Thanks to a poster at IMDb, here is another action photograph on the Moroccan Prince of Persia set.

So Jake Gyllenhaal may well be in London, enjoying the Indian Summer, but he's not being spotted and so here is my guide to help everyone keep alert and spot Jake - ideally with a many megapixeled camera - and put me out of my misery. It is time to hone our Jake spotting skills and these are necessary because Jake Gyllenhaal can be a master of disguise...

Hair on head and face - this can vary enormously and one should expect any combination of face and head fuzz, but it is unlikely that Prince of Dastan has time for a haircut before his final battle for the dagger and so long is probably a safe bet for the time being.

If the hair is long, one can expect a range of coverings to keep us from recognising a hairy Jake - a hood or a hoodie are possibilities, as is a beanie.

Jake has a hot body - this makes him more easily identifiable in such warm weather that we are enjoying at the moment. Therefore, Jake could go the other way and take cover in full winter garb. Although this would mean Jake might remain unrecognised, it could backfire because it would draw stares and puzzled comments.

Jake's eyes are mesmerising and beautiful. If you're in a shop and look up and encounter a gaze from Jake's eyes, you will know him instantly. This would be an extreme hazard for Jake while buying his coffee on the streets of London - every Starbucks in town would know he was about within a day. Sunglasses are a necessity - but not at night. Tip: Turn the lights out.

Jake can be speedy and this might mean that you think you've spotted him, but by the time you've done your double take, he's gone. You must therefore be prepared for Jake cycling, running or skateboarding. Surfing is a little less likely in London, although one can boat on London's lakes, ponds and river. Tip: Wear sensible shoes.

Jake may be in a car or black cab or rickshaw (or a bus?). Tip: chat with your taxi and rickshaw drivers (best not to chat with bus or tube drivers).

Even if Jake is walking by on foot, appearances can be deceptive. Tip: Look out for someone walking backwards or a little oddly so as not to be noticed.

Jake knows the value of camouflage, having had ample desert warfare training (both medieval and 20th century) - he may attempt to blend in.

Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures and Jake may well go the full hog and pull out all the stops for his disguise. Here are some examples. Tip: If you see someone in such a disguise you may safely say you have spotted Jake Gyllenhaal - but noone will believe you.

And finally
Brothers has a release date for the UK now - according to IMDb, British audiences should finally get to see tattooed Jake on 27 February. Better late than never, I suppose.

