happy to chat a little. I asked him if he wouldn't mind signing my magazine for me and he said he'd be happy too, but then I realised it would have to be the same picture of Jake that Jake had signed. I told him I was sorry it was a picture of Jake and Peter joked that he was always happy to write over the face of that guy - so he did!
Gavin Hood was next, but a security guard let slip that Reese would be coming out of a different exit. When we walked round to the front of the hotel Omar Metwally was there being interviewed for the cameras, before quietly chatting.
The Rendition gala premiere - 6.30-9pm, Roy Thomson Hall
At the Roy Thomspon Hall we made a decision to focus on getting good seats for the gala because the red carpet area was so small. Also, I didn't think anything could beat the earlier experience. Jake arrived, the place erupted and we went into the foyer. A section of the foyer along the wall was corded off, for the cast to walk to the elevator/lift to go back stage. We were able to be at the front, right by the lift. The first person we recognised to walk past us was Chris Fischer, looking extremely handsome - so handsome I forgot to take a picture! Finally, Jake went by and as he was even more handsome I completely forgot to take his picture as well. Dear oh dear... As we ran up to get a seat, I passed Reese looking so beautiful with the wavy hair and the little black dress.

Before the film, Gavin took to the podium and thanked his producers and writer Kelly Sane, who came on stage, before thanking and introducing the Hollywood actors who had made the characters a reality - each coming on stage one at a time: Jake, Reese, Peter and Omar. Jake and Reese appeared to mirror each other's body language but she definitely cast Jake a few glances.
I'm going to say very little about Rendition at the moment as it needs to sink in a little and I want to give absolutely nothing away. I can safely say that, to my mind, Jake has never looked as sexy as he does in this film - Gavin made full use of it - and there were signs of a new Jake, one I've not seen before, but who seems utterly fascinating. There were new expressions, new tones in his voice and a real physicality - a long way from Robert Graysmith. Having Jake in in the theatre was - a distraction. At the end there was a standing ovation that lasted and lasted. I loved this film and can't wait to see it again - everyone was excellent. We were able to congratulate Omar (he was superb) and writer Kelly Sane in person outside and they were really sweet and kind.
We came out of the theatre into the madness that is a George Clooney premiere. Afterwards, we headed back to Yorkville and had some drinks in the Hazleton Hotel. Later on we saw Peter walk around the corner to a steakhouse. I finally decided to call it a day when Chris walked past me in the street. No sign of Jake. What a day. Perfect.
All pictures taken by yours truly on one of the best days of her life. Thank you Jake.
THANK YOU (((((((((WDW)))))))))
It must have been beyond belief to actually say a few words to him. Closer and closer ..... I look forward to more encounters, even closer ones.
You go Girl!!!
Thank you for the report of the day and the photos.
Lucky girl!! xx
Thank you Incognita and gr77! This day was so much more than I ever dreamed it could be. Off to try and sleep! Toronto is just buzzing tonight - all the cafes and bars in Yorkville were open way after midnight.
WDW,you must be floating on air!! Well you should be asleep right now but I'm not sure you'll have come down yet ;-)
I can't begin to imagine the thrill of being so close to Jake,to actually exchange a few words with him and to have that autographed magazine in your possession which has been touched by those elegant hands. Listen to me,I'm regressing to a giggly schoolgirl just reading your account of this fabulous day!
I'm not surprised you found it hard to concentrate on the film with Jake in the auditorium but you have very skilfully given us a tantalising flavour of the feast that is to come with "Rendition" without any spoilers. Your evocative description of how Jake is maturing before our eyes into an ever more complex and fascinating creature is so exciting.
You gave a great sense too of the electric atmosphere of the premiere,the place "erupting" when Jake walks in (I'm tingling as I imagine it) and the prolonged standing ovation. Hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more of Jake when the Awards season is upon us next year! You'll be packing your suitcase a few more times,eh,WDW?
Congratulations on such a great,clear photo of Jake up close. How you didn't get terminal camera-shake I don't know and it's entirely understandable that when he walked by you later you were just transfixed by his sheer gorgeousness and forgot to take another one!
It's lovely to read your account of your exchange with Peter Sarsgaard,typically jokey and affectionately teasing about his beloved brother-in-law. Awwwww.
Thanks so much for bringing all this to life for us,WDW. Reading your descriptions and looking at your photos is probably the nearest I'll ever get to knowing what it's like to meet Jake in person and I'm SO glad that the experience is channelled through you because you really deserve to have had such a fabulous experience! They say you make your own luck and you've had the bottle and grasped the opportunity to make the "impossible" happen. Good on yer,girl!
