We know very little about End of Watch except for the fact that it features bald heads, uniforms and cameras stuck to the head and chest of its protagonists. Admittedly, the last is less certain but what we do know is that we don't know when it will be out. We've heard Jake Gyllenhaal and his co-star Michael Pena discuss how it's all filmed from the perspective of the actors but, thanks to Deadline's article on its director David Ayer, there's a little bit more news and perhaps a shift in perspective.
'Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena star as LAPD partners and best friends who navigate their work and personal lives. It started out as a found footage-style film, with the POV coming from everything from the camera mounted on every cop car to security cameras and other surveillance devices. Ayer said it evolved into something not so rigid, which he called a mix of “unconventional storytelling interwoven with conventional photography that creates a portrait of their lives. It’s a cross between Cops and Mean Streets.”
I'm delighted to hear that End of Watch won't be a straightforward 'found footage' film because it's quite possible that audiences are beginning to tire of what's been a popular format over the last couple of years. This mix of two styles sounds more novel and an interesting way for us to get to know characters inside and out. There is some other good news:
'It is Ayer’s third directing effort after Harsh Times and Street Kings, and he’s got a cut that he’ll test with an audience before finishing and showing it to potential domestic distributors before year’s end. The film, which was financed by Exclusive Media, will be ready to be seen by domestic distributors before year’s end.'
In other words, in less than a month.
Thanks to IHJ for the new old pics of Jake during Wonderful WonderCon back in the Spring of 2010. There are lots more there.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Good news for the GyllenGaards and a WDW Egypt in Oxford Interlude
That must have been quite a Thanksgiving holiday weekend in the Sarsgaard-Gyllenhaal NYC household. Following more speculation in the rag mags, reps confirmed what most of us had suspected for a little while, that Jake will have another niece or nephew to make rubbish pancakes for and push on swings and clamber about on pirate ships with. Many congratulations to Maggie and Peter and to the whole family. No doubt, as we speak, Jake and Peter are scouring the shops of NYC for Maggie's favourite cheesecake.
We don't have any new photos of Jake and so it's good news that we have more new old pictures from IHJ. These photos below were taken at the 2002 Paper Magazine Party for Pedro Almodovar and feature the scarily-eyed Debbie Harry. Many thanks again to IHJ for looking after us all during the Gyllendrought.
Back in December 2010 - almost a year ago if you can believe it - there was much excitement when Jake was seen out having dinner with Bono and The Edge at Sean's Panorama by Bondi Beach in Sydney. There's a link here which demonstrates that even in the same article it couldn't be decided who the girl was with Bono. We have some more pictures from that dinner as well, which allowed Jake to exercise his face muscles while they were still beard-free.
WDW Oxford in Egypt Interlude
Last weekend, Oxford's famous Ashmolean Museum reopened its Egypt galleries after a few years of renovation. The opening has been all over the media here because it's the largest collection of Egyptian artefacts outside Egypt. I popped down there today to take a look (and have a piece of cake). Spectacular...
We don't have any new photos of Jake and so it's good news that we have more new old pictures from IHJ. These photos below were taken at the 2002 Paper Magazine Party for Pedro Almodovar and feature the scarily-eyed Debbie Harry. Many thanks again to IHJ for looking after us all during the Gyllendrought.
Back in December 2010 - almost a year ago if you can believe it - there was much excitement when Jake was seen out having dinner with Bono and The Edge at Sean's Panorama by Bondi Beach in Sydney. There's a link here which demonstrates that even in the same article it couldn't be decided who the girl was with Bono. We have some more pictures from that dinner as well, which allowed Jake to exercise his face muscles while they were still beard-free.
Last weekend, Oxford's famous Ashmolean Museum reopened its Egypt galleries after a few years of renovation. The opening has been all over the media here because it's the largest collection of Egyptian artefacts outside Egypt. I popped down there today to take a look (and have a piece of cake). Spectacular...
