A very early start indeed was in order, to get hold of the blue wrist band, which we wore like they were more precious than gold, and allowed us to get through the police barricade to the front of the red carpet outside the Royal Opera House. The wait was fun though, forging lasting friendships with Ruby, Anouska and Mouk while watching Jake videos on my MP4 player and chatting with some of the other fans in the line - many of whom were there for Daniel Craig.

It's worth pointing out that we had little idea Jake was actually going, just a mention on Radio 1 the day before which said he may be. But as we lined up for the wrist bands, along with professional autograph hunters, we could hear them discussing the stars expected. We heard Jake's name. A guy said that Jake had not been seen at the party the night before and no one knew where he was staying - the heart dropped. But he then said that Jake was the nicest celebrity he'd ever got an autograph off - smiles all round.

Finally, as it started to get dark, we were moved from the main line and allowed through the barricade and along the side of the red carpet. We got as close to the front as we could, behind some young fans of Mylene Klass. We came to a deal. We'd yell to attract Mylene's attention but if and when Jake showed up, we would all yell for him. The young fans said no problem because Jake's not coming - Oh, I thought. We were given a radio headset through which we could listen to the commentary of a presenter in a balcony above us. Across the street we had the E and Sky set up, which was hosted by the lovely Captain Jack (Torchwood), John Barrowman - he made a worthwhile distraction.

The stars came and went - Toni Collette (whom I swear turns up everywhere), Ian McKellen, Judi Dench, James McAvoy, Emily Blunt, Richard Griffiths, Richard Wilson, Eva Green, Helen Mirren and other people (including Mylene Klass) I was too distracted to remember. I was giving up, as Mouk would confirm, but then I heard the announcement through the headset: 'And now getting out of the car is.... Jake Gyllenhaal' and time froze and then the world went mad.
I pushed forward off the curb of the pavement, reasoning that it was a professional autograph hunter I was shoving out of the way and so he deserved it. I looked left and got my first glance of Jake, signing autographs on our side of the red carpet. And he stuck to that side, getting nearer and nearer until he was in front of me. I said his name to him and handed my GQ to him and while he held one side, and I held the other, Jake signed it and I got a good look at the most beautiful human being I've ever seen - and he shone (I realise now that this could have been something to do with the tan - real or otherwise - for Rendition) but I still say he shone more than any other star walking down the carpet that day.

We were all in shock (Anouska had stroked Jake's sleeve and it made her giddy) as this kind of experience was new to us, and someone - Anouska? - suggested we should follow Jake down the line. And we did and we had the time of our lives and were... exuberant so I might leave that to your imagination. Suffice to say, I did get told to get down off some camera scaffolding and at one point I yelled at Helen Mirren (who had just kissed Jake) to get out of the way. We also saw Jake give Ian McKellen a big hug and not for the cameras either. Ruby also yelled something out which made quite a few people burst out laughing but that's for her to say - I do wonder if Jake heard, maybe not.

Finally, Jake went into the Opera House and, having achieved more than we could ever have hoped, we left to find a pub in which to toast Jake, walking past Daniel Craig with barely a glance. Tight friendshps were forged that day and evening and it's very possible that that is the greatest prize of all from 11 February. It also means something to me that my autograph from TIFF was on a magazine cover which showed a picture of Jake on that BAFTA night. Incidentally, Jake was the only star I saw who walked down the carpet with his own pen ready to go.

Not surprisingly, the BAFTAs was also Ruby's top moment of the year, as she describes here: 'There are so many great Jake moments in interviews and DVD extras etc. that it would be hard to choose. I love the Jarhead doc when he is getting his head shaved, and the ‘Jack Nasty Loves you” moment of Oprah; and his birthday phone call to Ellen, and the ‘a-maaaz-ing’ modern dance movements on Conan… I could go on!'

'My favourite personal moment though has to be Bafta, where I met WDW, Anouska and another friend for the first time having been chatting to them on-line at DCF for a while. It was insane, getting up in the middle of the night to go stand around in the cold all day with virtual strangers, at an event I would normally never consider going anywhere near, and all to see some Hollywood actor - and at my age too!!. Was it worth it? Hell, yeah. I made some very good friends. Oh, and I saw Jake too. He passed by us way too quickly, signing autographs all the way, and someone (Anouska?) had the bright idea of following him down the carpet to where they do the interviewing. This of course meant we were way back in the crowd and could barely see him let alone get his attention. Not for lack of trying on either count though.'

'Any rumours that in desperation to get his attention, I may have yelled out something inspired by the Oprah moment above; to the amusement of the crowd; may or may not be totally unfounded.' [Not - WDW]
We quite often retrace our steps and this weekend we were able to walk them with our friend and fellow Brokie Tammy, visiting from Sweden. The Opera House looked beautiful.

Later, back at home, I settled down to watch the BAFTAs on TV - it was showed on a delay - and Jake was wonderful:
Includes pictures from WDW (the shaky ones), Ruby and IHJ.
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO JAKE AND TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! I wish all of us a year filled with Jake adventures, great movies and good company. Thank you for your support of WDW over the last nine months and for your generous friendship. Cheers and here's to 2008!!