'Gyllenhaal’s father, the director Stephen Gyllenhaal, let him hang around the set of Paris Trout (1991), which starred acting alumni such as Dennis Hopper, Ed Harris and Barbara Hershey. “There was one time when Ed Harris was in this big scene in a courtroom,” says Gyllenhaal. “I was there. I think I was making a noise or something at some point between takes. Ed turned and shouted, ‘Can you tell that kid to shut up!’ I remember running out crying — I was so sad.

'“That night I got back to my Dad’s hotel room, and under the doorway was a note. It said ‘Jake’ on it. It was a letter from Ed, saying he just wanted to apologise for yelling, telling me he was just preparing for the scene. Those moments of watching people like that go through a process I completely understand now — it really is a process. When you grow up watching, it’s hard not to want to do it yourself.”'

Clearly, a vivid memory from Jake's childhood - what do you want to bet that Jake has memorised each line of that note? And these difficult experiences, told with such honesty here, do help shape our lives but, nevertheless, I'm dusting off the boxing gloves.
This is a great interview with Jake, one of the few for Proof, but still drifting off in more interesting directions. This is hardly surprising considering Proof's 2005 competition - Brokeback Mountain, Jarhead. Jake does recall a more positive experience from his childhood - 'His mother, Naomi Foner, is the Oscar-nominated screenwriter of Running on Empty (1988). “Watching Martha Clinton and River Phoenix rehearse with director Sidney Lumet in that film — that was a big influence on my life,” Gyllenhaal said.'

Jake's answers regarding getting naked in Brokeback Mountain are interesting because a) they're about Jake being naked and b) Jake manages to have a go back at the cast of Dreamers who (well, mainly Eva Green) had been getting little digs into interviews about Jake's supposed squeamishness. 'Asked about dropping The Dreamers yet taking up the equally risqué Brokeback Mountain (Gyllenhaal appears naked, although in a fairly distant shot), the actor perks up. Clapping his hands, he smiles: “Now it’s my time to retort!”

'He did, he says, have “questions” about The Dreamers: “I think Bertolucci and I had different views on it. It could be considered that I’m inexperienced and I should just trust someone who is truly experienced. But even somebody like Ang understands that it’s a very uncomfortable thing to do — to be naked. The fact that I could express my concerns and he was going to listen to them made me think he respects me and me getting naked... To me it’s a story about how hard it is for two people to love each other,” Gyllenhaal says. “The issue of love is a hard bull’s-eye to hit. [In film] the idea of love having no bounds is such a cliché now. We can’t tell the story any more, heterosexually — we have to tell the tale between two guys in order to get the idea across again.”'
'He adds: “I don’t really care about people questioning my sexuality because of the film. Of course they are going to. In the same way people confused me with Tobey Maguire — and thought I was Spiderman.”' You mean he wasn't? Damn.