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Maggie Gyllenhaal,
Peter Sarsgaard
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Jake Gyllenhaal introduces the New Eyes for the Needy auction - video
Back on 31 March this year, Jake Gyllenhaal launched the silent auction for New Eyes for the Needy in NYC. This is one of the charities closest to his heart as we've seen over the last few years. The good news is that New Eyes for the Needy has now released a video of the event, in which Jake talks about why the charity is such a good one to support and and why it means so much to him personally.
As a fellow specs wearer I can empathise with these words of Jake's from the auction: 'When I wake up all I see are colors and fuzzy things because my eyesight is so bad. I can’t imagine what it would be like if I didn’t have the resources to be able to see clearly'. A downside of this morning fuzziness is that it can take a while finding your glasses in the morning. Actually, that's more a downside of my untidiness but even so... it's good to hear Jake knows what it's like.
New Eyes for the Needy have also revamped their website, including their rather lovely new homepage. Many thanks to BBMISwear for the heads up!
It's been quite a while since we had new photos of Jake, especially publicity photos. I'm therefore very grateful to IHJ for a few new old photoshoot pictures from earlier in Jake's decade of movies. I particularly like these two:
As a fellow specs wearer I can empathise with these words of Jake's from the auction: 'When I wake up all I see are colors and fuzzy things because my eyesight is so bad. I can’t imagine what it would be like if I didn’t have the resources to be able to see clearly'. A downside of this morning fuzziness is that it can take a while finding your glasses in the morning. Actually, that's more a downside of my untidiness but even so... it's good to hear Jake knows what it's like.
New Eyes for the Needy have also revamped their website, including their rather lovely new homepage. Many thanks to BBMISwear for the heads up!
It's been quite a while since we had new photos of Jake, especially publicity photos. I'm therefore very grateful to IHJ for a few new old photoshoot pictures from earlier in Jake's decade of movies. I particularly like these two:
Jake Gyllenhaal,
New Eyes
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Happy Thanksgiving! Pioneering Jake...
I'm reliably informed that today is Thanksgiving. While this may not be a holiday in this neck of the woods (although I can't imagine why our employers don't just give us a holiday anyway), I would like to say thank you to you all and to a certain American who could well be wrestling with a big bird this evening - one Jake Gyllenhaal.
Big and special thanks go to Susan because the below video is a treat from her to me and it has 'must be shared' written all over it. How good does Jake look as a pioneer! Historical drama next, surely?
PS No turkeys were hurt during the making of this post.
My review of My Week with Marilyn, starring Michelle Williams, is now up at MovieBrit.
Big and special thanks go to Susan because the below video is a treat from her to me and it has 'must be shared' written all over it. How good does Jake look as a pioneer! Historical drama next, surely?
PS No turkeys were hurt during the making of this post.
My review of My Week with Marilyn, starring Michelle Williams, is now up at MovieBrit.
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
A Jake Gyllenhaal catch up and a WDW Lichfield Interlude
All is quiet on the Jake Gyllenfront, with Jake taking advantage of these days away (mostly) from the public eye to restock his kitchen cupboards. Yesterday Jake was seen at Williams Sonoma in NYC where 'He totally smiled at me!'. It's not known what Jake bought, if anything, although judging by the store website, I don't think there's much he couldn't buy there (except perhaps a shaver). (Ellen reminder.)
On Saturday, Jake was seen with a group of eight dining at the Chinatown Brasserie in Lafeyette Street, NYC. This dinner attracted the attention of the papers because Jake sat next to the lovely Olivia Wilde. Of course, this does distract from the identity of the other six diners, which remains a mystery. This also provides me with the perfect opportunity to post my own picture of Olivia Wilde from the London press conference of Cowboys and Aliens in August (one of my reports here at Bleeding Cool).
Please note how I'm not mentioning Chinatown Brasserie's Tomato Basil Martini and Chili-Mango Margarita...
