Update: You can read a full account of the two Prince of Persia clips here at IGN. I like the conclusion: 'A montage was then shown of many moments from the film, including one where a large snake is attacking Dasten and he uses the dagger to get the better of the snake, and some huge action sequences, which included a structure collapsing and more impressive acts from Dasten - Gyllenhaal noted during the panel that he learned parkour for the film, and it shows.'

Jordan Mechner: 'Just did Prince of Persia WonderCon panel in front of 4,000 people. Finally sunk in on me: Jake is a movie star.'
Part 2 of WonderCon post: The Panel and the Prince of Persia screening
WonderCon was treated to a 5-minute clip from the Prince of Persia - the Battle of Alamut - and the audience went 'crazy' for Jake. As for the clip: 'Looks so good and the score is awesome!!' Jake is now taking questions... On working with Jerry Bruckheimer: '(The experience is) a little louder, a little bigger, and a little more fun'.

A second clip was also shown - this explained the dagger: 'Prince of Persia panel was excellent... 2nd clip was [Dastan] findout out what the dagger does.'

Part 1 - the Press Conference
And it begins! Jake Gyllenhaal, Jordan Mechner, Mike Newell and Jerry Bruckheimer are now taking part in the Prince of Persia press conference at WonderCon, San Francisco. We have our first pictures, with huge thanks to Content Now and Geek Girl on the Street, which shows the PoP gang being interviewed by every time of phone conceivable - no iPad though...

First quote from Jake: 'I keep the dagger of time and will use it if this press conference has any weird questions.' Jake also apparently wishes he were now British and he carries a sword at all times (Brits do that of course...). Updated to add an early report from the press conference. On working with Ben Kingsley: '“Of course it was a great honor,” Gyllenhaal smiled, “He is SIR Ben, after all. He was also a fierce competitor in the sword fight scenes.”'

And another tweet from the press conference: 'I'm pretty sure Jake Gyllenhaal literally broke my phone with his smile.' That is indeed a hazard of being in the same room as Jake.

