Even though most of us are, unfortunately, a long way away from the streets of San Francisco, we're fortunate in that we can share in the excitement of WonderCon on Saturday 3 April thanks to a number of good people, including our Intrepid Roving Reporter! I'm glad to say that not only did she survive seeing Jake 'delicious' Gyllenhaal in person yesterday, she was also able to record some of the Prince of Persia panel - no mean feat I can tell you:
The Roving Reporter reports: 'I was worried I wouldn't get in (they have very strict Fire Marshall rules on capacity) - it was also almost pitch black and they were showing a preview of a new TV show. Couldn't find any seats so hung along a side wall with a bunch of other folk. Lights came up and they started a Q & A with the TV show folk. Moved further down near the front and managed to snag an end seat. As you'll see, I was quite far from the stage but they had two huge screens either side and I was right in front of one. Lots of signs and we were also told no video, photos etc. but nobody took a blind bit of notice and it wasn't enforced at all - I think they were more concerned about the bit of exclusive PoP being recorded rather than the rest of it.'
'Jerry and Mike were this first two out and they spoke about the film and Jake (boy, do they ever LOVE our boy!) They also mentioned that Jake was backstage...that's when I sent the I'm here message. They then showed the first clip which was almost ALL Jake - lights came up and then Jordan and Jake came on - The audience went mad, clapping, cheering and quite a few fangirls shouting out "I love you Jake", etc. and he says "I love you guys too"
To set the scene, here are some of her pictures from the event. How much do I want to look round those stalls...?
We're also lucky that friends HeyUGuys made the trip over from the UK and recorded videos of the press conference and the panel. They also made my evening with an exchange of emails which made me feel a part of it, so thanks to them! Here are their videos.
We have three more little clips from the panel here:
So... what have we learned! From the press conference we hear from Jake 'Now I wish that I was British as I feel that I'm proficient enough with the British accent' and 'Occasionally I would throw out the British accent at the dinner table'. Jake was, however, surrounded by so many British accents that the accent could move around England's counties a fair bit, until pulled back by Mike Newell, whose accent Jake clearly enjoys!

The press conference and the panel demonstrates that as Jake grew in confidence, and when the trainers were more confident with Jake's abilities to hurl himself around, the stunts and fights got more 'dicey'.
The panel witnessed a classic question (there was one word in it which I couldn't quite catch and so I was glad of Uli's help with the translation): 'I wanted to know how difficult it was getting into shape and getting all tanned because you started off like Bubble Boy, all adorable and bubbly and now you're like Unghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!' Jake: 'It was so much fun. What can you do when you get paid to get tanned, get in shape...' The questioner again: 'You're pretty, I just thought you should know that.'

There were some classic Jakisms that we have come to love and expect. 'I keep the dagger of time and will use it if this press conference has any weird questions.' 'We worked very closely with a guy named David Belle who invented Parkour. It took a long time to find him cos he has no email address or phone number. So we went over the streets of France in a helicopter looking for people jumping off of buildings and we snagged him and brought him over to Morocco.' Dastan 'also likes to jump off of things. He also likes to fight with his fist and with his sword and he also likes princesses.'

'That's how I trained for the movie too - it was just me and a baggy pair of pyjamas.'
We wanted 'to see if we can run over that donkey and then we would or we wouldn't successfully run over a donkey. No! Not like that! I didn't mean it like that!'
On working with Jerry Bruckheimer: 'It was a little louder, a little bigger, and a little more fun'.

After the panel, it was time for the WonderCon cocktail party... And a look at what everyone in San Francisco wanted to get their hands on yesterday (and the iPad's not bad either).