Includes pictures from IHJ and links.
Awesome, I love this post. Heading to London in a few weeks so it would be a dream to accidently-on-purpose bump into HRH though I'm afraid if I make eye contact there may be some spontaneous combustion going on.
Loved Jake in the 'fro (a dream come true) - less so the unibrow :DD Favourite disguise is a tie between the gorrilla suit and the santa hat.
You've made my Sunday WDW ;D
Hey Sheba! So glad you liked it - a lot of fun to do, that's for sure. Good luck when you're in London :) The afro pic is so, so funny! Peopla have to keep their eyes open!
It just shows how good Jake is at avoiding cameras. Too good!
Thanks so much for saying I've made your Sunday - that makes me happy :D
You sure have ;D The composition of your posts and pictures are truly skillful and you have an uncanny knack of making me laugh out loud and having to explain what's funny to my boys (who are not overly impressed with Jake as it is).
Hope you're enjoying Iron Man dvd. Are there any extras?
There's something within me that feels I just have to see Jake once, in the flesh, somewhere, just once. I need to know that it's him... I need to stand there and... just look him in the eye .... and know that it's him.. (where have I heard that before?) Furthermore, I want to know for myself if his eyes are really blue or grey.... is that too much to ask?
I may not get anywhere near the studios though as I'm helping a friend to move so maybe that will be my reward after she moves - we go on JakeWatch...
The nights are closing in too quickly .... don'tcha think?
Thanks Sheba x I'm so glad I make you laugh - loving Jake is all about having some fun :D I fear that Pinewood itself isn't much of a place to see Jake. I know the place a bit as it's quite close to me (about 40 mins) - it's very closed to the public. So London is our best bet. Although obviously here would be much more convenient for Jake than London!
I've not checked out the Iron Man extras yet and they're not listed on the case but I do remember that there are some, including deleted scenes.
Evenins are fast drawing in - sigh - but so warm today, and I have tomorrow off!
Me too! That's why I'm going to see Tropic Thunder.
I had a hope that Jake was gonna get his party on for the Notting Hill carnival but he upped sticks and headed to Morrocco. So, I can't wait to see what kind of camoflage gear he'll be using this time .. who knows ... maybe prosthetics to get away from the stalkerazi ;DD
Great post today as always WDW. Had me laughing out loud. Love the Afro pic :)
Hopefully Jake will resurface soon but you are right he has a great knack for avoiding the cameras.
I caught Tess of the d'Ubervilles starring Gemma Arterton this afternoon. Really enjoyed it. Looking forward to part two later.
Can't believe Brothers not due for release here til February. It seems to be taking forever. I'm heading to the States in December so I'm hoping I might catch it there if released then. Meanwhile hopefully there will be a trailer soon.
Very clever post, WDW! Clever disguises, Jake.
Is the "Jake in the Grass" picture from Venice, or Cannes? Funny!
Hoping y'all use all your skills to suss him out and tie him up and. . .
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Return my daddy
Ooh, prosthetics, that would not be good, Sheba :D Want to see those features...
Hi Carol! I'm so glad you've been laughing. I saw Tess last week and it was quite depressing so I'm going to record it and watch it on another night than Sunday. But Gemma is so good in it.
I'm hoping to do some travelling in December too (I have a big birthday coming up) and so I hope I can catch Brothers before the end of Feb. A trailer would be good!
Hi there Pia! The garden pic is in Cannes - I love that series as it's Jake out of his natural environment, yet making it his own. If Jake's over here, we're gonna hang on to him! If we can find him, that is...
Hi Atti! We'll send him home when we're ready... might be a while, we just need to find him :D
How do you do it, WDW? You come up with the funniest ideas for your post. You're a very creative person. You should become a screenwriter, go to Hollywood, write a screenplay and get to work with JG. In case it happens, could you please, please, please, write the remake of 9 and 1/2 weeks starring Jake and...hmm, whom to choose? An older woman? I'd be forever grateful.
Sheba, I love your comment about the need to see Jake. That's exactly how I feel.
What's PDQ? I don't know. *is embarassed*
Big birthday coming up in December? I also have a big birthday coming up in December. Mine. Ha! :D It's such a long wait for Brothers.Sigh. Give me the trailer at least.
When Jake comes back to L.A. he'll be very surprised to see his dog using the internet:)
"Get off my laptop! What the hell, Atticus?! Reeeeeese, what's happened to the dog?"
Grrrroooowwwwww, rrrrooooowwww, rrrooowwww - sounds like some kinda extraordinary rendition for nufky fufky purposes to this dawg -
Hey Zodiac! Thanks :D Please pass all that on to HW and get me a job :) 9 and 1/2 weeks would be good - I may have to have a part in it as well...
I think PDQ is pretty damm quick :D
Oh dear, Atti on Jake's laptop - not good. but definitely clever :) Are you having a good evening?
Atti - have you been hitting the bottle again...?
February? F'in February? That's just not right :(
Great post WDW. Helpful, practical tips we can all use. :D
I'm having a nice evening, thank you:) Thanks for explaining what PDQ is, too.
Pass it on to HW? No problem. Now, where have I put Ron Meyer's number in my address book? I can also ask him to pass it on to his son-in-law that WE DON'T NEED SPIDERMAN-4!
