Monday 8 September 2008

Prince of Persia moves to Erfoud and filming PoP is 'phenomenal'

The good thing about Guy Ritchie's new movie RocknRolla coming out this week is that it seems to have employed a good 50% of the cast of Prince of Persia, and so through the publicity interviews with people such as Gemma Arterton and Toby Kebbell we can get little glimpses into the filming taking place in Morocco. And while Jake Gyllenhaal himself remains busy and out of sight on set, it's the next best thing.

Today there is an interview with Toby Kebbell and he is finally asked what he's up to next and he provides a brief but vivid picture of long, hot, arduous but fun days under the sun: 'I’m doing Prince of Persia, playing a Prince of Persia, head of the Persian army and I’ve got a brother who’s going to be the future king if our father dies. Then there’s Jake Gyllenhaal who’s the Prince of Persia (from the title). It’s great. We’re shooting in Morocco and it’s hot and continuous days. I’m in a full set of armour it’s tough, but it’s great too. I get to learn to ride a horse, it’s phenomenal. It’s the hardest work I’ve done – that’s like moaning about my diamond shoes being too tight – but it’s great fun to do. I do all the things you wanted to do as a kid - wear armour, scream around the place and so on. I’m loving it really.'

You've also got to wonder just how many Princes of Persia are there?!

There is also a report on a blog that the Prince of Persia is now hard at work at Erfoud, to the east of Ouarzazate and on the edge of the Sahara. The lucky holidaymaker found herself in a hotel full with the British and American cast and crew of the film, although, unfortunately, there were no sightings of the Prince himself...

This reaffirms a news report from North Africa that the Prince of Persia left Ouarzazate last Thursday, leaving behind the second unit, by the sound of it, to complete scenes for which the main stars were not needed. Those stars moved on to Erfoud for what may well be the final days of filming in Morocco. Filming will also take place at Kasbah Taourirt. According to IMDb, the filming will then relocate to the Albert R Broccoli 007 Stage at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, where films such as Mamma Mia, Alexander and, not surprisingly, a plethora of Bond movies were filmed.

The best gay movie of all time - Brokeback Mountain

The readers of After Elton have taken part in another poll. After voting for Jake Gyllenhaal as the hottest actor of the last year, they have now voted for the top 50 gay films ever and wonderfully but not surprisingly Brokeback Mountain has been chosen as the best of the best. And, by the sound of it, it was a landslide victory.

And after reflecting on the reasoning behind the selection of Crash by the Academy, the feature concludes: 'But that fusillade of ridicule and outrage is already fading into the gloom of a bigoted past while the movie’s artistry and quiet power shines brighter than ever. Let’s face it: this isn’t just the greatest gay movie of all time, it’s one of the greatest movies ever.' Clearly, the power, influence, message and hope of Brokeback Mountain speaks to each and every one of us.

Many thanks to Zodiac for the link to this video dedicated to that very funny, sexy and much missed guy, Heath Ledger. By posting it here, I hope many more will enjoy it.

Includes pictures from IHJ, Gamespot and Getty.


Anonymous said...

Good to get a bit of an insight into PoP filming even if only a small one. Bit gutted Jake is so incognito in Morocco but I guess it just ups the anticipation! Still I hope someone sees him soon, and shares with us, not least just so we can check on how he is looking. Who knows maybe his looks have faded after contact with a dangerous frog?!

The Heath vid was nice. I remember seeing the Best Actor bit before but not the Readers Choice one and nice to see an easy going happy Heath willing to poke fun at himself.

Anonymous said...

HI Kate,

Thanks so much for all you do with this site. I was wondering how much longer Jake was going to be in Morocco. I think this has to be one of the longest shoots he's been on.

Thank you SO much for putting up that AFI Video of Heath. I never saw the very beginning of it, from the red carpet scene. And I only saw the part where Daniel gave Heath the award for BBM once. I had wondered what happened to that.

I miss him so much and I am glad for all the pics and videos that are out there that we can remember him by


Anonymous said...

Yes there are some lovely vids of Heath about to enjoy - thanks to all who are posting these!

And hooray for some glad news that they're having fun on the PoP set -yeah, Ive been worrying about diet, toads, ferrets, plague, and so forth -

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there everybody - been having a lazy time doing some lazy Jaking...