WDW Interlude
At the weekend, we headed up north but made a bit of a bypass to visit one of the most beautiful buildings in England, the late 12th-century cathedral and its stunning close.The cathedral took quite a battering during the English Civil War in the 1640s but today is resplendent. More to the point, the cafe in the close does a stonking cream tea.
My review of The Ides of March is now up at MovieBrit.
Please note how I'm not mentioning Chinatown Brasserie's Tomato Basil Martini and Chili-Mango Margarita...
WDW Interlude
At the weekend, we headed up north but made a bit of a bypass to visit one of the most beautiful buildings in England, the late 12th-century cathedral and its stunning close.The cathedral took quite a battering during the English Civil War in the 1640s but today is resplendent. More to the point, the cafe in the close does a stonking cream tea.
My review of The Ides of March is now up at MovieBrit.
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Olivia Wilde
Friday, 18 November 2011
Jake Gyllenhaal's love of trains continues and Nailed gloom
Typically, as soon as I mentioned that all was quite on the Jake Gyllenhaal front this week, he starts getting photographed in what may well be every other subway station in New York City. To vary it a bit, he has also been photographed in the trains rather than just waiting for them. The picture below was taken by CUruchima who didn't just see Jake once this week, but twice! And who knows, by now, we could be talking three times at least!
Here is a link to Jake waiting for a train (there is a lovely account - to do with bumping in to Jake - that goes with this picture here) and another of him on a train. When Jake's not with a train - no doubt a habit left over from Source Code - Jake has also been seen in other places and here with Naomi. Many thanks to BBMISwear, Mermon and Sasha for links and to Twitter!
There is more Nailed gloom from Jessica Biel, unfortunately. She has told Elle magazine (here via OK!) that she's not hopeful: 'I honestly don't know (if it will ever be released). It's frustrating. It was a major heartbreak. But you know, I got a chance to work with David, and I've been heartbroken about it for long enough... I'd do anything to work for him again.' Do feel free to play Spot the Jake photo below. We have to get some fun from Nailed...
Here is a link to Jake waiting for a train (there is a lovely account - to do with bumping in to Jake - that goes with this picture here) and another of him on a train. When Jake's not with a train - no doubt a habit left over from Source Code - Jake has also been seen in other places and here with Naomi. Many thanks to BBMISwear, Mermon and Sasha for links and to Twitter!
Edward Douglas from ComingSoon has been reminiscing about chatting with Jake at a recent social occasion in NYC - the premiere for Take Shelter on 1 November. 'You just never who you might run into at these things. At a party for Take Shelter star Michael Shannon, I chatted with Jake Gyllenhaal. Jake wasn't out and about gladhanding or looking for a gig but was between movies relaxing and wanted to check out what he may have heard was a cool movie. We got to chat with him about some of the movies we've both seen and liked this year, including our diverging opinions on Almodovar's The Skin I Live In. (Gyllenhaal's admiration for the film was enough to convince us to watch it again and give it another chance.)'
Includes photos from links and IHJ.
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Jessica Biel,
Michael Shannon,
Take Shelter,
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Jake Gyllenhaal goes in to stealth mode, Maggie is 34 today! And a WDW Interlude...
It appears that Jake Gyllenhaal has gone undercover - despite the briefest of glimpses of Jake darting in and out of shops, cafes and trains (often identifiable by beard, backpack, hotness - not necessarily in that order), it has become clear that Jake has now fully adapted to life in the Big Apple. Almost like a figure from myth and legend, Jake Gyllenhaal uses his finely honed urban skills to appear as a glimpse in the corners of a person's eye, or to pop up in the shadows of coffee bars and then he is gone...camouflaged perfectly in to the city environment. Not since those sightings of a Jake Gyllenhaal-esque Sasquatch in the woods around Los Angeles, has he been quite so well blended.
The picture above is a new image from the Edible Schoolyard Fall Harvest Dinner back in October, thanks to IHJ.
