I posted a video interview the other day from the red carpet - here is another one - please click here. I find this one particularly touching because Jake can hear the crowd chanting 'We want Jake!' and he turns round to wave and say hi, apologising to them that he has to do this (the interview). This was just like in Cannes - at these events, Jake loves to hear his name, to hear people 'chanting it up'. It's special to him - these aren't ordinary events in anyone's life.

I thought I'd post all of my pictures from inside the theatre when Gavin called his actors onto the stage one by one. As with all the pictures, if you click on them they'll be much bigger and you should get a good view.
An interview with Jake appeared in the Toronto Star on Sunday, in which Jake said that he was attracted to the character of Douglas because he was invisible. You may also know this interview because it's the one where Jake was so hot from the press junkets that when he arrived in the air conditioned suite he stripped off his jacket and shirt - yes, I remember it for that as well. Or because Jake commented that his mother sends him 'about 15 emails a day', all with links to political blogs. So while Jake works his way through his political links, we work our way through Jake links - I like that! Here is the interview in full - it's pretty spoilerfree - and here is the picture of Jake that came with it - I was fortunately able to buy the paper at the airport.

While I'm posting pictures, I thought you might be interested to see what happened while we were waiting for Jake and the others to arrive for the press conference on Friday at Sutton Place - Jodie Foster and Terrence Howard came out of their press conference. This was totally unexpected and very pleasant as I'd seen them both the night before at Jake's hotel. They arrived as he was leaving. So now it was the other way around.

Just after Jodie - who is just lovely in real life - and Terrence - who has to be one of the friendliest and outgoing stars at TIFF - left, Peter turned up. He was relaxed and extremely friendly. His pictures are followed by a picture of the actress from the film who played the daughter of the interrogator (not the love interest). My apologies for not knowing her name. Omar Metwally hung around the hotel a little longer. The same day I passed Gavin in the street, and Kelly Sane, the very handsome screenwriter, was across the street in the Bistro. It's such a small place.

This picture wasn't taken by me, but by a photographer right behind me and is exactly the same as the one I took but without the blur - thanks mate!

Pictures from WDW and IHJ.
Again, WDW, what a thrill this must have been - could you believe it? I'd have to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming - seeing Jodie, Terrence, Peter, Reese, then passing Gavin and Kelly Sane in the street - and, of course, seeing Jake himself! Loved the interview clips and glad to see that the celebs enjoy all the positive energy they receive from their fans. I really liked reading his thoughts on the role in the Toronto Star interview, and well, that he did the interview in his tshirt. :)
Hi Marina - at the moment, I can't believe it! Just so many sights - so many stars - and, of course, the one that matters. Thanks for commenting - it's not that easy processing everything now. It was just incredible.
And to think, all that and yet it was still only the opening weekend at TIFF.
I couldn't imagine doing this for ONE week let alone the two weeks it runs!
Wonderful seeing the pics. It's almost like I was *right there*. Oh wait a second. . .
Great Jake/TIFF coverage. You are so good to us!
My pleasure Anon!
Hi Felicia! One of the longest weekends and yet undoubtedly the best weekend.
There is somethng incredably exciting about having "one of your own" Be There. This was true in Cannes, also, for me.
I loved the moment when Jake turned to the crowd and explained he had to do the interview. It reminded me of the video of him as a little boy, wish I had it in my favorites, I thought I did, telling how to pronounce his name. "Gyllenhaal. Jake Gyllenhaal." He was sorta speaking to the crowd, then.
Thanks for more goodies!
did I say "one" of our own? I mean "four of our own. . . "
did I leave anyone out?
someone thot I was there because I said I came home feeling exhausted but happy. haha!
A great week-end indeed WDW and I think that there must be some kind of pleasure and sweetness even in the process of 'getting over' this Jake's Beauty hangover!:)
What a sight must have been Jake undressing in front of the interviewer! :D
^^^Xenia, yikes! Here I was ready to make a comment about WDW's post, and now all I can think of is stripping!Jake. I need a moment.
Once again, as with Cannes, the good stuff keeps coming long after Jake's left the party. That's one of the reasons I was so looking forward to this event, and I'm thrilled that you were there to bring us an inside view. You have worked nonstop to bring us all this coverage. Thank you for that.
P.S. If someone can find that video elsewhere or put it on YouTube, that would be helpful--the one linked in the post "cannot be played on a Macintosh." Which is bullshit, by the way; any video format playable on Windows can play on a Mac. It's probably because they've used ActiveX for processing it. Jerks.
WDW, I don't know how you can possibly work while "processing" such a glorious few days. My hat's off to you. And thanks so much -- I do feel like I was there, too. Every encounter of yours proves to us even more what a super fella Jake truly is!
Cherita, I also have a Mac -- quite frustrating. You'd think by now those folks would have given up on ActiveX. It's actually very dangerous! AND useless, of course, for us Macheads -- and there are many of us out there.
Another TIFF-tastic post,WDW,especially since you stayed up late to post it, despite being utterly knackered.
I love the fact that Jake would so obviously have preferred to be over talking to his fans rather than answering another batch of the same trite questions with which he was bombarded throughout his time in Toronto(loved the repeated Hi's and the apologetic gestures to explain he has to do the interview). Too many "celebrities" appreciate their fans when they are propelling them to the top but then seek to dismiss them as an inconvenience. Not so our Jake,God bless him.
The actors know it's de rigeur as part of the publicity for a film to meet the press and answer their questions but it must degenerate into tedium-on-a-stick when you've been regurgitating a rehash of the same information for hours,sometimes days on end.
I find his frequent affectionate references to his Mom endearing as well. Too many men would rather die than infer,let alone openly proclaim,that they're really close to their Mother, lest they be thought unmanly. Such a shame! I love a man who's good to his Mom!
Once again,a great overview of a fabulous weekend,WDW,which you truly deserved!
The pictures have only just loaded for me ... just noticed the little chap in the England shirt :)
Hi everyone! What a day - nothing but work... :(
Thanks for the comments! Sorry that video doesn't play on Macs, I had no idea. But at least you have the recompense of knowing Jake is a fellow MacBoy ;)
I loved that bit too Positively Pia - he really looked to be enjoying himself with the crowd. Another of those pinch yourself moments for him.
Thanks Xenia, Cherita and Beckela I am so lucky to be able to share all of this with you all :)
Hi Nadine - all those people asking 'What drew you to the role?' I'd be bored of that one straight off. And yes, I like these funny refs to his mum! Sometimes it's hard to reconcile these two Jakes - the sexy, self-assured movie star and this modest and sweet young man - he combines the two perfectly.
hi Anouska - that guy was a TV presenter for something strange - he was running around all over the place like a madman with ants in his pants. But as soon as Jake appeared he seemed to go into shock!
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