Hey LJF! Good to see you. He'll turn up again, hopefully just in the nick of time before we all fade away. Ooh, I hope the frogs and toads are steering well clear. maybe after hearing the story Disney have employed someone especially to keep the toads and locusts at bay :D

Thanks so much Trek Fan *) It certainly feels like one of the longest shoots even if it isn't. I have to remind myself Zodiac was longer. I suppose Rendition Morocco was greatly alleviated by having that amazing BAFTA and Zodiac week in the middle.

I'm very glad you enjoyed that Heath video - it's wonderful. I've not seen so much of this side of Heath and I love it. A big thanks to Zodiac for finding it :)

Hi Pia! I love these ittle snippets. They don't tell us much but they do give us an idea that all is well albeit busy - and I'm thinking that Jake's running around, wearing armour too and leaping about and screaming like Toby and just having some fun despite the long days and heat. Beats working in an office, I reckon :D

I hope Jake is steering well clear of the ferrets and mongooses, but I fear he's getting more than a few tangines and bowls of couscous. I had some couscous the other day - it was very nice but it was enough to make me feel that I don't need to eat any more of it for 6 months.

Have a lovely afternoon/evening everyone - ooh after 6pm, where's my bottle opener...

Anonymous said...

Wow... WDW, you're so diligent! I am not a fan of Guy Ritches' films (after "Revolver", enough is enough for me), so I am not even paying any attention to "Rockafella" at all.

Thanks, it's good to know that PoP is going like a full-speed train! Since there are so much post-production work involved, we will probably learn more A LOT about it before its final release (in 2010... now that we are close to Christmas, it's not as far away as before :P)

I've seen that Heath video clip before, he' just adorable.

Rightly so that BBM is the best gay film ever. It's my top 3 best films of all time. And it will continue to be on many people's best and favourite list for many years to come. Now looking back, not having that snobby Oscar is almost like a stamp of approval of "truely great film" :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Winterbird :D

I have to admit that I cannot stant Guy Ritchie movies. I thought about seeing this film for approximately 30 seconds and then talked myself out of it. I did the washing up instead. But I'm keeping my eyes open nevertheless :D

I think you're right and we'll get lits of bits and pieces - and time will pass :P And I definitely agree about the 'snobby Oscar' - great way to put it :D

Anonymous said...

Although BBMt is one of my top favorite films - certainly the only one Ive seen seven times in a theatre haha - and memorized the dialogue for heavens sake - I agree with some of the commentators on After Elton: I dont consider it a "gay film". Ang said they were going to market it as a "chick flic", in fact. Altbough it is about "rural homophobia" the actors themselves were not certain whether or not the characters were "gay", "bi-" or just two men in love.

It certainly was an historically mind-blowing attack upon the culture of domination and violence and also a critique or marriage.
And ground breaking portrayal of m/m sex in a film that turned out to be mainstream.

But I believe that one of the reasons it moved mainstream is that it was a glamourized version of the time place and two dirt poor ranch hands, featuring two of the most beautiful and professedly STRAIGHT male actors.

This may sound like quibbling. I truly believe Heath deserved an Oscar, and maybe Jake, also - as did the film. I will never forgive the Academy for this stupidity and, I believe, bigotry, nor treat these awards with respect again.

What IS a "gay film" anyway?

Acceptance of homosexuality is a work in progress. I think "Milk" is going to make some waves. I hope so.

Don't need to have a conversation about this, - just sayin'

Zodiac said...

Hi WDW and everyone!

I'm now in the mood for playing PoP again, I haven't touched it since I reached 98% a couple of weeks ago *is rubbing her hands together and wiggling her fingers* Do you know that I have been playing under the name "Gyllenhaal" all this time? When I entered the game for the first time, they told me to name myself, so I thought:"Well, Gyllenhaal IS the Prince, so it would be appropriate".

All these little bits of information about the production make we wonder what it's going to be like. Thanks!

And I'm glad you liked the video. I enjoyed it very much.