Nadine xxx
That last comment was from me. I didn't notice until I was about to post it that I'd been so excited for you,I'd forgotten to log in!
Sweet dreams hon,looking forward to hearing more from you later!
Nadine xx
Kate, you are such a clever writer, you know exactly what to say and what to leave out, to make us curios. Jake has "a new physicality" - aha!: You liked the sex scene. LOL at Peter's remark, he's smart. Thanks for reporting.
"There were new expressions, new tones in his voice and a real physicality - a long way from Robert Graysmith"
I'm so looking forward to watching this film if only for that single reason - seeing different nuances and physicalities in his performance.
Well done to you for taking the trip, meeting Jake, Peter, Gavin and others and thank you for all your reports and pictures.
Thanks so much Kate, for your pictures and account of your experience at the TFF, and so glad you enjoyed Rendition....just wonderful, all of it. Olivia.
Thanks for this account WDW. What a fantastic and memorable night for you! I only just got up and came staight here to find out what happened. Talk to you soon. ;D
OMG! What a wonderful amd perfect day you had, WDW!
LOL, I started 4 times to write the next senctence, but I have no idea how to tell you how excited I am for you, for me and for everybody who will read about your adventure here...
You saw him 3 times this year and it seems to be getting better everytime! What will come next??
And I hope a little squeeeee is allowed for Chris beeing there? Here it is: squeeeeee! ;D
Big hugs!!
"Extraordinary Rendition Day"
Awesome pics in this post WDW, especially of Jake and how close you were to him! Such a cute remark from Peter. I don't know if I'd want even Jake to write over his face on a magazine, yikes, lol. Could have also maybe got Jake/Peter to autograph your Rendition gala ticket too perhaps huh?! A double souvenier of your Jake experience....
It certainly sounds that the "mature Jake" in Rendition is even more sexy by your account. I'm sure like you say, you'll have to see the movie again because of Jake being such a distraction at the gala, lol. Very nice to hear it got a standing ovation. After the gala, when you said you seen both Peter and Chris Fischer in the streets there, chances are perhaps that Jake maybe wasen't far behind....
Well WDW, I must say you must have swallowed a horseshoe or something...you certainly got luck on your side getting to meet Jake for the 3rd time! Me on the other hand, I have zilch luck, lol. Very happy that you were blessed to see Jake in the flesh.
From what I can tell, no one has posted some of this Jake and Rendition news from TIFF. Here is one quote from news from TIFF:
"When Jake Gyllenhaal and Sienna Miller dined at Sotto Sotto (separately) on Thursday, neither was approached by patrons. Mr. Gyllenhaal, I was told, enjoyed a relaxed meal (arriving at 10 and leaving after midnight); possibly the only two hours of public respite he'll have while visiting the city."
Here is also a peek and a bit of a description of what's in the TIFF swag bag:
Pic #14 is of Jake inside an SUV with what some thought to be Reese, but obviously is his agent I believe:
These are the 2 main Canadian entertainment news websites that has everything about the TIFF:
WDW, did you try the Canadian beer yet?!
You did it again! And this time you talked to him and took an excellent picture, and Peter talked to you, and you saw Chris!
This is not sheer luck, I know how much effort and thinking and strategy you put into each of those encounters, having seen you 'at work' in the past!!
Congratulations. This beats it all and I easily believe that it is the most beautiful day in your life. Now don't come out with measles out of excitement ;)
Your report is so vivid, makes us feel we were there.
Oh thinking you were in the same theater as him for several hours... no wonder you were distracted.
So, so happy there was a standing ovation. I hope it will be a much greater success than Zodiac. Zodiac will probably end up being recognized for the masterpiece it is, but there is nothing like instant gratification for one's efforts, is there?
Very excited to hear that there are yet more facets to discover about Jake's acting, he truly is greatly talented and as his personality and professional skills keep developing he will amaze us for many, many more years... Not just a prettuy face, by far :)
Thanks WDW, for sharing those incredible moments with us.
Wishing you more exciting tidbits in the coming days
If you compare the video and photo from etalk the fair headed ladies have different coloured tops on, One is very dark and the other is light grey, so I doubt they where taken at the same time.
Ah, WDW! How exciting -- and what a wonderful report! I think what I envy (AND admire) most is your chutzpah. You sure know how to get the job done.
