Jake Gyllenhaal was in New York City yesterday, ostensibly to do a shoot for GQ. The real reason was so that he could be photographed with every single person in and around Time Square. Not surprisingly, there was a Jake Scrum in the streets and a lot of excitement on Twitter, with pics here and here. No doubt, this GQ will coincide with Prince of Persia, as can be seen with Gemma Arterton's own GQ release. Jake looks like he'll be a little bit more wrapped up in his... Source Code director Duncan Jones, meanwhile, celebrated at a pre-shoot party.

Looking great, Jake! Here is just one of the tweets: 'Just saw Jake Gyllenhall in Times Square. Mob scene. But he is a good looking man!!' And another fun picture.

Updated to add another couple of great pictures from yesterday from here showing how Jake may have been aware he might have to get up to Montreal at some point...

Disney has released some more beautiful stills from Prince of Persia (here via IHJ), giving us another look at Clothes Line Jake.

We have another account of Love and Other Drugs from an early screening. We are promised (by an Anne Hathaway enthusiast) 'significant deep-down feeling plus some heavy love scenes with ample nudity'.

'It's pretty ambitious story about the mid '90s Viagra boom and selling pharmaceuticals for Phizer. Hathaway, Hank Azaria. Oliver Platt plays Gyllenhaal's mentor, and it's probably the best role he's ever had, and perhaps his best performance. He teaches Gyllenhaal the ropes, and he has a really great speech toward the end. The story line, which is basically about Gylenhaal becoming a pharma salesman, is fairly complex. George Segal and Jill Clayburgh play his parents. Josh Gad is the fat younger brother -- the Jonah Hill character.'

The reviewer doesn't have eyes for much else than Anne Hathaway but he does mention: 'There's some lame orgy in the middle of it with Jakes accidentally overdosing on Viagra...girls at a party make him swallow too much of it, and he won't go down, resulting in priapism.' 'Lame'? LAME???
Pictures from links.