I still can remember how shocked I was when I was making my bed in the morning after the ceremony (I didn't watch it) and I heard on the radio that Brokeback didn't win an Oscar. I let out a loud "Wha.....?" and sat on the aforementioned bed:) I was really dissappointed. But I don't care anymore. This movie is a masterpiece.

Zodiac said...

Oh pia, I loved your comment but I had to look up the word "professedly":)

I've seen BBM 5 times in the theatre.

Anonymous said...

No need to think too hard about the definition of "gay film", I guess. For me, if the film has gay protagonists and the content is about their lives, then it's a "gay-enough" film for me :P

And I see nothing wrong with calling it a gay film. Because calling it a gay film, doesn't limit what other quality/genre the film also represents.

Brokeback is a gay film, a romance film, a western, an art-house film, an independent film, an art-form... it's different thing to different viewer, I guess. Mmmm... a bit like our Jake :)

Anonymous said...

Btw, London film festival's full programme will be on this Wednesday. I know Brothers is not the opening or the closing film (Danny Boyle's new film is), does anyone know if it's in there at all?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Annie; while it's a harsh, unforgiving landscape, it certainly is life-affectingly beautiful - granted; I do not live there, I only visit (as often as possible!) But it is a true gift of nature to those who can appreciate it, and for some, it does stay with you, and ranch life can get in the blood - a part of someone. A tough job, but I'm glad there are those who want to do it.

Thanks for the info about Annie's 3rd book in the trilogy of Wyoming stories.

BBM is one of my favorite films of all time as well - and I watched in dismay as it almost got the award it deserved, if not for the bigotry of those academy members who wouldn't even give it the consideration of seeing it, to make a judgement. Heath deserved an Oscar, and at least Jake got recognized for his unforgettable performance with a BAFTA. I see it as just a great film as well, about two people in love, the big love of their lives, that societal mores not only thwarts, but hurts all those involved in the men's lives. :(

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Good comment Pia. I do think that Ang, Jake and Heath would not have done this film if it was 'simply' a film to slot into the gay film category. It's much more complex than that and its appeal is wider - as is testified to by the fact that people like me - a very young and attractive near-40 year old woman - have had their life changed by it.

I never felt that this film wasn't aimed at me even though it was about a love between two men. It told me that if I want true love I have to hunt it out and keep it safe.

I have no idea myself what a gay film is - I haven't seen many of the films on the After Elton list, possibly because they didn't have that broad appeal (and why should they after all?). But Maurice at No 5 is an exception. I loved that film but that may have been because I loved those actors (Hugh Grant, Rupert Graves and James Wilby) and enjoyed seeing them all on the stage around that time.

Thanks Pia :)

Hey Zodiac! You have to finish - how can you leave the poor Prince in 98% limbo!! I absolutely love that you played as Gyllenhaal - defintiely appropriate - no wonder you're nearly there :D

I remember watching the Oscars 2006 and I couldn't believe how angry I felt. But I don't care anymore either - Brokeback will last forever.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Oh everyone's commenting at the same time as me :D

Winterbird, I certainly agree that there is nohing wrong with calling Brokeback a gay film as it is abut gay characters but I just wouldn't limit it to one category as it were. As you say, a bit of everything, like our Jake. Love that!

I am glued to the BFI for news of the films on Wednesdays. I'm also a member of the FI so I'm prepared! But who knows, I'm expecting to be disappointed...

Thank you Anon for that wonderful comment :) Annie has caught something which crosses endless boundaries with her understanding and depictions of life on the land over there in Wyoming. How does she do it? I have no idea. But it feels relevant to me in southern England and yet what do I have to do with the landscape she writes of?

I remember reading the Shipping News before Brokeback, which was set just a world away from where I live, but it just struck a chord. The image of relocating and taking your whole house with you, dragging it across the ice - amazing. I will be buying the new collection as soon as I can.

Thanks for these great comments, friends :D

Anonymous said...

I've watched 9 out of top 10 films they voted in that AfterElton poll! :P Some great choices there. I'd add the "The Living End" on the list (is it there?). And "Mysterious Skin" should be in Top 10.

BBM broke into mainstream and caused a big stir - that alone is an incredible achievement.

I've seen the documentary version of the Harvey Milk story, I am looking forward to the film version too.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Winterbird, I am always astounded and by your film knowledge! Just incredible. I go to the movies every week but it's very hit and miss what I see.