P.S. I'm having trouble with accessing the blog and logging in. Is it me or someone else is experiencing the same?
Hey Rubes! It's bad :( I'm considering emigration... Glad you liked the post - we must make use of the tips and smoke Jake out of the woodwork :D
Thanks Zodiac :D And I must agree about Spidey - although why we even needed 3 is a mystery to me... Glad you're having a good evening :D
Sorry you're having trouble Zodiac :( I do get trouble logging in sometimes so I've got into the habit of saving all comments before I try and post them but it's been ok tonight. Thanks for persevering :)
Evening WDW:)
This post is delightfully funny.
Can you hear me howling with laughter? It's getting darker in NYC too and much too soon. It's 80 degrees today and wonderful outdoors. Please let us spot his royal deliciousness over there and SOON!
Hi Sass! Glad you liked it - thought I could hear you laughing. Oh I do hope someone spots Jake soon... How hard can it be? He's that gorgeous! Such lovely weather - Jake must be out and about.
I've forgotten to add that I love this picture with his mum, dragging him by his arm and having a "stop embarrassing me, Jacob" face. I bet he used to get the same treatment when he was four. For some weird reason, I love seeing him with his mum. I think he's always been a mommy boy, because mothers usually worry more and care a little bit more about sons than daughters(dads worry about girls) and she's had a big influence on who he is now. It also reminds me that there were times when he was a tiny little thing and she used to hold him in her arms and rock him into sleep having abolutely no idea that her very own Gyllenbaby would grow up to become such a heart-breaker:)
Fear not,ladies,I feel a publicity stunt coming on so expect RW to show up with JG in London soon.
At least it'll mean that poor damn dog won't be dragged off to any more photo-ops for a while ;-D
anon 22:33, you've spoiled the fun.
Sigh :( Please let us have a fun post without all this stuff...Please don't bring it here. Thanks.
Hi Zodiac! I love pics of Jake and Naomi too - she must be so proud of him. I do wonder what he was like when he was little.
"Gyllenbaby would grow up to become such a heart-breaker"
He sure seems to have broken anon 22:33 heart.
Don'tworry anon there are plenty and plenty of times Jake and Reese are together and NOT papped.
WDW if you do write that screenplay for 9 and a half weeks, can I have a part too...........pleeease:)
I'm sure Jake and Reese will be seen together very soon. I for one think it is nice to see them happy together. Seeing Jake and Reese is better than not seeing Jake at all.
Hi Carol! I'll write you a part - my, Jake'll be busy in it!
I agree, I hope they'll be pics soon. I just wanna see Jake (did I sound high pitched?!)! I don't care who the pics are with. Can't be too long now :D
Good night, Wet Dark!
Had not yet seen Jake in style black power. Thank you!
Your post is very entertaining, as well as the comments. I also want to work in the remake of 9 and 1/2weeks. Don't forget about me!
Hi, Zodiac.
PDQ stands for "Pretty darn quickly." It's what you say, when you want something right away.
I agree that there is no need for Spiderman 4. However, show business is a business, and that means that when movie studios are hurting because of the economy, they bring out movies that have a high probability of makiing some money, so as to offset the clunkers that the same studios have recently released. :-/
So, with the financial world in mid-meltdown, people who usually spend money freely on non-essentials like restaurant trips and movies may be paring back.
There are some disappointing movies that were released this week. I considered not going, but then took a chance on "Igor," and was glad I did. It's a lot of fun. :-)
If we get our way, he's never going home... I told y'all that we Brits are gonna claim him and stick a flag on him. Tied up... yes! Send home... heck no!
Ruby, yes there's an F'in February :DD (that's my favourite description now).
"Sheba, I love your comment about the need to see Jake. That's exactly how I feel."
You know I stole that straight from Zodiac (Graysmith just before his wife left him :D ). But it certainly is true - in my lifetime, I hope to see him, even say a word of thanks for making a part of my life so enjoyable. It's like he's got the ripple effect. I want to be respectful but there's also the need.....
Another carpe diem day for me, my hope for you all too.
Wow, wow, wow, hello there, everyone is trying to get themselves a role in the remake I've come up with. What about me?:) And do you remember 9 and 1/2 weeks? There was only ONE woman played by Kim Bassinger. It wasn't about a guy who had a harem. But something tells me Prince of Persia did. We could write a non-PG13 version of PoP. I remember girls form Jake Watch trying to write a screenplay. The title was something like "He was the Sex, they were insane". I can't remember but it was hilarious.
Paulh, thanks for PDQ:)
There is an audition process you know ;D And... I'm sure you won't begrudge any of us a part in this venture... we put a new spin on a very sexy move.. is all. Look, I don't even mind holding the boom.. work at scale and overtime if necessary.... or even make-up ;D
Those folk at Jake Watch were an absolute scream.. I still remember Jake in '08 :DD
I liken Jake to a chrysalis... he goes to ground, cocooned and disappears then he reveals himself and morphs into something better and better every year. I enjoy watching the process.
Good morning everyone! I'm running late today as I took advantage of a day off and was enjoying some Jake dreams :D
Hi Monica! I'm glad you like the pictures :D I definitely won't forget you for a role in 9 and 1/2 weeks - I was sure it was 9 and 1/2 inches....
