Jake has said on a couple of occasions how he behaves on a first date - and I can somehow see how this influenced the portrayal of Robert Graysmith's first date with Melanie in Zodiac.

Jake told More Magazine: 'Be sloppy and goofy - works every time.' And again to Cosmo: 'Be sloppy and goofy at first and then segue into the dinner-and-a-movie thing. Do something active and original.' All right, a few things to note here - does Jake actually mean soppy? I'm not certain sloppiness is high on my list of musthaves for a first date (of course, if Jake wants to be sloppy, Jake can be sloppy.) Secondly, I like the sound of 'something active' and thirdly, I like a prospective date who can throw the word 'segue' around like that.

So, Jake's turned up, sloppy and goofy, and it's working. What's next? A movie would be good but there's a chance that this could feel like work for Jake. And whose movie would you see? If you said you wanted to see the latest by Robert Downey Jr, Matt Damon, Colin Farrell or Brendan Fraser (just picking some names out of a beanie), would Jake take that the wrong way, as a sign that he had competition? I'm voting to give the movie a miss and instead settle down with a meal (or at least a beer).

For a dinner date with Jake Gyllenhaal, there are two options: eat out in a glorious restaurant or let Jake cook and eat at home (with the risk of a lot of washing up - it's a known fact that men use more utensils and bowls/pans when cooking than women). When Bazaar magazine asked Jake back in 2006 what his favourite extravagance was, he said: 'I love expensive meals. I just think when you have a good meal with people you have the potential to really relax. Because if the food and service is amazing, then you don't have to worry about anything. I'll spend any amount to have that.' Agreed - so is a pizza out?

Due to the huge difference between what constitutes an expensive meal for a movie star and, well, me, maybe it would be better for Jake to cook. Fortunately, expensive ingredients are not a necessity because Jake can cook with whatever he finds in a fridge, even mine. Jake told Star's interviewer 'I like to cook with anything I can get my hands on, like if you were to ask me to cook with all of the ingredients on this table, I'd make a tape recorder sandwich!' I would like to point out that it normally takes more that a tape recorder sandwich to win me over, but I can be flexible...

Jake does enjoy the idea of cooking for a date. He told 17 that 'I just like little things like cooking dinner and having a really long date with someone I care about.' I like the sound of the 'really long date'. And to Cosmo: 'Whatever my girlfriend wants, I'll cook for her. Whoever she is and whatever she wants, I will cook it for her.' I'll make a list.

Kirsten said of Jake 'He's a really good cook. I love everything he makes. One birthday, he made me a six-course meal of all my favourite foods: butternut squash soup, braise short ribs, coconut cake..' and then a bunch of antacids.

Assuming that the meal was a success and a happily long date ensues, what does Jake want from his date? For clothing, Jake told More Magazine: 'I love to see the back of a woman's neck or her collarbone. Those areas are very sexy. Clothes that show just a bit are best.' For demeanour, Jake loves it when a girl 'is calm when she's in love. Sometimes love just gets plain dirty and girls can be vicious.' I can be calm... And, having eaten every morsel in front of one, even done the washing up, and acted suitably calm, 'I know when I wake up in the morning with the person I love, we end up laughing. It's really the morning time, the waking up time, I look forward to.'

Includes pictures from IHJ and scans by WDW.