I'm thrilled to learn that Jake's different look in Rendition stills truly does reflect a new maturity and growth as an actor -- I can't wait to see this film!
You'll be flying high for quite a while after such an exciting day! Enjoy it, girl -- you deserve it! And thank you soooo much for sharing.
Can't wait to hear about the film itself.
Just popped in again to say that the Jake pic taken by you is stunning!
Lifesize and breathtaking.
Wow WDW I'm so happy for you. Your pictures of Jake are wonderful. I'm dying to hear about how Rendition was, but I'm going to force myself to wait and be patient until I can see it and really enjoy it. I had to laugh at Peter's comment when he signed your magazine. You lucky lady! I wouldn't be able to sleep a wink either. What a great experience! :)
WDW: "we were able to get to the front and have a very close encounter with the beautiful Jake."
My heart stopped right there! Thank you for sharing your perfect day with us. Your unblurry Jake pics are wonderful! :-)
I'm so intrigued by your description of the "new Jake" and can't wait to see this movie. And a standing ovation! I wish I could have seen his face when the audience stood up. I'll bet he was just beaming.
And *LOL* at Peter's comment when signing over Jake's pic.
I'm so glad you started this blog. I love it.
Hi everyone! Thank you so, so much :) I'll be back later to chat but I just wanted to say thank you for sharing in this perfect time and making it even more special.
That's interesting about Sienna Miller - I saw her last night leaving the Hazleton at around 11pm or a bit later. She actually went out of the front of the hotel. I don't think Jake was at the hotel then as I spoke to the paps and they said 'no one' had come back tonight.
It's great how Peter and Chris can walk around the streets and be unbothered - just a smile or two from me, no pics. I don't think Jake could, but then he's a huge attraction here and he'll know it.
Definitely a big squee allowed for Chris - that guy is gorgeous! Pics don't do him justice.
Did Jake and Chris leave Toronto Friday night?
There are no pics of them from Rendition dinner.
Hi Anon - Chris was still there very late Friday night - well after midnight as I saw him walking back to the hotel and later on I saw him peering from his room watching the crowds! The place was just buzzing. Also a hot night so everyone out in the streets.
Jake was out somewhere and hadn't come back by 1am. He may have been eating with Peter round the corner.
I am a bit late but congratulations to your wonderful, exiting day!
Love your pictures and cannot wait for your full "Rendition" review. Despite the mixed reviews it must be so overwhelming for them to get the standing ovations.
And you were part of that crowd!
Enjoy the rest of your time in Toronto - perhaps you are lucky again? Or have Jake and Chris left the town already?
WOW!! WDW...so so fabulous...and, of course, I am insanely jealous!!! Many many thanks for the lovely pics and the fascinating reports on our lovely...you must be walking on air!! I wish you could send me a private email..as I would love to hear all the details of the movie...I am one of those people who does not mind..even likes to hear details of a movie before they have seen it....and yes..I read the last page of a book before I even begin to read it....LOL!! I cannot wait to see it...especially after your comments about how Jake appears......Michele
Jake was at the "Michael Clayton" premiere on Friday.
Hi WDW!!I'm so glad to hear you had such a great time and met His Gorgeouness in person again!!! I've been frantic all day wondering how you'd got on! Sounds like you had the most amazingly awesome time;D Thanks for the pics btw, the one of Jake is gorgeous! You could be a pap! Actually, no you couldn't, you're way too lovely:) You're a wonderful ambassador for us Jake fans:)
I often wonder how Jake feels about his fans cos it must be such a weird thing to think about, but I'm sure when he meets people like you, and other fans from other Jake and BBM sites, he must realise how much love and support and genuine appreciation there is for him out there. It sounds silly even by my standards, but it makes me feel closer to him somehow.
I'm also glad to hear you really rate Rendition. If I wasn't already salivating at the thought of seeing it I sure am now! I can't wait to see the new "never looked so sexy" Jake. At first when I read that I thought "What? How can he be even sexier than he already is?" but then I think that every time I see new pics of him!! And this "physicality" that you mention *drool* And if that wasn't enough, having skim read a couple of reviews the actual film sounds pretty good too;)
Thank you for sharing the experience with us WDW :) It was the next best thing to being there. Hopefully one day I'll get the chance to experience something like that for myself (well, England won today, so there's proof miracles can and do happen;)
I am so happy for you! What a wonderful experience! You saw him three times? How perfect for you. You really deserve it. Big hugs.Glad the film was well received.
