We also, more worryingly, have the news that Michelle Monaghan ate artichokes in that windy city, a vegetable/fruit/mineral I wouldn't wish on anyone. 'Jake had French Onion Soup & Turkey Pastrami Club...and yes he ate the fries'. I know what soup and chips are, which is a lot more than I can say about a Turkey pastrami club. Chicago's chefs have also been having a barney about the best places in which Jake can find a hearty meal in the city. Each would conclude that it's in his restaurant.

There are more Twitter pictures from the locals lucky enought to see Jake in action on set yesterday, including this one, thanks to EmbersFall.

KABC published a WonderCon interview with Jake the other day - and at the end it promised another interview on their On the Red Carpet programme. Today we got it and it's another fine interview. Jake says that he made Prince of Persia for the kids - who will have had little experience of Jake's recent films - and show just how much he enjoyed the Parkour question from the young boy in the WonderCon panel audience. Jake also tells us about his PoP leaps, some with and some without a harness, and how he trusted the trainers completely. Glad to hear it.

And finally... a WDW interlude
Totally off topic but that's never stopped me... Today I took advantage of the first Spring weekend proper to head to the sea and then to Corfe Castle - where I managed to evade the scary horned sheep that chased me around the motte last time I was there. A day of clotted cream, scones, apple cake, ploughmans, real ale and cheese - not an artichoke in sight.
Includes pictures from links and WDW and Mr WDW.
Awww i love coulter already! Is that Duncan Jones in the forground? I didn't think he went to CH..
Me too, Anon! It does look like Duncan but he tweeted that he wasn't in Chicago but that the Second Unit was there, so probably not?
I love all the Source Code pics! I want to go see that bean! It looks cool :)
That does look like Duncan! Maybe he's Duncan clone #2 and has a lifespan of three years?
Hey Em! OMG that's so funny! Yeah, that way Duncan can have a Duncan for each of the SC units :D
What a beautiful place, wet dark!
Artichoke is not good? You're not the first to tell me that.
I'm loving all these pictures of SC. I thought we would not see pictures of the filming, so it was a surprise to me when these images appeared yesterday.
Jake is so gorgeous and I think he is very proud of this film.
I wonder when we'll see the first images of laod. I'm anxious to see pictures and the trailer of this movie.
Thanks, Monica *) I know, I wasn't expecting to see any filming shots from SC either and it's good to see - I think this film means a lot to Jake.
And yes! We must get some LAOD stuff soon - maybe once PoP is out, we'll geta trailer, if not before. Jake really does look so gorgeous in SC. I'm going to enjoy thinking back to these good days when the film comes out :)
PS meant to say, Monica, artichokes are my least favourite food item after slugs :D
LOL! So are you saying that you've tasted slugs?! God I hope not! :D
I can't believe there are more WonderCon interviews out there and Jake was funny and charming in every one of them. What a pro!
One of the things I love about your blog is all the new british words I've learned. I had to look up ploughmans and clotted cream on Wiki. They had a delicious looking pic of cream tea (another new expression for me) and now I'm hungry. Maybe I could bake some scones. Mmmmm...
You do such a wonderful job with this blog. This is the place to get all the updates on Jake and his films.
Keep up the good work. :)
Hey Olympia! I know that if I did eat slug - shiver - it would have a similar taste to artichoke :D
I think WonderCon Jake will be something we're gonna look back onw ith a lot of love and pride for a long time to come :D
That is great to hear, that you like the BritSpeak :D Ahh, the cream tea of Devon/Dorset and Cornwall. A real tradition. It can get very touristy but there are some good ones out there. Scones, clotted cream, strawberry jam and a cup of tea :D Ploughman's is the big pub lunch here in the summer - if you're lucky, like today, you get three types of local cheese. Of course, people do argue relentlessly about what makes a proper Ploughman's.
Thank you so much, Shelly! That is such a wonderful thing to say - thanks!
I can't believe I'm still up. I'd better get off - I'm hoping to see lemurs tomorrow and maybe even an ostrich! Night all *)
Sounds like a beautiful day, WDW. :)
My word is 'ceptive. :)
And I notice you're wearing your Red Sox cap. ;)
Love the Red Sox Cap!!! I wore mine today too...how cool is that?!
Been loving all the SC set pics and this latest KABC interview is wonderful...one of the best from the WonderCon set I think (right up there with the About.com one). There's been so damn many...hard to pick...but I love him talking about kids!
Okay...wait a minute...just wait one minute...what's the deal with artichokes?! I freaking LOVE artichokes!!! Yum!! Maybe you've had them prepared the wrong way...I've had them about 10 different ways so if you need further input just ask...LOL!
Side Notes...to Paul: Yes, Aberjona River goes through Winchester and Woburn and has been very bad this spring. I know what you mean about Worcester...it has been really bad for those folks the last couple of storms...it's all strange right now in this area! Let's hope for continued sunshine!
