Jake Gyllenhaal is featured in the LA Times today: "I actually jump out of a window and land on the back of my horse, just like in the old movie, Zorro-style". Jake has a few words to say about the Prince of Persia 'general', Mike Newell, who directs with his own inimitable, British way of doing things. '"He's a big, robust guy; he's really a general, like how you imagine a D.W. Griffith might carry himself on the set," Gyllenhaal said. "He would use a bullhorn if you handed him one. He's got this bellowing, old-school British accent — you hear him from behind the camera, 'That's smashing, Jake, smashing. Well done, my boy.' You're not living in 'The Sheltering Sky,' but it's easy to pretend you were in this old British Empire moment."'

Bearing in mind that I live in a town where May Day is heralded in each year by people wearing full evening dress chucking themselves off medieval bridges at dawn into the Thames (renamed Isis here) while choirs sing in towers (followed by a boozy breakfast down the pub at 6.30am), I've got to say these 'old British Empire moments' are not quite as fleeting as Jake might expect. I suddenly realise that I say 'smashing' a lot...
Back to the article... Mike Newell on Jake: "He puts a human heart in the middle of a movie that will absolutely need one to connect with the audience."

Jake repeats one of his well-known tailor images: "I grew up with filmmakers and I consider myself a filmmaker, sort of, but as an actor taking on a role I know that I'm just a piece of a situation. What I mean by that is you become part of the story that will be up there on the screen and that makes you want to try a really wide variety of situations. You try on a coat, you wear it for a while and you give it back. That's what acting is.... Sometimes as an actor you just want to try something on." More here.
The World of the Internet has been enjoying the recently released pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince Dastan without a shirt. Obviously, this enjoyment is based solely upon an appreciation of historical accuracy in Jake's reenactment of early medieval daring do. You can appreciate this once more below.
And so, you can imagine my disbelief at seeing an interview with Gemma Princess of Persia Arterton today in which, when asked whether she was a Daniel Craig or a Jake Gyllenhaal girl, she replied: 'Um, I'd probably say Daniel Craig. He's more rugged...'

Without ado, I consulted my dictionary: Rugged = 'Having a rough irregular surface;.. Having strong features marked with furrows or wrinkles;... Having a sturdy build or strong constitution;... Tempestuous;... Demanding great effort, ability, or endurance;... Lacking culture or polish; coarse and rude.' Jake indeed does not have the 'rugged face of the old sailor', not is he a 'rugged trapper' with a ribald wit. If Gemma wants someone who is the epitome of 'the rugged weather of the North Atlantic', then that's fine by me...
It's great to see two new videos today from WonderfulCon! Lots of Jake and Jerry and I am so ready to see this film!
Includes pictures from links, Disney and IHJ.