I'm glad to say that WDW has a roving reporter at WonderCon today...
More to follow! Photos from links, here, Wondercast, here, Veronica and WDW Roving Reporter.
This is so exciting!
I think the press conference is over now and so now to wait for the PoP event later today.
Am on thwe Blackberry but the pics and reports from the Con are fanrtastic!!
Sorry last comment was from me. :)
They really are, Anon :D I thought I was talking to myself - thanks for commenting! There's more on the way too - interviews and the PoP panel itself. Doesn't Jake look amazing?! I love the hair... And it sounds like there are some funny quotes too :)
Hi Get Real!
I can't wait for the report of your Roving Reporter!!! I hope she will have loads of Jake stuff to report!!!!
LOL at this first Jake quote! Will we find out if he had to use the dagger? Did maybe anybody ask how it was to kiss Gemma?
And I've got to say if the story of Source Code wasn't already enough to make me really really want to watch the movie - like NOW! - this look of Jake would definitely be enough... Scrumptious... :D :D :D He also looks delicious in those fan question videos, though... Maybe it is because it is Jake, and he just always looks good enough to eat?
I am late commenting on the song for PoP, but just wanted to say, that I really like it and that I was positively surprised... Caused by some prejudices regarding Disney I was very very afraid they would pick one of those bloody "divas", so I am so glad they chose Alanis Morissette to do it!!!
Another thing I didn't manage to comment on was that new interview with Jake, the one you posted last Sunday... Of course you weren't the only one who thought of Heath. It was wonderful and painful at the same time to this and to think that this was Jake acknowledging what Heath's death meant to him...
And last but not least I want to thank you for your personal post from the Wednesday before and the link to the article of the Examiner! There's nothing to add to your words, thoughts and feelings!!!
I hope everybody will have a wonderful Easter Sunday with a successful Easter Egg hunt! Chuckling at the thought of those lovely pics of Jake with a chocolate Easter bunny from a couple of years ago...
And now I shut up... LOL!
Hi Uli! Good to see you catching up - a lot going on - and yeah - how hot is Jake in these videos and at this event?! The tweets suggest he's knocking everyone out with his smile and looks :) And yeay for the Roving Reporter - hope she's getting on all right :D
Have a good Easter! I may never wasnt to look at chocolate again - well, until Monday...
Updated the post again!
WDW your amazing i cannot keep up on twitter with all the pictures and links! Its really exciting :) and Jake looks so so HOT! Just loaded twitter and 5 seconds later their was 39 more tweets, suprised he isnt a trending topic :P
Our Roving Reporter has just made contact!!! In a manner of speaking :D She says she's shaking - OMG!
Im so jealous of everyone saying how gorgeous he is in real life! I want to be there :(
Thanks Em! Posting at the same time :) OMG this is so exciting and it sounds like the clip was a huge success!!
Hi Anon :) I know, I want to be there too but there'll be other times and opportunities - and isn't it great to hear how he's making all of WonderCon swoon? :)
Well, how could he NOT knock out everyone who is seeing him in person??
I am fearing for the Roving Reporter... I hope she won't spontaneously combust! We still need her!!! :D :D :D
Do keep an eye on the post - updating it all the time...
Me too, Uli! Hope she'll be all right and not faint in Jake's arms... :D Apparently, Jake is flirting with the audience :D
I have tons of things to do around the house but for now I can't tear myself away from the internet. Following your updates and my Twitter search avidly. Love all those tweets about how handsome Jake is and how funny too.
I'm the Gyllenhaalic in Argentina who just tweeted you, WDW, around an hour ago. I'm really happy for Jake and "Prince of Persia". I think everybody will love the film. At least where I live. Yep, I can see it. Dying with anticipation to see the film in theaters and have people talking more and more about my wonderful hero. ;-)
Someone I like very dearly gave me the link to this blog and I enjoy it big time. My first time commenting, tho!
captcha says "conles"! Yeah, I couldn't make it all the way to San Francisco. But I feel like I'm there LOL
Glad your blog part my Google reader...this is exciting...thank you:)
Hello Alejandra! And welcome !! I am so glad that a friend led you here and I'm really happy you commented - thanks so much :)
It is really exciting - my day's come to a standstill - and loving the reports of how handsome Jake is :D I laughed hen I read that a fan had gone up to Jake and called him 'pretty' :) You're right, it's so cool to hear everyone go all crazy for our guy. Really amazing. I'm so proud of him. It's really good to hear you like the blog - do come back!
Hi there Sass - glad you're enjoying it!
Updated the post with IGN's description of the two clips - sounds excellent!
Hi WDW! Hi Gyllenhaalics!
I've been working this morning and so great to come home to this. As we say here in the good ol' South: Dayum, Jake is fione!(that's a bit more than fine for those that didn't know) Break me off some of that!
Also, I wonder if anyone is recording this on video? I'd love to see him being flirty and silly with the audience. Now I am also excited for Source Code...and all this hotness has me thinking I may not be able to handle LOaD. LOL