And to Olympia: Bruins in the playoffs...Whooowhee! I heard Ottawa and Montreal are in too (Montreal just clinched actually). Boo Montreal (sorry...any good Bruins fan would say that though)!!
Okay, sorry about the side notes...had to talk to my area people!
Thanks again, WDW, for all the awesome up to the minute wonderful Jake news. Someone said this is the place to go for Jake updates...absofreakinglutely it is! Is there anywhere else? Nope!
Until next time...
Keep the great pictures and tweets and interview links coming, WDW!
It's exciting to have Jake giving i8nterviews for one film while filming another. He really seems stoked and happy. :-)
Tonight I saw "Ghost Writer." No Jake links, but there werelinks to Maggie (Jon bernthal was in "World Trade Center with her), Peter (Olivia Williams was in "An Education"), and Heath Ledger (Tom Wilkinson was in "The patriot").
That smile of Jake's...swoon. All the SC pics are really great. The interviews have been so wonderful! We really have been spoiled. :D Nice to hear him talking about kids seeing PoP. And thank you for the link to the Facebook answers in the last post. I am all caught up! :)
Awww, WDW...what a lovely picture of you!! And England is so beautiful. I want to visit!
Turkey pastrami club = New York club sandwich, innit WDW :)
Morning! Good to see you all :)
Hi there 2:05/2:07! It was a lovely day, and yep my B hat :D (love to have a name to know you by)
Hey BBMISwear :-) Yeay, you wore your hat too, like that...
I'm afraid that an artichoke could be prepared for me in any one of 500 ways and it'd not do a thing to rid me of my artichoke aversion. It's my least favourite food. I remember reading that Jake cooked something with artichokes - that would have been a supreme test for me!
I LOVE the area talkin' :D
Hi Paul! I like that too - talking about one movie and filming another. I want to see Ghost Writer - I enjoyed the book :)
I really hope you can visit, Get Real! You'd be assured of a guide :) Glad you got the link!
Hey Nouskie! I just can't picture turkey pastrami... maybe it's the non-artichoke eating veggie in me... Good to see you *)
And after last night's talk about whether Duncan was there or not, I've seen other pictures and it certainly really looks like him. I guess he can be in two places at once!
Have a lovely day - I'm off out to look at some animals - We could have ostriches and camels later!
No need to apologize BBMISwear. Being a Montréal fan, I`ve booed your team too more than a few times :D But I`ve had a very soft spot for Boston in the last few years because Claude Julien used to coach my city`s junior team and he gave us our only Memorial Cup. And our other greatest coach, Pat Burns, also coached for the Bruins.
WDW, are you going to the zoo? I see the London zoo has a new rainforest exhibit.
By the way, I did bake scones last night and they were great. I didn't have any clotted cream or jam so I had to make due with my homemade apple butter, made from apples from my very own tree. Not exactly british but absolutely delicious. :)
Laughing at the Artichoke and Hockey conversations! Now, WDW, of course if you had a chance to try one of Jake's artichoke masterpiece meals you'd eat it! Maybe one day he'll open up that restaurant and we will have the chance. :-)
And, Olympia...you sure know your hockey! Great info about the past Bruins coaches and your teams but I honestly can't come up with one good thing to say about Montreal except that my partner in crime Ted - dontwantosaygb - lives there! And I had fun there...and Jake seems to be having fun there! LOL!
Have a great Sunday all. Sounds like Jake went right back to Montreal. I was kind of hoping he'd stay in Chicago for the weekend as I think they'd be more chances of us seeing some pictures. I'm greedy.
Hi there everyone! Just got back - it's chillier than it looks out there...
Hey Olympia! That's so cool that you made scones! Your apple butter sounds gorgeous and I would've thought would go very well.
I went to Cotswold Wildlife Park which is a big open area animal place at a stately home in the beautiful Cotswold hills near here. They have a new lemur exhibit that you can walk through that I wanted to see - and they were all asleep... sigh :D I'd like to see that rainforest exhibit you mention. I've not been to London Zoo for years.
Loving the hockey talk and have no idea what you two are talking about!
Hi BBMISwear :-) I'm sure that when the day comes for Jake to cook me his Artichoke Surprise I'll do my bit for the fandom... :D It won't be easy but the things I do for Jake :D
Yeay, a flying visit for Jake to Chicago. Sounds like a fun one though. I suppose they're into their last two or three weeks of filming and then Jake can get over here to plug away for a certain movie!
Hey WDW I wish I could have been at the seaside with you, it looks lovely and nice pic of you.
I wouldn't mind trying artichokes sometime BUT I'd rather have what Jake had. First I love onion soup and I love Turkey pastrami (it's pastrami just made of turkey, you should try it)
AND I'd rather be sitting with Jake, so when he ordered I'd just say 'Same for me' I bet I'd get a look from Jake and I'd smile and tell him "well it sounded good to me too"
I wonder how long they're in Chicago for?
Thanks Sweetpea :) I'm a veggie so I'll have to pass on that one (I still don't know what pastrami is :D)... They're back in Montreal now so it was just a flying visit to Chicago.
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