I hope you have had some sweet sleep and rest, WDW: I have been thrilled by your reports -close and closer - I could feel the heat - o my goodness! a perfect day!
"You sure know how to get the job done" Betcha there will be more of this to come, in your life. Nothing would surprise me.
Thank you so much for packing us in yr baggage! OMY!
Congratulations, WDW, on yet another successful encounter. I hope you won't be upset that I've thumbnailed your lovely unblurred shot of Jake on my blog, and linked it back here. I personally don't want to even read reviews of Rendition until I see it, but I appreciate the teasers you've provided. Jake looked beautiful and I'm not sure I could have spoken coherently, let alone operated a camera. This has nothing to do with stardom and everything to do with Jake being an incredible person.
Even on the days when you don't see Jake in person, yours is one of the BEST BLOGS EVER!!! So detailed, so up-to-date, so informative.
So happy for you this weekend!!!
Thank you for sharing. XO,from Melby
Was Jake asked what his future plans are (movie, Broadway, opening a restaurant)??
WDW, I'm sure your still reeling from your VERY exciting day on Friday. Like everyone has said, thanks for sharing your experience with us!
There are a couple of new Rendition portrait pics from yesterday of Jake on Getty, which are beautiful of course, and also a pic of him arriving for the Michael Clayton premiere.
On flickr, someone uploaded a pic of a swag bag that a girl got and she went to the Time Style & Design Party that Jake, George Clooney, and Reese were at. It say's the pic of the swag bag was taken Sept.8th:
If someone has already posted the eTalk video of Jake and Reese's interview, my apologies if I may have missed it. Here is the link of that video, and Jake comments about rendition itself quickly in the interview:
Found a sweet story from a columnist from the National Post. He supposedly ran into Jake at the back of the restaurant in the kitchen Thursday night at Sotto Sotto. The chef, an Italian lady named Mama wanted a pic with Jake, LOL! Read the rest of the story:
If I may, a bit off topic....Ang Lee's Lust, Caution won the top prize for best film (Golden Lion) Saturday at the closing ceremonies at the Venice Film Festival. Todd Haynes won a special jury prize for I'm Not There, and Cate Blanchett won best actress for I'm Not There as well. There are pics on Getty, it appears of Heath accepting Cate's award and also a few pics of Heath and Ang Lee together.
WDW, hope you don't mind me posting some of these links. Since its Jake related, I figured enquiring minds want to know, LOL!
Look forward to hearing what other excitement you may have found in Toronto, and safe trip back to the UK!
Roger Ebert has posted a short review on Rendition, and he quotes, "Perfection, the perfect film"! He goes onto say that the original Rendition screenplay, should get several nominations. He will give a full review of Rendition, Oct. 19th. Here's the link of his short review:
{{{{WDW!}}}} What a wonderful way to end my day; hanging out at your blog.:) I can't stop reading about you meeting Jake and Peter, as you check out the very very handsome Chris, while you talk to and get Jake and Peter's autograph. Jake's new mature physicality is unbelievable, eh?. He is growing up in front of our very eyes. *squeeeeeee*
Jake, Reese and the cast, must be extremely happy tonight with the amazing reception Rendition received at the festival. The reviews are stellar coming from the festival. I want to see the film even more now than I did last week, if that's possible.
A standing ovation, bears out Ebert's review I read and posted quotes from earlier today.
He said Rendition is one of two perfect films he saw in Toronto. He will expand on his review when Rendition opens here in October.
I can't believe how much fun I've had here with you and how much I appreciate you allowing me to share your Jake moments.
I have some photos of Reese sneaking looks and making faces at Jake; I don't blame the girl at all:) I would love to share them with you if you like
love and hugs and kisses,
Thank you so much everyone for your kind words and comments. You have completely made my day :) A special welcome to newcomers Sheba, Olivia and Melby. Melby, thank you!
Cherita No problem at all. Thanks for linking. I must go and read.
Positively Pia - Thank you so much for packing us in yr baggage! - definitely a pleasure :)
Jantoinette - Thanks so much for the links - a big help as I'll have so much to catch up on when I get back home in the wee hours of Monday morning. These are really great links! Thanks.
Thank you to you all for being with me through this incredible adventure. Who'd have thought it possible, but I'll leave here tomorrow with even more love and dedication to Jake.
It's all just increfible! Thank you!
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