Happy Easter, all.
This is wonderful, WDW. very exciting. I can't wait to hear more.
It looked so funny to see the men and all these recording devices sitting in front of them it looked like some kind of techno invasion (quick Prince get out the Dagger!)
I didn't notice Gemma on the panel.
Hi there Stace! Yep fine indeed - or as we English would say, 'not too bad'! Lovely :) I hope we get to see some videos from this - I think we'll be hearing bits from this day for days! And I can't wait for the Roving Reporter's report :D
Hi Sweetpea :) - Gemma wasn't there.
Updated the post... again :D
What would we do without you WDW!
I was trying to find things on twitter but there were so many retweets etc. i was getting confused..so i just came here and it was all perfectly orginised! :D
I cannot wait for all the clips to show up! Jake looks amazing!
Thanks Silver! It is confusing keeping up with it all. Amazing, isn't it?
And Jordan Mechner just tweeted: 'Just did Prince of Persia WonderCon panel in front of 4,000 people. Finally sunk in on me: Jake is a movie star.'
Ooooh, a roving reporter! Do we know her? I can't wait for her report, if she survives Jake's hotness! :D Thanks for keeping us up to date with all that's happening at WonderCon, it seems like it went very well for our Prince. :)
I hope everyone is having a great Easter week-end. I'm writing this post on the swing in my back yard and the temperature is sunny and 84F! That's 38 degrees more than the normal temperature for this time of the year! Too bad Jake isn't in Montréal to enjoy it, it would have been a great day to go on a walk with Atti (and hopefully give us new pics.
OMG, this gets better and better!! :D Am so excited that Jake and PoP are getting such a great reaction....squee!
Thanks so much for the updates, WDW...you rock!
Hi Olympia! Our Roving Reporter is a good friend who has a cute dog, so Jake'd love her! OMG your weather is amazing!! How good for Easter :D Our weather is.... I'm trying to put this politely... and failing.... s&^t. Not stopped raining here for three days. It's a good job I've had a pseudotrip to SF today as otherwise I'd be feeling like a walled-in hermit :( Actually, I think our weather here is quite a bit like San Francisco's!
Thanks so much Get Real! I'm so excited thinking of the reports we're gonna get from WonderCon. I think the whole affair could have been quite overwhelming for Jake but he dealt with it all brilliantly, with charm, confidence and hotness :)
The initial report from the Roving Reporter is good ('amazing and delicious')!
Wow, so exciting!
So happy Wondercon is such a success! :)
And btw, he looks great in that sweater.
Hi there Bertie! Jake looks incredible!
I just updated the post.... again.... with the first official photos from today. Amazing :)
still up WDW? I want to see a video before i go to bed :D
Hi Em! I'm asleep actually :D (well, just getting off....) A couple of friends did video things so I'm hoping for something in the morning :) What a night!
Great work! thanks!
Good to know that the film was well received at Wondercon. I think it shows that Disney was right to put the film at WonderCon.
And it's much better to know that everyone is in love with Jake.
Happy Easter!
I'll try again...trying to post vid link of the short WonderCon vid I found on youtube. It's short & shaky but sweet.
PoP at WonderCon
Morning, How great does he look, i love seeing him so relaxed & aounds like he was very playful. Am pleased that POP was so well received as the better it does the more chance of sequels & we all know that means a return of those arm muscles - oh my, but its also really nice to see Jake enjoying promoting this film & having a blast doing it x
OMG how good does he look:)
It's really great to hear the positive response to the movie. I'm heading to see Clash of the Titans today so am expecting to see the trailer before.
Hope everyone that has a holiday weekend is enjoying it and thanks WDW for all the great coverage.
Happy Easter WDW!!! These pics/posts make it so certainly. Wow its great...!
My word is coocrush - definitely appropriate over these pics hhmmm...
Happy Easter everyone. What a great day.
Thanks for all the wonderful updates WDW, it felt like we were there. Good job ;D
Didn't Jordan know who he was dealing with? He does now :DDD Jake looks and sounds so good and I'm happy that the conference experience was a good one for him so hopefully many more to come.
Now off to buy some Easter eggs although I can't indulge too much now but what a combination, Jake and chocolate :DDD
Morning! OMG What a night! I'm gonna need some serious chocolate today...
Thanks for all the comments :D Just amazing, eh? I'm currently involved in processing the Roving Reporter's report!! She's tired but oh so happy!! Stay tuned :D
Here's a video from the 1st press conference. (I bet you have it already, right?) No wonder there was so much buzz about him. He looks and sounds great.
Hi Sheba! yep, lots on the way. And the guy who shot that video - He's a pal and I spoke to him straight afterwards :D It sounded incredible and he did an amazing job!
God, doesn't it make you wish you were there. Great press conference. I'll wait until you put up your new post to comment on it :DD
Wow, wow, wow, the updates keep just getting better and better!!! I am squeeing at the videos. :D :D :D
Happy Easter!! Hope everyone who celebrates has a lovely day!
Hello! Well it took 4 hours but the post is up! Waves at get Real and Sheba!
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