Despite the reappearance this week of Jake's recipe for two-inch metaballs (first analysed - and amended - on WDW back in June 2010), the man himself is nowhere to be seen. However, this may be because he is on cakemaking duties for Maggie who today turns 34. If she and Peter are still in Italy then no doubt Jake has his hands full making papier mache dinosaurs with his niece. Nevertheless, happy birthday Maggie!
WDW Interlude
Although I am not able to bring you a new picture of Jake today, I can bring you a new picture of what I'm sure you'll agree is the next best thing - a couple of giraffes. These were snapped at the Cotswold Wildlife Park last week, a visit that was slightly overshadowed by a tapir jetspraying Mr WDW with pee.
Mr WDW was also under attack by a bunch of ducks during our beautiful autumnal walk by the canal last Sunday. Apparently, bread crumbs aren't as tasty as shoelaces.
I did come across another hero of mine - Han Solo - who was trapped in the wall of a new pizza restaurant in Oxford. For a full account of our visit, do take a look at Conojito's blog report on Excuses and Half Truths.
The picture above is a new image from the Edible Schoolyard Fall Harvest Dinner back in October, thanks to IHJ.
Despite the reappearance this week of Jake's recipe for two-inch metaballs (first analysed - and amended - on WDW back in June 2010), the man himself is nowhere to be seen. However, this may be because he is on cakemaking duties for Maggie who today turns 34. If she and Peter are still in Italy then no doubt Jake has his hands full making papier mache dinosaurs with his niece. Nevertheless, happy birthday Maggie!
WDW Interlude
Although I am not able to bring you a new picture of Jake today, I can bring you a new picture of what I'm sure you'll agree is the next best thing - a couple of giraffes. These were snapped at the Cotswold Wildlife Park last week, a visit that was slightly overshadowed by a tapir jetspraying Mr WDW with pee.
Mr WDW was also under attack by a bunch of ducks during our beautiful autumnal walk by the canal last Sunday. Apparently, bread crumbs aren't as tasty as shoelaces.
I did come across another hero of mine - Han Solo - who was trapped in the wall of a new pizza restaurant in Oxford. For a full account of our visit, do take a look at Conojito's blog report on Excuses and Half Truths.
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Jake Gyllenhaal babysits!
Never mind the parties, the premieres and the restaurants, on Saturday, 12 November, Jake Gyllenhaal was photographed out and about in NYC with one of his favourite ladies, Ramona GyllenGaard. It looked like both Jake and his mother Naomi were there to entertain multiwheeled Ramona. Many thanks to IHJ for the pics, there are more there.
Maggie and Peter are still in Italy. On Thursday they were photographed at the opening of the Armani Hotel Milano, with Maggie wearing a beautiful dress that will do nothing to disperse the rather lovely rumours that Ramona may well have a sibling on the way. Source.
PS Doesn't Peter look wonderful?!
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Maggie Gyllenhaal,
Friday, 11 November 2011
Jake Gyllenhaal spotted more often than not in NYC
A cursory glance at Twitter today reveals that Jake Gyllenhaal has been seen in three out of every seven shops in NYC by eight out of every ten people. A good three out of every three meals were eaten out.
This morning there was this: 'breakfast with jake gyllenhall at bubbys. okay, he was across the room but we were both eating breakfast'. I think you'll agree from the website that this is a fine place for breakfast although it is mostly known for its pies, I believe. Jake was also spotted in my least favourite type of shopping establishment: 'Standing next to Jake Gyllenhall while he tries on shoes like yeaahh'. At one point Jake was spotted in a cunning disguise: 'Saw Jake Gyllenhaal trying so hard to look like Jake Gyllenhaal that even tourists were like "Okay, yes, I notice you, Jake Gyllenhaal."
My review of The Help is now up at MovieBrit.