There was something about Brokeback (well, something called Jake combined with the promise of wonderful scenery) that made me seek it out. It really was an incredible achievement and, for me, a lot of that was to do with Annie Proulx. I knew she'd written The Shipping News and so I knew I'd like it - I had no idea how much, mind you!

Anonymous said...

"There was something about Brokeback. . . "

There sure was! Thanks, After Elton, and WDW, and y'all, for the opportunity to think about Brokeback again.

I was really interested in how this fine story (Id read it in the New Yorker) was going to move from "from story to screen", and I took out from library the Close Range collection so as to re-read ethe story again. What a surprise to find that the "prologue" had been omitted (by error) in New Yorker version. Story was made stronger, for me, and I was even more anxious to see the film.

Didnt know Ang's work, had no idea what I was in for.

Strong story, seasoned and sensitive screenwriters, great director, fine cineatographer, good screenwriters, plus four actors ripe as peaches ready to fall off the trees - what a coming together of story and talent!

Everyeffin'peeps lucked out on this one, in my view.

Anonymous said...

p.s. Annie P's latest at the post office, along with The BiG Book of Dinosaurs for the birthday boy next door.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Pia :D I read the story after I saw the film - well, one day after I saw the film, as I searched it out in the shops. I knew Ang from Sense & Sensibility but I also hated the Hulk. So I had no idea what to expect from him.

'plus four actors ripe as peaches ready to fall off the trees' - absolutely love that, Pia!

PS Love dinosaurs, although I know Jake didn't get on with them :)

Someone put me out of my misery and end the US Open tennis final...

Anonymous said...

I was all geared up to watch BBM ever since Ang Lee became the director. I ordered the short-story from amazon (cried my eyes out), I was on the imdb board every day since it won in Venice and read every early review... so yeah, I pretty much "dying" to watch the film for months before I finally had the chance... I don't remember I've ever been so obsessed with a film/story.

I confess I didn't remember Jake's last name (even though I've seen him in many films already) before Brokeback. He was always "that kid from Donnie Darko" to me... I was quite unprepared to be swept off my feet by him, to be honest... but once I've seen that opening scene, where Jack Twist leans against the truck, checking out Ennis, I remember thinking, "omg... " :P

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thats amazing you were there that early, Winterbird. It's strange for me as I was abroad at the time (in Arizona) and I couldn't find a cinema showing it and I waiting til I got back to England a couple of weeks late.

I loved Jake from TDAT but I still wasnt prepared for Jack Twist :D Me and Ennis both!

Anonymous said...

I had seen Jake in DD and TDAT - just a dorky kid, so what (shrug) - ? - totally unprepared -
dark eyes, hip-bones, and so forth - WHUT? -


Anonymous said...

p.s. yay winterbird, you knew Ang's work.

Anonymous said...

WDW, I like Federer, but I'd be happy if A.Murray wins this time, making history. At least I don't have cable at home, I can't even torture myself..

Hey Pia! You're one of the few who read the short story in New Yorker... wow.

First time I read the short-story, it's a very strange experience... I was in my bathtub *blushes*, crying like an idiot - I mean, I sort of knew they weren't together at the end, but I was stunned by the "two shirts in one"...

yeah... I guess Jake just suddenly grown up and became breathtakingly gorgeous Jack Twist...*g*

Anonymous said...

Just imagine me, never having seen Jake Gyllenhaal ever before, until Jack Twist! I was deeply affected, needless to say. He was beautiful, sweet, loving.

I had the book of short stories gathering dust on my bookshelf, a gift from someone who knows how much I love Wyoming, another book waiting to be read. I heard all the buzz about the film and heard the name Annie Proulx, and I realized I had the book, and dashed off to read the short story. I was stunned, and cried too, when I read about the two shirts, and Ennis' thoughts of the spoon and the tire iron, and then the first page of the story made me think, the part where Ennis dreams of Jack. So beautiful and tragic. :(

I'm reading The Shipping News right now, and I lover her characterizations - so different from Brokeback Mountain.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Pia - I love the idea of the shock that you got when you say Jake all grown up :D I fell for him with TDAT, because his eyes were so large and he had that curl on his lip, and his name was so exotic, but I was still unprepared.

