First off, we have another interview in which Jake reveals that he researched for Prince of Persia by going back to 6th century Persia and living in a tent with Daniel Day Lewis. One gets the sense here that this was one of the final interviews of the day...
In this Reelzchannel set of interviews with Jake and the rest of the PoP WonderCon crew, Mike Newell has this praise for Jake: 'He worked 18 hours a day to make himself into an action here. And he rehearsed the fights, and he rehearsed the riding, and gymnastics and the wall-running and this, that and the other. He worked his heart out to make himself into a really satisfying action hero. And he did it.'
So... what did we get this week?
Jake told about.com that he couldn't help but slip into Prince of Persia Parkour mode on the Source Code set - much to the alarm of the SC crew.

Jake told Destructoid that if anyone pokes fun at his poster he'll 'kick your ass in a dark alley' and 'like it or hate it, it's pretty damn good.'
Hanging on a wire for hours while the crew tried to perfect gaming manoeuvres gave Jake a really bad rash but 'the rash was worth it' and Jake had to regularly take all of his clothes off for the special effects guys to scan him. Moving between the different units meant Jake ate less lunch than everyone else.
The English accent is now a dinner table party piece.

Jake channelled Buddha in his preparation for stunt scenes, meaning that his two years at Columbia still have a practical use.
We had two new PoP featurettes: Story and Hassansins and another fan question answered, this time on Parkour.
Jake loves his lego even though it looks like a buffed up Indiana Jones in a mullet.
Jake can't do the water section in the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time game and likes the prince's attitude when you accidentally cut his arm off or hurl him to a painful senseless death on spikes.
Zelda was 'super dope'.
They would still be filming Prince of Persia if it were to be in 3D.
Jake was told that he was 'unnnghhhhhhhhhhhh!' and pretty ('I just thought you should know that').
Jake got an iPad but Jordan Mechner doesn't want one.

Jake can happily talk about Top Gun for quite some time.
Nailed is now The Nail and Jake has finished all of his filming.
Jake can sing better than he dances.

Everyone marvels at Duncan Jones's collectors' t-shirts.
Jake called Ben Kingsley Sir Ben.
No-one says Hassansins like Mike Newell does.
Source Code got a day's work outing to Chicago (you can see some more pictures from that day here).