But, where was I? Oh yes, I have my eye on you, Ed Harris...
Includes pictures from IHJ.
I'm not really mad at Ed Harris...but he's not as high on my list of favorites as he once was. That must have really stung a ten year old kid. He clearly remembers it very vividly.
A note under the door isn't the equivalent of being humiliated on the set in front of other people. Especially when you're the director's son.
Jake really has had an amazing life. To have a memory of watching the work in progress of someone like Sidney Lumet? That's quite impressive.
I get the impression that the nakedness in Dreamers was only part of it. I think Jake just wasn't really impressed with the entire project.
Jake seems to be willing to do whatever is right and authentic and honest to serve the story...Brokeback Mountain is an obvious example.
Great name McGillicuddy kiddie!
Yes, Jake remembers this very well and I know how I think of my own memories from such an age - they hurt to the quick or they give such pleasure - this is the former. And that was embarrassment in front of everyone. But I'm glad it's offset by all the other memories and experiences from a wonderful young life.
Dreamers would have been a mistake - it would have been a show, it would have been clever and ahocking for shocking's sake - not at all like BBM - the opposite really. A good decision.
I don't warm too much to people who make Jake cry.... I very much doubt Jake would act like that on a set to a child.
Thanks for the comment :D
Sorry but I'm with Ed on this one. I don't like colleagues bringing their kids into the workplace. Especially my former boss's kids - noisy, undisciplined critters. :D
Plus I like Ed. If I was having trouble with my space-ship I'd want him on Mission Control. :)
Oh dear oh dear oh dearie Rubes... ;) I admit kids around the workplace (especially MY workplace) can be a tad irksome but for heaven's sake this is Ed Harris we're talking about!!! He nearly let that crew die and all because he didn't have his homesewn waistcoat! I still haven't forgiven him for Hours! Bloody hell, that was depressing...
But what about The Abyss? "She has a strong heart. She wants to liiive!" *end melodrama*
Oh Flip! I'd forgotten the Abyss, that's one of my fave movies that one... But he still took the suit, he still let her drown!!! All that rubbish about sea temperature, he still let her breathe her last while she held on to his well-insulated and aerated face mask...
But he went down with Little Geek into the abyss. Remember the typing on the key pad?
Love you....wife.
Yeah, well his spelling went downhill too from what I remember and wasn't he saved by some intelligent lifeform stingrays? He had it EASY!
But what about The Truman Show, when he says 'Cue the sun" I mean, who gets to cue the sun?!
That's not easy, cueing the sun, you know.
Yeah, but then he turned up the waves to let Truman drown!
Ouch! It's never fun being yelled at, even worst if it's in front of other people. But I wonder what Jake was doing to get Ed so annoyed...You know how kids can get sometimes. And if Jake liked to clown around on a set back then as he does now, well...
I think Jake made a good choice about Dreamers. Correct me if I'm wrong but it wasn't a great succes. I too think it was because of the way nudity was used in the movie that he chose not to do it, not the nudity itself. He doesn't seem so shy to me! :D
And really, I never understood how people could confuse Jake and Toby. They both are guys and have brown hair but other than that? No offense to Toby but he doesn't even come close to the beauty that is our Jacob.
Ed did send a note, though. I do like Ed and hope it made things better for little Jake :)
Hi Olympia! Little Jake was probably making some noise in the wrong place at the wrong time but we remember these things. I definitely agree about Dreamers - that film wasn't a great success and its nudity had none of the purpose of BBM. I'm very glad Jake didn't do it - it's a shame he had to take some jibes but I suppose these things happen.
I've never seen a similarity between Jake and Tobey but non-Jake friends have commented on it and I stare at them open mouthed and shake my head!
Hey Nouskie - posting at the same time *) Ahh a note, how little a note would help such a little Jake... I can see how Ed may have felt bad etc and tried to make amends but I'm seeing this story through the eyes of a 10 year old :D
LOL... shouting at unruly kids - sounds like something I'd do!!
Poor Jake... I'd not only send him a note of apology, I'd have given him a cookie and a kiss on his cheek.
Mmm... Jake appreciates that Ang understands his discomfort, maybe that's just what Bertolucci should have done to convince his original choice.
I've recently watched Ed Harris' "Appaloosa", he directs and stars in it, he does seem like an intimidating man (but of course, I was more focus on Viggo when I was watching the film!), no wonder young Jake was crying (awww....)
I think someone who would yell at a child like that, is a bully. I have always liked Ed Harris's work, but I do not like this story at all.
It was a cruel thing to do. Apparently he is someone who believes his own ego is far more important then a child's. He sounds as if he has an abusive personality. Scream now,apologize later.
I still like his work, but he was wrong, yelling at a young Jake is unforgiveable. No one should ever make Jake cry. Ever. Jake is the kindest, most gentle, compassionate person. To do anything like that is just unthinkable to me. WDW, I have some boxing gloves, too.
