So, when things are bad and I'm missing Jake, there is that last resort I can draw upon for inner strength and fortitude - and that is Wet Jake. We're talking serious guns here, and I don't use them lightly, but this might be the time.

There are several points to note here - and some of these are relevant for future screenplays for Jake. Firstly, Jake is almost wasted in a movie without having a shower scene and, secondly, I'm counting on there being a Persian Bath scene for Dastan.

I know Jake didn't enjoy the weeks of filming in the gigantic water tank for The Day After Tomorrow, but it was in a good cause. A few years ago, Wet Sam left a big impression stamped on my heart, just look at him and you'll see why.

Fortunately, in Zodiac, San Francisco weather ensured that Jake could get wet again.

A few years ago, when Jake participated in photoshoots, it seemed like photographers weren't happy unless they were chucking buckets of water over him. I can understand why but I wonder what Jake made of it all (and I hope he didn't catch a cold).

This photographic trend did, however, lead to my least favourite photo of Jake ever - ever! Please do not expect this to ever, ever be posted again here while I have breath in my body...

Things are a bit more dignified now.

Someone please get the towel ready...

And it even gets better - Wet Jake and Wine.

Includes pictures from IHJ and links.
WDW, love the contrast...dry desert, wet Jake...LOL!
Good stuff, Hot and Wet! I thought it was time for Jake to wash the sand out of his ears and get acclimatised to the British autumn :D Thanks very much for that!
Ok...where's the cold shower for me and my hormones now?! ...but Wet Jake's always a great idea to cheer me up ;) thank you WDW!
And thanks to the tourists who seem to be the few sources for PoP-set pics :-/
Wish goodnight to everybody :)
Hey Good Girl! Wet Jake is so good for us in these times of drought :D I love these latest tourist pics - I like to see where Jake has been working. G'night to you :)
I'm in need of a shower myself after that - preferably a cold one!!
Thanks for the pics WDW. Some of my favourites in there.
Have a great evening :)
Hi there Carol :D Enjoy your cold shower! And I'm glad you liked the pics - dry or wet, Jake is so sexy... Have a good evening :)
invisible man pills
Gosh darn it WDW - what the h*ll you waiting for? Lets start working on an antidote PDQ!
Hey Dr Feelgood, I'm workin' on it :D
Sorry, kate, but somehow I can't remember what you said in the blog. Must be cause I can't think after seeing all those WET JAKE pics :D
oh the torture!
Trekfan :D
Heehee Trekfan :D Sweet torture though... I love that pic of Jake behind the wet glass - it's like having Jake trapped in your shower :D Gulp.
If he gets small and shriveled in your shower with all the water I can plump him back up!
These PoP set pics are just amazing - love the door arches, so graceful. Still no Jake *sigh* - glad you brought out the "big guns". My favorite Wet Jake pics are the ones on the surfboard in Maui - one comes to mind, in the wetsuit, that highlights his shoulders, arms and chest so well.
Thanks! Continuing to wait(sorta) patiently for our Prince . . .
There's something fascinating about the way Jake's hair clings to his head when he gets wet. That was especially evident in "Zodiac."
Good morning! Back at work - sigh :(
Oo-er Dr Feelgood :D He'll definitely be fine in my shower though... thanks for the concern ;D
Hi Anon! Those really are great pics, aren't they? There is something about a filmset, and especially one where we know Jake's been. I'm not waiting patiently for Jake to reappear at all!
Morning Paul :D I love how Jake's hair goes curly too, sigh...
Hope everyone has a good day and Jake is spotted!
Hey WDW, thanks for your lovely posts, you're priceless indeed...:)
Yay for a Bath Scene in PoP, but have we any further evidence that we'll have any bath/shower/naked-and-wet-for-some-reason scene?
I can't believe Jake is in the UK and he's hiding from you! Damn you Gyllenhaal...;)
Have a great day! :)
Thanks Xenia! Hope you had a good weekend. Unfortunately there is no evidence for future gratuitous bath/shower/naked-and-wet-for-any-reason-at-all scenes in Jake's movies, so I'll make it up :D
Oh to be hidden from :( Even if some people can't recognise Jake here (shakes head in bemusement), you'd have thought there would still be reports of people having seen an extraordinarily hot young man walking around...
Have a good day!
Unfortunately, I don't think we can expect Jake to have hot, sexy scenes in PoP. My friend's son, who is 11 and is a proud fan of PoP, will certainly want to see this film. We will have to share the movie theatre with many teenagers and even children. I wouldn't be too excited. That leads us to the obvious conclusion: Jake should make the remake of 9 and 1/2 weeks:) I think I should start a "sign a petition" thing about it.
Wet Jake is always good but what I find even sexier is drying him off with a big blue bath towel after the shower;)
Maybe he is not in London yet.
Hey disappointed Zodiac :D I am mentally prepared for a kiddie certificate for this PoP unfortunately. So unless we do another version we'll have to come up with something else :)
Ooh, drying Jake off in a towel - ahem... I may have to have a cold drink after that thought...
Maybe he's in a cave somewhere or in a village where there are no people :/
Mmmmm.....wet, dark and wild Jake... :p
Hi there Get Real! Yes please :D
Villages that have no people are like houses with the lights all on but nobody home. Let's not go there. :-(
The landscape in PoP is arid and desertlike. Where would Prince Dastan find water to bathe in, anyway? I think you can imagine how little I would want to live in such a place....
Hi Paul! In the game there is lots of water, because the Prince is rejuvenated through drinking from fountains or immersing himself in pools. Lots of potential :D I love the contrast between the desert and the lush oases :)
An important Italian Movie Review reports that Brothers has an Italian distibutor and it is a very important one, the 01 Distribution. They say that Brothers will be one of the leading movie to be released and call it 'a potential Oscar-winner movie'.
Besides, it confirms that the movie is scheduled to be released in the US at the beginnings of Dec. 08.
No Italian release date though. Not yet. But I take it as another good sign.:)
Here's the link from those who want to take a look (Brothers is mentioned at the end of the page):
Bye to all! :)
I like the idea of the Prince having to immerse himself in pools. May they be much immersion.... :)
Hi Xenia! Thanks for that :D It's been interesting seeing the film get picked up by distributors. It's coming out at an odd time in the UK though for BAFTA considerations but it does suggest that it will be out in the US on 8 December. And then when it comes out here it won't be long then to wait for the US DVD! I have it all planned out in my head :D
Hey there Carol! Me too - immersion and lots of it!
Thank you Xenia, you know I adore you! :D
Can't help but keep hoping for the movie to premiere at the Rome FF ^_^
And anyway I so wish it gets nominees at the Oscars (and wins too of course!)...and anyway, it's always a good excuse to see Mr Jake in tux ;) ...so missing it :'(
*Good Girl* xxx
Hi Good Girl! I can't believe Rome is almost a year ago now... Jake looked so good in that suit :D But it's really good to hear some buzz for Brothers.
Hey all!
Just a note to say, I just saw pics of Reese arriving at LAX yesterday from a "12 hour transatlantic flight from London". IF this is correct, then I would think that Jake would be in London. I'd have that chipper smile on my face too if I'd just had my (I'll call it, another "conjugal visit") with Jake;DDD
Be back later:)
Hi Viv :D I was hoping that if Reese were around we may have got some pics but sigh, not to be...
In the graphic novel of "Prince of Persia," the first chapter shows someone trying to drown the prince in a well. So, yes, there might be wells here and there....
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