Morning Paul! I can see that that is exactly why they're going to visit another Spider-Man on us, but I do wish we could be spared. It always makes me less impressed with an actor when they say enough is enough and then do it anyway, because of the pay one assumes, which must be unbelievable. But I can see why studios would want to play safe. So long as these films pay for those I will want to see.
I've not eard of Igor, I'll look it up. I'm finally getting to see Tropic Thunder today :)
Morning Sheba :D I'm with you with the flag. We just need to be careful where we put it! I hope you get to see Jake - it really is worth it. (Another of my understatements...) I like the idea of Jake morphing. And I also quite like the fact that Jake can disappear and then emerge and stun us all - even though the process drives me mad at the time!
Morning Zodiac! That is a great idea! Love that :D An X rated PoP - plenty of roles to go round! The Jake Watch screenplay was so funny...
Thanks so much everyone for making me laugh so much this morning - I'm gonna try and dig out my creative hat :D Have a great day everyone!
You should have claimed him when he was swimming back after Jonathan's show. I think according to the law everything found in the area of sea near a country's coast is under its legal control.
That's a good point, Zodiac, but we can work round these legal tecnicalities :D
Oh, I'm sure there would have been many British citizens trying to claim a wet,quivering, almost naked,breathtakingly beautiful blue-eyed creature hauled up out of water by British coast guard.
Enjoy Tropic Thunder if you head to it today WDW.
Watch out for the "trailers" at the beginning. RDJs is priceless :)
Ooh anon, I like the way you're thinking :D And I rather think the coast guard would too!
Morning Carol :D I'll look out for those. I'm heading out in a few mins...
I simply cannot understand how you Brits can stand it! First, Jake seems to have disappeared in a puff of smoke like some genie, and now, it's been determined he may very well be at Pinewood!
If I lived within 100 miles of Pinewood I would call in sick and figure out something!!! Desperate times call for desperate measures. Not suggesting anything illegal or inappropriate...well...not illegal...but I do wish people would use their camera phones to good effect!!!
Oh, I'm sure there would have been many British citizens trying to claim a wet,quivering, almost naked, breathtakingly beautiful blue-eyed creature hauled up out of water by British coast guard.
What a great image! You lucky Brits, I hope you see him. And if you do, I want a full report! ;)
It'll be like the sight of land after many days at sea. Land ho!
Hi there everyone! Just got back from Tropic Thunder - oh my... kudos to Tom Cruise. I thought he was hysterical. Carol, the RDJ trailer was one of my fave bits!
Hi Anon 14:04 :D It's agony, I can tell you! There's no sign of him and then he's practically on the doorstep but still unseen. It's driving me nuts. Pinewood is just impenetrable though and totally closed - sigh... But if Jake wanted to stay close to it, he could do a lot worse than beautiful Oxford :D
Hey Anon 14:08! Definitely - like a cool pint of beer after a month in the desert... :D
I should put a manual on how to use a phone camera on the site!
At the very least, I think we should print flyers and distribute them to all the cool pubs surrounding Pinewood in a 90 mile radius with a headline: "Lost Boy"
Reward: "Indescribable!"
Far be it from me to tell so many fair ladies that they can't *all* be in a movie remake with Jake as the star. But 9 1/2 Weeks is obviously the wrong vehicle for that. Why not remake "The Man Who Loved Women," or "Seven brides for Seven Brothers" (with Jake playing all seven brothers)?
Hey Anon :D That is a great idea about putting flers in the Pinewood locals: 'Lost! Have you seen this actor? Answers to the name of Jake. Is hot so don't touch' Hmmmm
Hi Paul! Another good idea - I tell you, we all have to start a writing club as well as an amateur dramatics... If Jake is all 7 brothers, could I be all 7 brides?? Pretty please xx
Glad you enjoyed Tropic Thunder WDW. Tom Cruise does a real good job in it :)
Some of the reviews I read were a bit mixed but I must say it is well worth a look.
Hi Carol! I thought Tom Cruise was the best thing in it to be honest. I did enjoy the film but there were bits when I did go ugh. I did enjoy the end though very much :D
Yep, just got back. Tom Cruise was a Bandit! He stole the movie..... boy got some moves... lucky Katie :DD
"Why not remake "The Man Who Loved Women," or "Seven brides for Seven Brothers" (with Jake playing all seven brothers)?"
Now you're talking... a sort of Multiplicity type movie.
"If Jake is all 7 brothers, could I be all 7 brides?? Pretty please xx
Now you're just being greedy... shame on you!
"Could I be all seven brides?"
Trying to snatch Gyllenhaal from all of us and tuck him away so only you can enjoy the pleasure of his company?
Can't blame you:) I think when you are with Jake, your levels of greed, lust, jealousy and generally downright craziness soar sky high. I mean, you really have to learn how to control your jealousy, being with someone who is an objest of desire to so many.
OMG - you lot make me laugh so much I almost spat out my Shiraz :D
Tom Cruise definitely stole the show, Sheba :D Me greedy? Moi?
Er, yep, that was the idea, Zodiac :D But I can be selfless - I suppose I could share my 7 Jake bridegrooms. It's tough for sure having to share him but I suppose I could... How about I have custody for 6 days of the week and you have the 7th? No? :DD
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