I got mad at Chris Cooper in October Sky, and he was just acting. You know I don't like this story at all. Not a bit.
Hey Winterbird! I can certainly understand yelling at kids (especially those who push my motorbike over - grrr) but I will never understand yelling at Jake, regardless of his age. Surely there's an invisible sign over Jake's head saying 'Don't yell at me, I'm adorable'. I think so...
Bertolucci's goal was clearly not Jake's but Jake's discomfort was part of getting there. Jake was so young.
I've not watched Appaloosa - it sounds horsey and very long :D
I've missed comments while speaking to Winterbird...
Hi Anon :D I have to say that I'm not happy with people yelling at children full stop - especially when you hear that they remember it like that. I know kids are irritating but generally these are horrible kids and I don't think Jake was ever one of those. Film sets are creative, high emotion places and Jake should no doubt have been quiet but he was a kid and he was excited. I'll keep the boxing gloves on.
Hey Minnie! Wasn't that an amazing role?! And the Jake appeared with Chris again in Jarhead. Octobver Sky was a wonderful film and Jake and Chris should be proud of that one. I must watch it again - it's been a while.
LOL at this part of the article:
Gyllenhaal bailed out of The Dreamers, but seemed to take Bertolucci’s advice about needing a rest from thinking when he chose to star in Roland Emmerich’s clichéd eco-disaster movie, The Day After Tomorrow.
Just as Gyllenhaal’s star was globally warming, there was danger of an artistic ice age.
And I love this sign:
'Don't yell at me, I'm adorable'. :D :D :D :D
And LOL at Ruby's and your debate about Ed Harris!
I think in general it probably was the right decision for Jake not to do Dreamers... But just imagine what we would have gotten to see if he had done it! There would have been mass fainting!
Uli! I was trying very hard not to think about all the naked Jake we would have gotten with Dreamers! :D Cause I read it really had A LOT of naked in it.
This post makes me feel conflicted, WDW. First you make me feel bad for little Jake and wake up my maternal instincts because his face really is like an "I'm adorable" sign and then you go on and talk about all that Jake nakedness... which...hum... wakes up a whole other kind of instinct... :D
It's so hard being a gyllenhaalic! :DD
Hey Uli! Bernardo's comments about Jake taking a rest from thinking make me want to put another layer of boxing gloves on! (If only I knew what to do with them...). There was clearly some bad feeling when Jake did turn down the role finally, but all for the good I think, despite the gratuitous nudity and multiple sex scenes... You're right - it would have done us in... ;/
Hey Olympia! Ooops sorry about the conflict :D But that's what Jake does to me - I want to protect him one minute and then the next minute I want to.... well, do other things...! In the meantime maybe we just need to keep him away from Ed :D
((WDW)). I love this post! A little respect, a little angst, a little word-wimbledon btwn you and Ruby! I laughed out loud!
I love Ed Harris. I remember The Abyss - only the 2nd non-sexist film I ever saw. God it still makes me feel relieved. Ed is no Christian Bale, I think being shouted at by Ed would be a survivable thing for a 10 yr old - and I'm the biggest wuss in the world, so I've given this some consideration. Maybe Little Jake snorted. Or dribbled. *8..
As for Bertolouci - there's a kinky old fart. And Eva - didn't she just win 'best newcomer'? 8 yrs later...
PS ;-D
Nasty Ed:( That must have been a really unpleasant
childhood memory for Jake. A note under the door is sort of distant especially to a kid. Things like they can linger long after the event.
I saw Ed Harris do a one man stage show in our theatre a few years ago. He is a really fine actor and he does have an imposing presence.
That mention of River Phoenix brought back memories. I remember feeling devastated when he died. I had that
same feeling years later for Heath.
Tobey Maguire v. Jake - no contest:)
Hey TD! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post :D It's been fun! And this is priceless...
'As for Bertolouci - there's a kinky old fart. And Eva - didn't she just win 'best newcomer'? 8 yrs later..' Absolutely! On both counts!
Hi Carol :D I would still love to see Bad Ed on stage even though he'd get a telling off afterwards - he is a very talented actor and I say that grudgingly! The River Phoenix comment came with a jolt for me too.
But yeah Tobey v Jake???? What's that all about?? Tosh... I wonder if they mentioned all this on the Brothers' set.
Well maybe Jim Sheridan was thinking of the "so called" likeness aswell when he cast them as Brothers. I must be blind as I really can't see it myself:)
It was wonderful seeing Ed on stage. He's got an amazing stage presence and such a great voice.
I really enjoyed reading the post tonight. It gave me a lift as I'm feeling a bit down having just watched my beloved United pretty much give away their Champions League title.
What's going on lads:(
It definitely makes one feel it can't be coincidence with Jim, Carol. But I don't see it either. No comparison at all.
I'm glad the post cheered you up - I feel your pain :(
Good morning everyone! What a beautiful day, and my tulips are in full flower :D
Have a good day!
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