The Metro today reported: 'Heath Ledger could still win an Oscar after a film critic tipped the late actor to scoop the gong for his role as the Joker in the new Batman film, The Dark Knight. The Aussie, who died of a drugs overdose in January aged 28, is hailed as "mad-crazy-blazing brilliant" by Rolling Stone magazine's Peter Travers. He said: "If there's a movement to get him a posthumous Oscar, then sign me up."' Read the Rolling Stone article here for more superlatives for Heath.

This opinion, that a posthumous Oscar may be a possibility, is repeated in a set of ET video interviews recorded with each of the cast of The Dark Knight - with one exception. You can see a compilation video here. Christian Bale says of Heath's performance and how audiences will watch it: 'It's unlike any portrayal we've seen before. I think they will celebrate his talent and applaud him for that because he does do a phenomenal job.'

The video feature makes a point that this was the second time Heath acted with a Gyllenhaal, showing clips of Brokeback Mountain. You can see all of Maggie Gyllenhaal's interview here and in it she speaks about what it was like to see Heath on the screen as the Joker: 'I found it very, very difficult at first and then... He's so astonishing in the movie that I - I can only speak for myself - but I very quickly found myself watching the Joker. Maybe as a way of protecting myself but also because he's so good.'

The New York premiere of The Dark Knight is now just two weeks away - on 14 July - and the whole affair, as well as the film itself, appears to be dedicated to Heath and to fellow Aussie Conway Wickliffe, a special effects technician, who died during the making of the film. Heath's family is expected to attend. The premiere in London is a week later, on July 21.

A different FNIT?
Thanks to a poster at DC, here are a couple of stills from the television version of Brokeback Mountain that was shone on the Bravo channel at the weekend. Although much of the first tent scene was not shown - a view of a trembling tent was deemed sufficient - it included film of Jack unbuckling his belt shot from an angle not seen before. Intriguing indeed.

And finally
After yesterday's post, with its talk of Joe Namath and Jake's suitability to play a football star, today another player mentions Jake. Jason Peter, who has written his autobiography and is presumably known beyond British shores, when asked hypothetically which actor would play him in the movie said 'Jake Gyllenhaal' - because his wife said so. Sensible lady. Thanks to Nicole, here's a clipping of the Parade piece that featured the question about Jake.

Includes pictures from Parade, IHJ, Empire, The Dark Knight.