Hey Winterbird - I don't have Sky or Cable either so it's just me and the radio - and it's not easy to listen to (And Radio 5 has just told me that Lance Armstrong is coming out of retirement to take part in the Tour de France next year - Interesting).

Thank you for sharing that about reading the short story - I was so late to it.

Hey Anon - you had a wonderful first encounter with Jake :D I love the Shipping News story - it's one of my favourite stories and I'm araid to say I read it more than BBM - for me that's all wrapped up now in Jake and Heath and it has a life separate from the short story.

sheba said...

Thanks for the video WDW, not seen that one before. This has the ability to make me laugh and cry at the same time. The sick feeling in the pit of my stomache came back at the end when I saw the shock on the faces of the applauding filmakers at the end.

Who is that Sharon??! She was funny as heck :DD

Come on Federer - close it out. I'm missing the VMA's for this :DD

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Sheba :D I'm very grateful to Zodiac for finding that one. Sharon is brilliant! Make me laugh just thinking of Heath's face when he won the award.

Listening to this match is agony and I'm glad it's almost over. I don't know what VMAs are but I hope young Murray realises how well he did to get this far :)

Anonymous said...

yes please what are VMAs?

Anonymous said...

p.s. VMA: ah, google first, ask questions later. mtv music awards.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Good morning everyone - atrocious weather out there - harrumpff.

Thanks Pia :D

Have a good day everyone! (Great day to be a duck... or in Morocco)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the PoP updates - at least one Jake film we know will hit the theaters....

Has anyone seen the Sunday 9/7 NY Times? It presents its calendar of all films scheduled to open from September through end of December, and Brothers is NOT included.
In fact - "Brothers" is (aside from the IMDB date) on NON of the fall/winter movie lists. Also zero PR so far - no pictures, teaser or trailer - IMO we should be prepared for a major disappointment.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there Jodi! Good to see you :D I'm not worrying too much at the moment. Brothers has lined up its distributors so I'll wait and see. I do however fear that the December date, if it does stick, will not be for everyone. It's still 3 months off so keep your fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Well let's just wait and see - I don't know everything there is to know about the movie business, but are they still in post-production? Are the making refinements and changes? Wasn't there something I read about working on the soundtrack? I also read something about test audiences, like focus groups, so would that enter into what the final product would be? It could be delayed for a better release date also? I'm all for anything that would make it an even better film and more successful, even if we have to wait. *sigh*

paulh said...

"I hope Jake is steering well clear of the ferrets and mongooses, but I fear he's
getting more than a few tangines and bowls of couscous. I had some couscous
the other day - it was very nice but it was enough to make me feel that I don't
need to eat any more of it for 6 months" [WDW]

Couscous is one of the world's greatest foods. It is also (unofficially) the national
food of Morocco. So, as long as Jake is in that country, couscous will likely be a
part of Jake's diet. As for the toads, I have a new theory that they will spread the
word among themselves that Jake is a good guy. If they show up in jake's vicinity,
it will be to adore him and beg for autographs. :-)

I finally received the book "Prince of Persia, the Graphic Novel," by Jordan Mechner,
A.B. Sina, LeUyer Pham, and Alex Puvilland. In the back, Jordan Mechner gives a
synopsis of how the Prince came to be, and explains that the early video games
didn't have a lot of room for dialogue and backstory. But as the technology became
mroe sophisticated, and as the need for storylines became greater, the Prince had to
be fleshed out. To some extent, this is a facet of Middle Eastern storytelling in general.
The 1001 Arabian Nights collections of stories almost all existed as oral tales for perhaps
hundreds of years before they began to be written down. In these tales, the usual information
about time and place boil down to "Long ago in a certain city there lived a king..."
The landscape for the tales is a dreamscape. When a story idea hits you, it's best to
just get out of the way and let it unfold. Research? Logic? These are not how dreams
operate. Just hang on and enjoy the ride.