This morning there was this: 'breakfast with jake gyllenhall at bubbys. okay, he was across the room but we were both eating breakfast'. I think you'll agree from the website that this is a fine place for breakfast although it is mostly known for its pies, I believe. Jake was also spotted in my least favourite type of shopping establishment: 'Standing next to Jake Gyllenhall while he tries on shoes like yeaahh'. At one point Jake was spotted in a cunning disguise: 'Saw Jake Gyllenhaal trying so hard to look like Jake Gyllenhaal that even tourists were like "Okay, yes, I notice you, Jake Gyllenhaal."
Last night, tweets put Jake at the after party for the Victoria's Secret fashion show, along with Adam Levine. This morning there were more reports from the event, which revealed that Jake was warmly dressed for the event in a woolly hat.
Also sizing up the models was Jake Gyllenhaal, dressed down and almost incognito in a wool hat and sweat shirt, who “chatted up [Brazilian model] Izabel Goulart for 30 minutes,” the spy said. “Security wouldn’t let anyone take pictures of them together. He had his hand on the small of her back and she leaned into his ear to talk.”
Personally speaking, I would have thought it obligatory to try and chat up the models and movie stars at an after party following a fashion show for underwear. And then there are the canopes... More to the point, could this mean the Return of the Beanie?
Includes pictures from IHJ.
My review of The Help is now up at MovieBrit.
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Jake Gyllenhaal to go 'Way, Way Back'?
It's always a good day when we have rumours and speculation about The Next Job. Today, thanks to Variety, we hear that Jake Gyllenhaal is in talks with assistant director turned producer Kevin Walsh to star in 'coming of age' drama 'The Way, Way Back'.
Details are scarce but when the screenplay of what was then just 'The Way Back' first grabbed attention back in 2007, Variety described the plot as follows:
One wonders if Jake's work with youngsters in urban gardens, in schools and in remand centres is influencing Jake's script choices.
This is another of those projects that has done the rounds and who knows how it might end up - and when - but just the words 'in talks' are enough to brighten my day.
Please note that the pictures in this post is the best I can do when the post calls for Jake In A Water Park photos (thanks to IHJ).
Thanks to BBMISwear for the heads up!
Details are scarce but when the screenplay of what was then just 'The Way Back' first grabbed attention back in 2007, Variety described the plot as follows:
'Rash and Faxon's script tells the poignant story of a teenage boy who comes into his own over the course of one summer though an unlikely friendship with the man in charge of a local water park. The boy is able to reconnect with his mom and find the courage to stand up to his bullying stepfather.'
One wonders if Jake's work with youngsters in urban gardens, in schools and in remand centres is influencing Jake's script choices.
This is another of those projects that has done the rounds and who knows how it might end up - and when - but just the words 'in talks' are enough to brighten my day.
Please note that the pictures in this post is the best I can do when the post calls for Jake In A Water Park photos (thanks to IHJ).
Thanks to BBMISwear for the heads up!
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Kevin Walsh,
The Way Way Back,
Monday, 7 November 2011
Jake Gyllenhaal chose Bear Grylls above Gordon Ramsey and Soul Cycle more popular than ever!
Jake Gyllenhaal is in the news today. Bear Grylls has been talking about making Jake balance precariously above a precipice, revealing that it could have been so different. It could have been a cookery show instead. “He was joking about what it was
like being famous. He said ‘it’s great, if I ever needed
something, I’ll ring up my friend Gordon Ramsey. Or if get lost in
the wild, I’ll ring up Bear’,” he says, adding
that even though he didn’t personally know Jake, he sent him an
email inviting him to travel with him. “He just went ‘yes, that
would be fun’.”
Jake has been keeping up with his mission to work through the restaurants of NYC though, this time with his mum. Nice shirt!
Includes pictures from IHJ.
“When I’m on your own, I don’t
need to double check a knot. But when suddenly I have Jake Gyllenhaal
hanging off it, I have to triple check it before letting him commit
to it,” he says. The exploration expert travelled to
Iceland with Jake, apart from touring New Zealand and Borneo.