The plot of Source Code is extremely difficult to explain but 'it will blow your mind'.
Links for more and all of this can be found in the posts from the last amazing week and, as we've said here so many times this week, it's not even May yet!
Includes pictures from IHJ.
And finally - and so off topic it's ridiculous...
I went to Cotswold Wildlife Park today in search of lemurs - they were all asleep. In compensation, there were ostriches and scratching camels. I did try to avoid them, but there was no helping it - there were meerkats.
What a great summary of an even greater week!! You really put in all the important bits! Especially the one about Jake taking off all his clothes to be scanned! :D :D :D
I thought him kind of complaining about not getting his lunch when he was working on the two different units was so cute! I love those moments when you see that this gorgeous guy is just a normal human being, who wants to have lunch like everybody else!
And "Awwwww!" about him using the dagger to have a great moment again and again!!
And damn, is he looking sweet in that interview!
Loved the pics of Jake from Chicago! Especially since this is probably the first time Jake and I have actually been in the same place! I have been at that bean, too!
Oh, wait a moment! It was NOT the first time! Thanks to some lovely friends I actually went to the same London restaurant as Jake did... ;)
Considering this I think he must now realise that we are meant for each other!
Wow, it looks like you spent two wonderful days yesterday and today! I was amazed to see how many people were at that beach yesterday!!!
Oh, damn, the weekend is already over! Back to Bratislava for me tomorrow - but this time with the incentive of being able to watch Brothers again on the big screen, it was just released there! I just hope I will be able to leave work early enough one evening... :(
I hope everybody has a great week!!
Zac Efron as Dastan?! Seriously?! Orlando I can believe but Zac Efron? No way!
That was a fabulous recap of this crazy and amazing week. We've learned so much. :D And I agree with you about the first WonderCon interview, Jake sounded tired of answering the same questions.
That pic of the rhino in front of the house is great, if I didn't know better I'd think it was photoshopped. Sorry you didn't see any lemurs but what do you have against meerkats?
That camel is very hairy. :D
Thanks Uli! And the taking clothes off before scanning was essential :D
That's exactly what I thought about the lunch thing too - the normal side of being a big movie star - he has to eat! I've not been to Chicago but yes, we've certainly been together in a Jake London restaurant :D I hope you get to see Brothers in Bratty!!
Hey Olympia! Zac Efron.. that is not good... I'm so glad you enjoyed the recap - it's been a special week.
The rhino in front of the hoouse was surreal (the rhino looked to be made out of Cotsold stone!) and I took a pic of a typic English duck pond and it had turtles and flamingos in it! I saw lemurs but they were all asleep - sigh...
I've spent a lot of time in Africa over the years and have had a running battle with sharing a tent with meerkats. And then I saw someone walking a pet meerkat in Oxford! They're all over the place - years ago my mother adopted half a meerkat for me from Chester zoo. I've always wondered what happened to the other half. They're cute but they have a mission.
Am I rambling? That camel was way too hairy for its own good.
Thanks for the recap of the week's events WDW:)
I was away for the weekend so only catching up on the last few days posts now and the great pics from Source Code in Chicago.
Hope everyone has a good week:)
Hi Carol! Good to see you :D Hope you had a good weekend :)
Such a great recap WDW! Thank you! It sure was a WonderWeek as you call it and I think you put it so perfectly here: "After several years of focusing on movies with relatively serious or adult issues, we've not been used to the hoopla involved with the promotion of a huge summer blockbuster." This is so true for us Jake fans...what a wild ride it's been (and more to come...it isn't even May yet)!!
Cute...ummm...animal pictures. Some look more like creatures than animals to me though!! Either way it looks like you had a great weekend out and about!
Here's to another great week of new fun stuff (but maybe not so much as last week so WDW can get some sleep - LOL)!
Until next time... :-)
An incredible week and an incredible recap!!!
Thank you Jake, WDW and everyone who participated and enjoyed! I loved it all and can't wait for more!! :D :D :D
And how can we not end without some animals! Hope you had fun WDW. :)
Dear WDW,
Not to wander off topic or anything (especially when the topic is Jake!), but I can't help but feel that you have some wonderful stories to tell...
I'm pretty sure that I don't know another soul who has shared a tent with a meerkat!
You're a multi-layered person,WD, no wonder your blog is never,ever, boring!
Good morning :) Monday... :(
Hey BBMISwear :-) I know, it's been incredible! Makes me wonder what May will be like and how long it'll take to sleep it off! I know you love the camel :D
Thanks Get Real! It's been so much fun, hasn't it?! And this is just the beginning :D
Thank you so much, JoJo! That is a lovely thing to say. I do like to wander off topic on occasion (or quite often) and it's great of people to humour me! You've made my day :)
Have a good Monday everyone!
Monday is better now.
I'm so looking forward to PoP.
Thanks WDW
Great recap, dont know how you have time for all this AND going to the seaside and wildlife etc!
I like how you wondered what happened to the other half of the meerkat you were adopted, and the hairy camel, I love your sense of humour!
Thanks Stace and Silver for helping me try to understand what was said in the questions at Wondercon - I sort of had the same ideas (something about being drunk or silhouette) as you but thought the lady asking the question said something about her husband before he said sorry, it sounded amusing anyway, Jake has a great sense of humour too:D
It's a pleasure, TD! Glad Monday got better :D
Thanks, Karen! It has been a bit of a squeeze this weekend getting it all in. But a lot of fun too :)
It was a big help to me too hearing all that from Stace and Silver - I'd not have picked up on much of that due to my bad ears!
I hope everyone's having a good day! I just bought a Flip :D
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