Do I dare say that current political trends in the U.S. make "Brokeback Mountain"
astonishingly topical. "Pray away the gay" is how a certain VP candidate's church
approaches the issue of homosexuality. I'm not saying that prayer might not do
some good for anyone, but the placebo effect is the best-case scenario, and it's
likely to be short-lived. They aren't going to change the underlying sexual orientation
of anybody. They're deluded if they think they can.

Xenia said...

Hello to WDW and everybody! :)

Just dropped by to say it's good to be back and find that you keep doing an extraordinary job WDW, expecially in these, oh so hard to cope with, Jake-less days...

Just a quick note to say that all those Persian Princes are all Dastan's brothers, WDW.:)
If I can remember well, Dastan was only the fourth of the King of Persia's sons.

Have a great day! :)

Anonymous said...

Im thinking of Annie P today not only because her new collection is on its way but because I see Gov of Alaska as one of her "Wamsutter Wolves" - (this story from Red Dirt)-

I guess Ive gotta get that graphic novel, Paul. Maybe a PoP colouring book will keep my mind off politics.

Hey everybody. Wet dark and wild outside today. And one a those days when the universe does not cooperate with my own personal needs. GGrrrrrrrr!

Jake and Jonathan Ross do not care for couscous three times a day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for such an interesting post, WDW. I miss Heath terribly, and the video was a lovely touch.
Amazing and wonderful to see Heath relaxed and jokey on a stage at an awards event. Clearly he loved being home and enjoyed being acknowledged.

Can't help but recall what Naomi Watts said, that he was just beginning to really own his success and enjoy it. What happened was so horrendously wrong. And no one to complain to, no one to right it.

Anonymous said...


Great articles and lovely videos, as always. Heath makes me smile and have an ache in my heart. Ah, BBM memories. Nothing more beautiful than Jake's Jake eyeing Heath's Ennis and the heartbreaking love they shared. Glad that it is still being recognized, such as in the After Elton poll.

I hope to continue to hear great news about PoP! As for Brothers....Variety continues to say it will come out in Dec. Lets really hope the studio gets its act together and starts promoting it! I don't like that there is no mention about it in the NY Times or other fall/winter movie previews.

I want to see Jake! :p Missing him but am trying to understand that he is working and that we are lucky because there are other actors who you hardly ever see around outside of their movies/promotion.

It is rainy and nasty out here too. Like, Pia I am struggling with the political stuff going on here. It is turning my stomach in knots that we could be in for another 4 years of this. No one can afford that...sigh.

Alright, on a bright note...Jake is hot and talented...,;p

Have a good one all. Great to chat with you. :D

Anonymous said...

^^ Should be Jake's Jack.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there everyone! D'you know it's actually stopped raining but I'm not going to hold my breath... Good to see you all :D

Hi Anon :D I'm not going to worry too much as clearly the film is getting its finishing touches at the moment and I'm sure, by making sure that Brothers is among the first two of its films to be taken over by a distributor, the producers are working towards a schedule. Whatever happens, I have no doubt it'll be worth the wait :D

Hey Paul :D Thanks so much for the info from the PoP book - I'm going to be ordering that myself. I love the art in these books too.

I just can't believe how these attitudes continue in the 21st century and I'm glad I've missed all of this in the news here.

Talking of politics, I saw Margaret Thatcher's daughter today and all I could think of was the misery and worry her mother put me and so many others through 20 years ago.

Xenia!You're back! Good to see you - I've missed you. Just keeping the fire burning and the drink in the glass ready for when Jake returns :)

I didn't realise that Dastan had so many brothers and there were so many Princes of Persia. This could be a film with a lot of handsome men in it!! But Dastan's the Prince for me...

Hi there Pia :D Couscous for breakfast is not a happy thought... I do love the idea of a PoP colouring in book. I hope your day is improving.

Hi Anon :) It's good to see the kind of fun Heath had back at home. He was very loved there. I think many of us miss him.

Hiya Get Real! I want to see Jake too! It's about time he got back and started drinking coffee in the streets and shopping again... He is hot and talented :P

Good to see you all :D

paulh said...

Couscous usually has a lot of turmeric in it. Turmeric is the spice that prevents Alzheimer's. So, it might make nutritional sense for you to consider it. A lot of curries also have turmeric. The choice is yours.

I don't think I'ver ever had tangines. I may have to look up some recipes...