But it wasn't all Prince of Persia, Jake also took some time out to talk about Love and Other Drugs briefly ('which is awesome and I'm very proud of it') and Source Code: 'I'm shooting a movie right now with a guy named Duncan Jones who directed the movie Moon with Sam Rockwell, which is an amazing movie. We're having an amazing time and that movie, a scifi movie, will blow your mind.' The video is below.
Many thanks to everyone who brought us all into WonderCon with them and thanks to IHJ for the superb photographs (there are many, many more to enjoy there) and to the Intrepid Roving Reporter for sharing her adventure with us! Thanks too to HeyUGuys for the videos and pictures. I don't now about you, but I'm ready to see this film right now!
Happy Easter! PS - I'm not ruling out any updates... Talking of which:
Update: Another little video clip from the press conference:
And here, Jerry discusses the question of whether to use 3D or not...
Here is an interview with Jordan Mechner.
Phew! That took hours! I'm ready to be fanned now with a giant dairy milk ostrich feather fan... I hope you all enjoy the catch up, and I'm looking out for stuff to update the post with. It'll turn up.
Have a great day everyone. If you do Easter enjoy it!
Wow, what a post! I kept refreshing and refreshing, but no wonder it took you so long to put this together!! :D :D :D
What wonderful videos and in what a great shape - in every possible way - Jake was!! Beautiful, funny, charming, hot - well just Jake!
And how awsome that the Roving reporter saw all this life! That's something to remember for a long time - thank you so much for letting us be a part of it!
I just now realized now, though, that you could have asked a question, too (or couldn't you?) Right after that "Unghhhhhhhhhhhhhh - you're pretty" woman you should have asked him what he smells like! You know that it is a question many many people have been wondering about for years!!!
What a great Easter egg this WonderCon is!!!
Hey Uli! Sorry it took so long - these things always take a lot longer than you think they will! The YouTube bit took some time.
Jake was.... well, WonderCon loved our guy! I'm so proud of him. And thank you for help with that 'word'! Chuckle :D Good to see that our Roving Reporter wasn't the only Gyllenhaalic in that crowd :) Just brilliant!
WOW! Jaking again...more and more...he looks so happy and good and hot and and and...TY for all this wonderful news and pics and and and...
going to read... and watch...
What a fantastic post! Thank you so much WDW, Roving Reporter and HeyUGuys. I wasn`t expecting we`d get so many videos, this is great!
Jake was in fine form but he seemed a little fidgety. I can`t believe how bold some of the reporters were, there were definately a lot of gyllenhaalics in that room. :)
Uli, I bet that`s one question Jake as never been asked and I can only imagine the face he would make and the answer he`d give. :D I`d pay good money to see that and even more to get a chance to find out the answer by myself.
Happy Easter to all that celebrate it and happy birthday Heath. I still miss you so much...
This is a completely superficial comment...Jake's jeans fit...and and he always wears loose jeans. and and *thud*
When I kept refreshing and the post just wouldn't pop up I once more realized how much work, thought and time you put into WDW for us!!!! Thank you!!
LOL, Olympia, I also think he probably hasn't been asked that question and I guess if he would he would probably wish himself again back to his birth... Maybe he would want to try and make things different then to avoid ending up one day being asked that question again... (I hope not, though...) But didn't he threaten to use the dagger in case of weird questions? :D :D :D
Um, my word: mutsy! Just glad it is not musty... Where were we? Jake's smell? Um...
Hello! I've been distracted by trying to work out which PoP lego set I should buy... The one with the ostrich, or the one with the horse, or both... dilemmas, dilemmas...
Hi there Sass! Ooh, that is not a superficial comment - that is just what I've been thinking too - lovely jeans :D The whole getup was great - and then a jacket over the top for the cocktail party. I noticed Jake is drinking something with lime in it - a G&T perhaps...
Hey Olympia! Isn't it great to have all these videos?! We're so lucky. How's your weather today - still hot? It's bloody frightful here.
I fear that even though I have been in close proximity to Jake, my nose at the time wasn't working, mainly because I was trying not to pass out :)
Yeah, he did, Uli :D It was definitely one of 'those' questions but it really made me laugh and it's just true! Yes, I can just imagine Jake's quips in answer to 'How do you smell?' :D And thanks!
The weather is still great, it will be 20 degrees higher than normal and sunny. We`ll pay for it though, it`s supposed to rain everyday for the next week.
I love what Jake wore to WonderCon but what I love even more is the image of him playing video games in baggy pyjamas. Only wearing the pants. With bed hair. In my living room. :D
Sounds good, Olympia! It hailed here yesterday :( OMG! I hope you don't mind if I steal that image for myself :DDD
Just added another little video clip at the end :)
WOW...I am so glad I found this place. All this amazing media. Too bad my sound card isn't working. Will have to borrow my bro's laptop to catch up. I guess I could just watch the vids silently and imagine what they are saying. LOL
Thank you ever so much, WDW. You rock!
Gah, if only they'd come to DragonCon this year(same as WonderCon but in Atlanta, GA)...