Recalling some of the toughest situations that he and the actor
wriggled out of, he adds, “We were 5,000 feet high, when we hit
hurricane winds moving at 160 kph. The other was crossing a huge
gorge, which had a 150-foot drop. We had to balance on top of this
and pull ourselves along. Jake was really nervous. He’s pretty
scared of heights.”
With no format preparation, the two
headed out into the wilderness few months ago. “I always say ‘just
trust me and we’ll be okay’. But with Jake, it was definitely one
of the worst conditions I’ve ever had on my own. He really got
thrown in at the deep end, but I thought that he would love that;
he’d never been there. And it made sense to both of our schedules,”
says Grylls. The episode featuring Jake airs on Wednesday at 9 pm on
Discovery Channel.
The GyllenFactor has been having a great impact on the fitness levels of the citizens of NYC. Jake's appearances at Soul Cycle have caused such a stir that there are so many people going now that there isn't room for Jake! He’s always there,” a source said. “And he gets a lot of female attention.” This Friday, though, they were on their own. Where next will exercising Jake strike?
Jake has been keeping up with his mission to work through the restaurants of NYC though, this time with his mum. Nice shirt!
Includes pictures from IHJ.
Bear Grylls,
Gordon Ramsey,
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Man vs Wild,
Friday, 4 November 2011
Breakfast with Jake Gyllenhaal in NYC, 2 November
On 2 November, Jake Gyllenhaal took his bag and his finely coiffed taches (it is Movember after all) to Cafe Cluny in NYC for breakfast. He also managed to fit in another GyllenHug.
Personally speaking, I find that breakfast is the meal that divides and defines nations. Here in Blighty, if eating out, we do like our English Breakfast - whether the veggie version or the full fat bacon and sausage option. In much of the rest of Europe, the Continental Breakfast holds sway. In the US you seem to get a little bit of the best of all worlds with maple syrup on the top. One of the best things about living in a metropolis like London, Paris or NYC is that you can take your pick and mix it up. Jake seems to like that.
Many thanks to IHJ for the new pictures - there are more there.
My review of In Time is now up on MovieBrit.
Personally speaking, I find that breakfast is the meal that divides and defines nations. Here in Blighty, if eating out, we do like our English Breakfast - whether the veggie version or the full fat bacon and sausage option. In much of the rest of Europe, the Continental Breakfast holds sway. In the US you seem to get a little bit of the best of all worlds with maple syrup on the top. One of the best things about living in a metropolis like London, Paris or NYC is that you can take your pick and mix it up. Jake seems to like that.
Many thanks to IHJ for the new pictures - there are more there.
My review of In Time is now up on MovieBrit.
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Jake Gyllenhaal with Michael Shannon (and an awful lot of wine) at a Take Shelter screening in NYC
Continuing his project to support the film industry, and his friends in the film industry, Jake Gyllenhaal yesterday attended a screening of Take Shelter at the 57th Street Screening Room in NYC. Jake was photographed alongside the star of this dark, psychological drama, Michael Shannon. Please note how I'm not mentioning all those bottles of wine.
I'm delighted to say that there was a GyllenHug. Many thanks to IHJ for the lovely new pics.
You might note from these pictures that Jake's Face Pet is looking extremely well coiffed and the taches in particular look like they might have undergone some twirling. I wasn't surprised, therefore, to learn that Jake has been attending a fine barbers in NYC, Franks Chop Shop. The evidence, as they say, is in the pudding. Looking good, Jake!
Thanks to BBMISwear for the headsup on the tweet!
I'm delighted to say that there was a GyllenHug. Many thanks to IHJ for the lovely new pics.
You might note from these pictures that Jake's Face Pet is looking extremely well coiffed and the taches in particular look like they might have undergone some twirling. I wasn't surprised, therefore, to learn that Jake has been attending a fine barbers in NYC, Franks Chop Shop. The evidence, as they say, is in the pudding. Looking good, Jake!