Thank you so much, Stace! It's very nice to hear that :) I hope you get hold of a working laptop! And yeah, they need to visit something here too - difficult to think what in Oxford - hmmm, maybe Jake, Jerry, Jordan and Mike would just like a walk round the colleges or a peek in a museum... Er The Botanic Gardens are nice?
Is everyone having a nice Sunday? I've not eaten a shred of chocolate yet...
Hiya, just popping in to squeeeee... and to say Happy Easter/holidays. Thanks for this new post. Will disect it later and comment properly.
Yay, Jake wants to be British. I would have loved to have heard all the regional accents Jake attempted. for such a small island the British accent is diverse.
Its a very overused word but its so appropriate, adoreable.
Thanks you so much WDW for this update. I've been to cons and it's SO hard to get a good position where you can see and hear everything. Sound systems can be iffy at best at being able to hear everything being said. The first video was very hard to hear what was being asked. But I can understand, the person taping it was so far away. The UK guys were lucky they got upfront and you could hear the 'embarrassing' question asked about Jake and his muscles and tan :D
Thank you so much for this report. I was at a neighbor's house last night and the wife is into POP. They love legos so they have several of the sets. The husband was putting together the ostrich starting gate and had a naked chested Lego Prince riding one of the ostriches.
thanks for all your hard work
Happy Easter!
Hi Sheba! I can just imagine Jake enjoying mimicking all the different British accents on the set - I bet he'd be good at the Oxfordshire one :D I'd pay good money to hear his Brum or Yorkshire!
Hey Sweetpea :) I think they're gonna have a go at getting sound from somewhere else - it muct be so hard to record something like that but they did a good job. I'd love to play with the lego. It's at last available to buy in the UK and so I've been choosing what to get!
I hope everyone's having a good Sunday :D
So good to see Jake doing what he does so well. :D
Thanks 'Intrepid Roving Reporter' (who is probably now exhausted after the adrenalin high!) and thanks WDW.
Just want to say how nice it is to see so many people here on a holiday Sunday. I'm spending it on my own so it's nice to have the company!
Hey Rubes! Posting at the same time :) Yep, she must be worn out... wonder if she still has a voice - I know I couldn't speak for a week the last time I saw Jake but then I can be quite vocal - ahem...
Yep, Jake at his stunning best. I really do like this Source Code look! Love the PoP one too - maybe he just suits any look now he's all grown up :D
Oh Lord,but Jake looks fit in these Wondercon shots! :-D
Whatever he's doing right now, I'm sure Jake will be sending up some Happy Birthday love to Heath today. Just thought I'd drop in here to do the same via the hallowed portals of WDW. Missing you cowboy.
Hugs to you,WDW,and WDWers all!
Good to see you Nadine!
Awesome last two couple of posts, WDW. Thank you so much for assembling all this great information from WonderCon, and thanks to all those who contributed :)
It really cheered me up on a very rainy Easter Sunday...
(Jake is better than chocolate)
The awesomeness continues!! Yay!! :D :D :D Jaking at its best...thanks for all the amazing updates!
Thanks Paola! He is indeed :D Even better than a Dairy milk Flake :) I hope you're having a good Easter - in Rome, I think? Sorry it's rainy there, it's bloody horrible here too!
Hi Get Real! Posting at the same time :D It's such a pleasure, it really is - Jake just knocked everyone out!!
Jake is just magnificent - I'm really looking forward to PoP. I have been just about done in by Tamina's theme song. I haven't seen AiWL yet so I can't comment on that theme song; Avatar's I liked, but it didn't reach in and steal my heart like Alanis' does. It's so passionate at the end! I can't wait to hear a final version at the movie. I hope I won't need to bring tissues with me, but I will because I cry at everything. I'm looking forward to everything - the story of young Dastan, the action and parkour, the romance.
Hi Anon :) It's a lovely sog, much much better than the Alice and Avatar ones. I'll be there gently crying away too, so you won't be alone :)
A home run for Jacob. Well done jakolicious. Hmmm hmmm scrumptiousness. hmmmmmmm....
eay TD, posting at the same time, almost :D Jakealicious all right! Jake was a HUGE success and the response to PoP was great - good news :)
Jake did really well at WonderCon. Everything I've read has been so positive. I'm glad for him and he looks so amazing. This is definitely shaping up to being a Summer to remember...I can't wait:)
I was thinking a lot about Heath today too and how much he and his talent are missed. I
Thanks WDW and everyone for all the fantastic coverage and updates.
You have a great reporter. thanks for all informations!
At first I was apprehensive about the involvement of POP in Wondercon, but I see that Disney has chosen the perfect event to show some clips of the movie.
Good comments prove it.
Jake was awesome, hot, sexy, beautiful...
Today, I am a little tired. I do not know if I made any mistake in writing.
Happy easter to everyone!
Happy birthday, Heath ledger!
Loving the Jake questioner's style: "you're pretty, I thought you should know that". :):)
Morning everyone!
Hey Carol! This summer is ging to be incredible - we're gonna need to drink lots of caffeine.
I know, a day for remembering Heath :)
Hi Monica! Your English is perfect :) It was a late night for me again. I think WonderCon was the perfect venue for this - not as big as some of the shows but just the right audience. And they loved it!
Hey Nouskie! I know, it seemed like just the right thing to say - love it when Jake blushes :DD
Have a good day everyone! Doing a new post :)
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