Thanks to BBMISwear for the headsup on the tweet!
Face Pet,
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Michael Shannon,
Take Shelter
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Jake Gyllenhaal on washing lettuce and watching things grow
It's always a good day when we have a new interview with Jake Gyllenhaal and today is one of those days. He's not talking about movies, instead it's that ever favourite subject of food. Chic Report talks to Jake (and swoons a little) about his two-year association with Edible Schoolyard and his love of grub and certain vegetables. Jake also mentions his farmer friend in Martha's Vineyard. Having eaten one of his tomatoes (and actually bought the t-shirt), I can vouch for the quality of his greens (and reds).
Personally, I'm not a big fan of washing lettuce. However, after Jake's recent comments about making Kale Pizzas with schoolkids, there is more mention of this enigmatic green here.
Pictures from the Global Green event back in February 2009 from IHJ. Thanks to Mrs JG for the heads up!
I was raised in Los Angeles, but I spent my summers, since I was born, in Martha's Vineyard. My best friend, since we were little kids, lives there, and he's a farmer. His whole family farms. I know it might seem odd, but it's what I love more than anything. Being in gardens have been some of the most wonderful times of my life. Washing lettuce and watching things grow...you feel connected to the world. You'd be hard-pressed to find anything that connects you to the universe in the same way that planting a seed does.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of washing lettuce. However, after Jake's recent comments about making Kale Pizzas with schoolkids, there is more mention of this enigmatic green here.
I'd say right now, after an extensive search over the years and living the wonderful life that I've had so far, and after tasting many, many vegetables...cavolo nero. It's like a really soft kale. You can eat it any form: cooked, raw...Do take a look at the rest of the interview. I can't wait for the next one.
Pictures from the Global Green event back in February 2009 from IHJ. Thanks to Mrs JG for the heads up!
Edible Schoolyard,
Jake Gyllenhaal
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Donnie Darko - not just for Halloween
It is possible that many of you are suffering from that post Halloween Sugar Rush that is known to afflict a large proportion of the earth's seven billion inhabitants on 1 November. If so, relax, put your feet up, extract those vampire fangs, wash off the tomato ketchup, unwind the mummy bandages and appreciate the archetypal Halloween Hero, Donnie Darko.
In this article, Moviefone presents the top 25 things you may not know about Donnie Darko. Admittedly, we may know more than your usual Donnie Darko observer, but even so, there is much to learn from here. It also goes to show that DD is not just a superb movie because of its acting, script and execution, but also because of all those little circumstances that, through some fate and destiny, conspired together to bring about one of the most memorable and debated about movies of the last 50 years. Or longer.
Ten years on, it's still being discussed and puzzled over.
Of course, some people (naming no names but here's a link) don't get it at all.
Talking of Halloween, there's a rather spooky sounding tweet from today:
And finally...
I wanted to post this new old video from the European premiere of The Dark Night in London because this event brings back some memories and I was there with other WDW readers. It is quite possible that one or more of us may be spotted!
In this article, Moviefone presents the top 25 things you may not know about Donnie Darko. Admittedly, we may know more than your usual Donnie Darko observer, but even so, there is much to learn from here. It also goes to show that DD is not just a superb movie because of its acting, script and execution, but also because of all those little circumstances that, through some fate and destiny, conspired together to bring about one of the most memorable and debated about movies of the last 50 years. Or longer.
Ten years on, it's still being discussed and puzzled over.
Of course, some people (naming no names but here's a link) don't get it at all.
Talking of Halloween, there's a rather spooky sounding tweet from today:
'Jake Gyllenhaal was in my soul cycle class!'I don't know about you, but my mind is boggled.
And finally...
I wanted to post this new old video from the European premiere of The Dark Night in London because this event brings back some memories and I was there with other WDW readers. It is quite possible that one or more of us may be spotted!
Donnie Darko,
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Maggie Gyllenhaal,
The Dark Knight
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